Solved How to play systems that require more buttons than your controller.
Hey I have an 8 button SNES controler but what if I wanted to play a PSX game that requires the R2 and L2 buttons? OR if I wanted to play a N64 game.
Is there a way to create key combinations that act as those other buttons? Like a extra buttons hotkey?
@Christopher-'Dange'-Hornak off course not there's no way to do that
Christopher 'Dange' Hornak last edited by Christopher 'Dange' Hornak 4 Dec 2016, 22:00 4 Dec 2016, 21:59
@voljega seems like something that could be possible with button combinations. Like if if I press Y and B together it could act as R2.
Who does that? Please, just get a proper controller! Nobody tries to play SNES with a NES pad!
@Christopher-'Dange'-Hornak and how could you then press the same two buttons at once in a standard game ? (Sf2 on snes for example)
Anyway games aren't designed to be played like that and it's really a bad idea, esoecially given the low cost of controllers
The only fix I have found for this is by following this guide exactly
You can't, that's all. And there won't be any investigation on making pointless developments for some probably impossible key combos in various emulators
- 8 days later
Just use a PS3 Controller. Sixasis or Dualshock 3 work like a charm.