15 Mar 2018, 18:21

@barbudreadmon Overclock works fine with new pi 3 B+ (i tested it briefly this afternoon with raspbian). I managed to achieve a 200 Mhz b*mp (from stock 1.4 Ghz to 1.6Ghz) without any problem on all of the 10 unit we got for test in the lab where i work. Idle temperature at 1.4Ghz is somewhere around 56-58 celsius and it climbs up to 68-70 once overclocked @1.6Ghz (which turns out to be closer to 78 degrees once a few stress tests are executed). Much better than the results i got with the original Pi 3 with copper heatsink when overclocked from 1.2 to 1.5 (which was slightly above 80 Celsius at times hence provoking random freezes).
I'll try to do some more tests if i got spare time during the next few days trying to get close to 1.7 Ghz if possible (but as far as 1.6 gets me close to 80 degrees i'm afraid pushing more will end up in random freezes)