Even you can use a similar style to the Kodi's default theme but with a Recalbox / EmulationStation look
[IDEA] Add a Recalbox theme for Kodi
Hi friends why not create a Kodi Recalbox theme based on the OSMC theme? I think that could be nice and will make Kodi look uniform with the rest of the system
Even you can use a similar style to the Kodi's default theme but with a Recalbox / EmulationStation look
If someone wants to work on this feature and share his work, he is welcome.
But we, the team recalbox, do not have the time and resources to take this point. -
is there resources somewhere on kodi theme creation?
@supernature2k Here is it:
thx very useful!!!
Now sorry to be lazy af but any base-theme that can be modded somewhere?
Default theme source code. Actually every skin can be changed -
@lackyluuk perfect
Thank to all of you for your amazing goodwill, generosity and desire to contribute, I apologyse because of my petition but I personally would love to see Recalbox 4.1 or a 4.0.1 with Kodi themed
By the way: is there a way to select an unique song from the Recalbox sounds? there is a nice song I wish to use
I took a look at the Kodi theme structure and it's huge...