@Eric-Chin as far as i remember : iso, cso and pbp i think
Recalbox PSP game menu
Hi, I'm newbie ,
I just install recalbox v4.0.1 , i wondering why i can't find the PSP game selection menu in my system .
Can someone show me how to enable this option? any step? bios installation ? -
PSP only in recalbox 4.1 unstable.
https://www.recalbox.com/blog/fr/post/blog-2017-02-19-rb4.1/ -
@Eric-Chin ppsspp is not available on 4.0.1 but 4.1
@acris OK Thanks
@Substring Thanks ya, by the way , may i know what is the PSP rom file extension ?
@Eric-Chin as far as i remember : iso, cso and pbp i think
@Substring hi, i jz upgrade my recalbox to v4.1 unstable;
i found that there are no sound after this upgrade, may i know what is happening?
anything that i need to configure? -
@Eric-Chin are you using a ps4 controller?
@Eric-Chin there is a known bug where you have to cycle through audio devices in ES to bring back sound. This was internally solved and will be published with 4.1 stable
in case : https://github.com/recalbox/recalbox-os/wiki/PS4-controllers-blacklist-audio-(EN)italicised text