@seic said in PSX roms showing multiple same titles:
Cheers. I managed to get the original issues solved. However, how reliable is PSXPSP?
Cheers. had a look at that thread and the link mentioned doesn't work.
Also saw the part where it says it's been fixed 4.1 however I'm using 4.0 as 4.1 hasn't gone public yet has it?
@eb2016 edit the es_systems.cfg file and remove .bin and .BIN from the psx file types
@voljega where do I find that file? I searched for it on my flashdrive and it isn't coming up.
@eb2016 Read the wiki.
Convert your games to .pbp via psxpsp. Makes the games smaller, and you have just one file per game.
@seic said in PSX roms showing multiple same titles:
Cheers. I managed to get the original issues solved. However, how reliable is PSXPSP?
I converted all of my psx games to .pbp with PSX2PSP for the Pi and had no problems if the "core" material had none.
@seic said in PSX roms showing multiple same titles:
I converted all of my psx games to .pbp with PSX2PSP for the Pi and had no problems if the "core" material had none.
Are you running your PSX games through Recalbox?
Yes (rpi2) via the default psx emulator pcsx rearmed. He has no problems with .PBP . I run these games also on my Nvidia Shield TV which uses the android RetroaAch with the same pcsx rearmed core and there also no problems. PSX Mednafen Core I haven't tested so far.
Awesome! I'll give it a try this week and see how it goes. Thanks heaps for all your info on this!
@eb2016 we removed the display of .bin files in 4.1. that's all
@Substring 4.1 is still a while away from public release though?
@eb2016 4.0 is stable, so 4.1 will sooner or later be released as unstable for kamikazes, then hit the first beta stage once we feel it looks ok for masssive testings
@seic Had a play around with PSX2PSP. Works great! the files played fine on RecalBox.
One question, when you export your file, is there a setting where it'll automatically change the file name to be the the game name? i.e crashbandicoot.PBP instead of just EBOOT.PBP?
Sadly no. This tool is mainly for the PSP which uses the Eboots in named folders. You have to rename the Eboots manually.
@seic I thought that might be the case. All good though as it exports the folder titles nicely so I'll just do the old cut n paste.
@seic I gave PSX2PSP a go and it worked! Just wondering for multi disk games like Final Fantasy 7, is it best to combine all the separate disks into the one PBP file? I made them into 3 separate files for Final Fantasy (i.e disk1.PBP, disk2.php) But if I combine all the disks into the one file, will it run properly, be able to switch between disks and read save/memory card data properly? or should I keep each disk in its own separate file?
I don't know if it works if you separate them all. I combined all of my Multi Disc Games to one file and had no problems so far.
@seic Cool, I'll go back and re-compile them to be on the safe side.