Raspberry always switching to hdmi when startig emulation
Hi, I have a Raspberry Pi 3 and connected a 3,5" Car backup display to it over composite video. I managed to change the output in the noobs config menu that apears after starting the raspberry to use the composite video output instead of HDMI. Everything works great but everytime I try to start a game the screen changes to the loading screen and then gets completly black. After connecting my hdmi display I see the game playing hdmi display instead of on the composite display. Also after ending the game the recalbox menu stays on the hdmi and don't switch back to composite video. Is there a way to stop the raspberry changing the video output when starting an emulation? And by the way, when using composite, N64 games wont start at all it just goes black and then takes me back to the menu. But when using hdmi they are working. My HDMI monitor is 1920x1080px and the composite display 320x240px Thanks in advance!
try changing global.videomode to default reading https://github.com/recalbox/recalbox-os/wiki/Connect-your-recalbox-to-a-CRT-with-composite-(EN) wouldn't hurt
I started playing with Recalbox last night and I had the same issue. global.videomode is already set to default.
What else could it be?
@LoneSt4r please, read the link posted before if it applies to you, other open your own thread and refere to this one (again, if it applies). You need to provide enough information about your setup if you want some help.