N64 games runs slow
Hi, at opening a N64 game, it runs slow, about 1/3 its real speed. My gear is this:
Raspberry Pi 3 model B
Recalbox 9.1
Micro SDXC U1 Class 10I've tested Mario Kart 64 and Star Wars Episode 1: Racer, in every available emulator, having similar results.
I want to know if there's some settings configuration to play the games at its original speed, or if is a hardware issue (although according of the Wiki entries, it could run)
Sorry for my not-so-good English, I'm Chilean xD
Greetings, and thank you in advance
did you tried different "cores"?
maybe the default one is not ideal for these two games -
@airdream yes, I've tried all emulators and cores for N64. and the ones which run the games, they run slow
This guy have tested Super Mario Kart 64 with recalbox 9.1 on a RPI3B+ without any problems
Is you power AC adapter is powerful enough?
Do you have some heating problems?
Or maybe your roms is the problem -
@airdream I've checked the video, and he has a Raspi3+, and I have a Raspi3, however I tried overclocking at maximum (1350 MHz vs 1450 MHz of the guy of the video) and Mario Kart improved its performance at almost full speed, but Star Wars Racer still slow. Sadly, I think it's a hardware issue.
My power adapter is 5V at 2.5A, and I don't have heating problems, even overclocking
it seem you did your best, but unfortunately the RPI3B have it limits, you reached it with N64 emulation. I dont know if a RPI3B+ or a RPI4 improve performance for these games, i guess it does... -
@Alberto-Kutran Your power adapter seams below recommended options, try to use a 3A (this is recommended for pi3/pi4, even more [recommended] when you overclock them !)
Use a Good Adapter (2.5A at least, 3A recommended)
Disable Rewind for all console
Use PAL roms (they are 50Hz/Fps)
Try Using mupen next (libretro)
Check my video
- 20 days later
- 14 days later
@KoCinsKy I would ensure that "rewind" is switched off, as this kills the performance on the newer consoles on Recalbox.
I do not even use it on my PC Recalbox setup.....