Manual metadata disappears when games lists updated?
I decided to manually enter metadata for a few games that wouldn't scrape like Pac-Man, NBA Jam, F-Zero, it all good for one system with pics and info I manually entered from thegamedb and it stayed there until I did a games list update, then it disappeared, but it kept the custom names I entered (basically removing the region/revision), so I'm confused why it would keep that and discard everything else?
Anybody know why or how to avoid this?
What does it mean "I did a gamelist update?" Or better, how did you you it?
I think he means "Game Settings -> "Refresh Game list" in ES.
I don't know how to avoid this problem but you should report i on GitHub and for the future I recommend using the Universal XML Scraper by Screech. It finds ALL games, is faster and the results are waaay better, than the TheGamesDB results
@Nachtgarm said in Manual metadata disappears when games lists updated?:
I think he means "Game Settings -> "Refresh Game list" in ES.
I don't know how to avoid this problem but you should report i on GitHub and for the future I recommend using the Universal XML Scraper by Screech. It finds ALL games, is faster and the results are waaay better, than the TheGamesDB results
I took your suggestion to use Universal XML Scraper but I'm getting quite a few mismatches with images and games. I tried changing the api order but that only seems to make it worse. Any suggestions?
I'll add that the games are all verified against no-intro dat files. I am fine going through and manually fixing games, but I don't know how to get my own image to replace the incorrect one for the mixed artwork.
Hi @Matt-Bauler
Can you tell me an exemple of mismatch and your configuration ?
I'll check what's going wrong
For info, Universal XML Scraper 2 is comming
(Like winter
@Matt-Bauler you can always enter the database and see what's going on.
@Matt-Bauler How did you do your edits ? through recalbox ? editing yourself gamelist.xml ? If you edited the xml, you MUST turn off ES, otherwise your data will be wiped
@screech said in Manual metadata disappears when games lists updated?:
Hi @Matt-Bauler
Can you tell me an exemple of mismatch and your configuration ?
I'll check what's going wrong
For info, Universal XML Scraper 2 is comming
(Like winter
Just started out in NES games as a test and about 80% were correct. Some examples:
Addams Family, The (USA) = Baseball Sumulator 1.000
Advanced Dungeons & Dragons - DragonStrike (USA) = Karnov
Advanced Dungeons & Dragons - Heroes of the Lance (USA) = Kid Kool
Adventures of Lolo 2 (USA) = The Krion Conquest
Adventures of Lolo 3 (USA) = Krusty's Fun House.Checked the database:
Adventures of Lolo 2 (USA).nes
CRC: 862AB1E5Checked the game it was scraping instead and the CRC didn't match or sign of that I can see of why it would pull Thr Krion Conquest instead...
exactly what it expected in the database but scraped a completely different game? I used the default settings and the roms are all verified against no-intro's dat files. I even tried different reorderings of how it scrapes in the advanced settings and that just made it worse.
Also, how do I get the new xmls to stick in the system exactly once they are scraped with the program? I know you need root access and to stop emulationstation or something but don't know the exact way...