12 Mar 2023, 21:10

@toniosj said in [SOFT] dynquee: dynamic marquee for Recalbox:

I've followed your guide, I think that it's all OK, Screen is ON, but it doesn't show logos.

mpv --screen=2 --alpha=blend --loop media/system/zxspectrum.logo.png

I see logo on 2nd screen.

If you run that mpv command manually and it shows an image on your marquee screen, that probably means your screen layout is correct.

If nothing shows on the marquee screen after a reboot, check the following:

  1. Is dynquee running?
    Try ps -ef | grep dynq: if it's running, you should see python3 dynquee.py listed. If not, check your /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc & startup_pc.sh.

  2. Check the log file /recalbox/share/dynquee/logs/dynquee.debug.log
    Is dynquee trying to run the correct mpv command? You should see DEBUG _runCmd():423 cmd=['/usr/bin/mpv', '--screen=2', '--alpha=blend', '--loop', '/recalbox/share/dynquee/media/startup/startup01.png']

If that doesn't help, could you let me see a copy of these files (put them on pastebin and send me a link, or post them in a forum chat):

  • dynquee.ini
  • startup_pc.sh
  • logs/dynquee.debug.log
  • /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc
  • /etc/openbox/rc.xml