10 Jan 2018, 16:11

First off, LOVE Recalbox. It's everything Retropie should have been. Anyone looking to try their hand at a RPI3 retro console build, i'd recommend Recalbox first. Retropie is for the advanced enthusiast that doesn't mind sitting down and putting countless hours into customizing their build, screwing with command lines and stuff, etc . But for everyone else that just wants a convenient and decent looking/working set-up out of the box and start gaming ASAP, Recalbox is the way to go.

Gushing aside, i ran into a problem recently when finally trying to Scrape artwork for all my stuff--- It takes FOREVER and a day. Recently i had to be out of town for about a week and just decided to set it to Scrape and left. I came back four days later and only saw about 22% artwork for my stuff, particularly MAME done. Yikes. Is there an easier way to do this? Like a program for the PC that can do the same thing. Or am i limited to Recalbox's in-menu Art Scraper?