@Substring i thinks that is the best solution. Do you know a source which explains all parameter of hdmi_timings?
Recalbox RGB/Scart Output kein Bild
So this is my full config.txt
#uncomment if you get no picture on HDMI for a default "safe" mode
#uncomment to force a specific HDMI mode (this will force VGA)
#hdmi_mode=1#comment to get jack audio
#force hdmi while the tv can take time before sending the signal on the hdmi output
#hdmi_force_hotplug=1#uncomment for composite PAL
#sdtv_mode=2#uncomment for lirc-rpi
#dtoverlay=lirc-rpi#if you plug your tv at the same time as your rpi and that the rpi switches from the hdmi or give a low resolution because tv had no enough time to initialize it
boot_delay=3#uncomment if you don't want the rainbow at startup
hdmi_timings=320 1 16 30 34 240 1 2 3 22 0 0 0 60 0 6400000 1 #240p -
@funkybunch I've already been told about the dpi24 overlay not working with recalboxfs ... I guess this could just be because of our "old" kernel, but can't tell for sure
But remove the
from yourhdmi_timings
line. Also just try usual CEA/DMT mode that should fit your monitor (but write dpi_mode and dpi_group instead of hdmi_mode and hdmi_group) -
@ian57 said in Recalbox RGB/Scart Output kein Bild:
@substring : Smallcab will perhaps lend me a Pi2scart module to make the support for recalbox. When arrived I will make some tests and write a mini howto for this module.
I look forward to hearing from you soon
@funkybunch have you read my answer ?
@Substring said in Recalbox RGB/Scart Output kein Bild:
@funkybunch have you read my answer ?
i'm pretty shure i tried this way yesterday without success but i'll try it later again.
@Substring now i made the update to 4.1 unstable before i change the settings for using with a CRT. Now it Works! i have to set the overscan correctly, but that's not a big deal.
When i finished, i can post the final config.txt
@funkybunch i'm not sure overscan will have the desired effect (something i must try), but porchs should do it
@Substring i thinks that is the best solution. Do you know a source which explains all parameter of hdmi_timings?
@funkybunch there is definitely none. It's all try'n'die. You'll just find the meaning of eachvalue, but their influence is very hard to explain.
What I can tell you is that playing on porchs moves the picture.
- if you want to move the screen to the left, increase the horizontal porch by one and decrease the back porch by one
- you can of course change this to move to the right
- playing on vertical porch moves the picture up and down.
Having a perfect full screen picture is almost impossible. Anyway that's siomething we're working on, but the result should come after 4.1 stable
@Substring it's annoying to set up (a setup tool with a test image, wich change the setting step by step would be nice. i've seen something on the pi2jamma distribution) but ok.
the picture is not really perfectthe more i try to optimize my settings the more i find projects with recalbox on crt's. so it would be really nice if recalbox get an easy setup for crt's in future (with version 4.2 or 4.3 eventually)
@funkybunch that's something we've been working really hard for months
i'm looking forward to a new beta.
if i were not a noob, i would gladly help. -
@funkybunch As I said, not ni 4.1, but later. I have to make sure the process can work easily on almost any CRT, and be as much as possible faithful to the original display/framerate. I can't just take someone's work (@ironic who is the man who made the big leap forward in CRT configuration) and add it. This topic is complex, and I have to make sure i understand everything so that i can give support once it's ready
There are 2 main topics regarding CRT (both are mainly in french :/), on that is more than 600 posts, and an other one regarding advancemame in 4.1. The advancemame configuration can be done rather easily, but it's arcade only.
@Substring That's the point. It have to work with every system and every config
When my system works correctly i only copy arcade roms on the recalbox instead of tekken 3 because the mame version doesn't work on the pi. So i have to use the PSX Version.
I think i have to learn french because "a l'ecole je ne l'ai pas beaucoup appris" and try to understand.
Thanks for the support with my hdmi_timings problem.
@funkybunch try first to understand the hdmi_timings line in your config.txt. What i'm doing on my own for now is simply testing neogeo as it almost has a single resolution. So it's very easy to test. But still, that's much (and very interesting) work
@Substring ok. i think i approximately understand the logic behind it. now i got a perfect output. a centered picture and the graphic quality is absolutely beautiful pixel by pixel.
One problem is, that Marvel vs Capcom for example is nearly a widescreen game. With 320x240 i can't get the full screen because the game got a resolution of 384x224pixels.
I've found a solution for that here but where i have to put the runcommand-onstart
and runcommand-onend scripts when i switch to retroarch? simply in the script folder?And last but not least my config.txt if anybody needs. the timings are perfect for a Sony Trinitron KV-21X5D (of course you have to make the correct settings in retroarch. so no scaling, turn off pixel perfect, custom aspect ratio, setting offset etc.)
#uncomment if you get no picture on HDMI for a default "safe" mode
#overscan_bottom=5#uncomment to force a specific HDMI mode (this will force VGA)
#hdmi_mode=1#comment to get jack audio
#force hdmi while the tv can take time before sending the signal on the hdmi output
#hdmi_force_hotplug=1#uncomment for composite PAL
#sdtv_mode=2#uncomment for lirc-rpi
#dtoverlay=lirc-rpi#if you plug your tv at the same time as your rpi and that the rpi switches from the hdmi or give a low resolution because tv had no enough time to initialize it
boot_delay=3#uncomment if you don't want the rainbow at startup
#NOOBS Auto-generated Settings:
hdmi_timings=320 1 10 30 47 240 1 4 3 15 0 0 0 60 0 6400000 1 -
such a configuration will lead to all games more or less stretched to 240p and cause some horieontal stretching, resulting in some columns that can be 2 pixels wide, sometimes 1 pixel wide ... this should be quite visible on horizontal scrolling ...
Regarding Marvel vs Capcom, you'd need to understand how its MAME driver (or FBA driver) is made. I guess it's a CPS2 game ? so you'd need to write a hdmi_timing on your own, or see what's been done so far. This is what we're working on. I have an untested modeline for CPS3 that could suit your needs, or you can check http://sommerp.net/doku.php?id=raspberry_pi_arcade
Then you can just add for testing in your recalbox.conf
fba_libretro.videomode=hdmi_timings 384 1 0 11 28 224 1 30 0 30 0 0 0 60 0 6400000 1
(fba_libretro being the system name) and then play around with porch to reach the result you'd want. So far recalbox has no mecanism yet to set a per system+game custom resolution, just a per system one -
@Substring oh yeah! That's so nice. Thank you very much! I've made global timings for a 1600x240 resolution and switch back to the regular resulution for displaying emulationstation. So I have to made separate retroarch configs for every core, but it works real nice. is not pixel perfect but without seeing any artifacts. I'm very, very happy and as a photographer I normally never really satisfied with image quality.
For every console game it's already perfect. The only thing is that some arcade titles got different resolutions and i have only core specific options. As you said recalbox have only settings per system and not per system+game. So i only have to make retroarch custom settings for each rom which has no standard resolution.
@funkybunch That is until recalbox handles a per game resolution. The question is really purely technical about the best way to add this ...
You could eventually give a go to advancemame by doing the commands i described in https://forum.recalbox.com/post/56641 :
- edit
and setdevice_video auto
(also setdevice_keyboard none
) - run
TERM=xterm advcfg -rc ~/configs/advancemame/advmame.rc.origin
and have fun with setting up your screen (kinda not really user friendly, but still, that's an easy way to do it) - last : change the default mame core to advancemame, and give some feedback
Edit :
Thanks to @ian57 who tried first :
To me, that's really the "easiest" way of setting up arcade CRT, despite not being perfect. The video configuration of advancemame is tricky, i'm not sure yet about all the consequences of trying to "perfectly" resize the picture in the screen, but i've had some interesting results. Games could not always be fullscreen, but i succeeded in running them at their original speed, sometimes a little scaled, but no tearing/artifacts (i can't say i tested that many roms ...) - edit
I added this screenshot so that you can see key combos to mode/shrink/expand the screen. The aim is to make it fit your screen, even if you loose 1 or 2 lines/columns.
and make sure you run advcfg at tthe same resolution you'd run mame !!! Which means : if you added a mame.videomode option in recalbox, you should run advcfv at the videomode, of course