Just curious as to what emulators would be added next?
Atari 5200?
More MAME choices?
Just curious as to what emulators would be added next?
Atari 5200?
More MAME choices?
Look for the changelog on github. Everything has always been public.
Some great changes coming for sure!
Thank you for pointing me to changelog, i also see a lot of good things coming.
Guess my emulators will have to wait.
How do you chose what emulators you want to include? Popularity? Ease of implementation? Licensing?
I'm not a developer, but I'd say time, interest, performance...
If external developers would make pull requests on GitHub to implement new ones, that's be great... but the project lacks A LOT external contributors, sadly.
Emulators must be, of course, open source and work under linux to even consider them.