7 Mar 2023, 08:18

I'm building a bartop arcade machine based on Recalbox and I wanted to have a dynamic marquee which can change depending on which game system is selected and which game is being played.

As my Pi4 has dual HDMI outputs I wanted to drive the marquee from the second HDMI output.

dynquee (say "dinky") is the program I wrote to do that. It's a bit over-engineered for what it does, but it seems to be stable now so I've decided to release it in case others find it useful (it has been asked for a few times before; see e.g. 1 2 3 4).

For more info see the project page on github.

All comments / questions / criticism welcome.

dynquee startup
dynquee megadrive
dynquee arcade
dynquee ChaseHQ
dynquee Spectrum
dynquee SNES
dynquee Commodore 64