15 Mar 2016, 17:15

@tontonduson This time i'm gonna answer in english because scraping data when migrating from 3.3 to 4.0.0 could be of interst to anyone. Reminder : - gamelist.xml is now stored in the roms folder - when using known scraping tools (fullscrape or the internal scraper), cover arts are in the downloaded_images of the roms folder Now that is said, If you want to import your scraping data from 3.3 to 4.0, there are 2 steps : - find your downloaded images in your 3.3 SD, typically in /root/.emulationstation/downloaded_images/system, and, system by system, copy images to the formentionned downloaded_images folder - for the gamelist, if you want to import your 3.3 gamelist.xml, there is one step you have to do : convert all images path from /root/.emulationstation/downloaded_images/SYSTEM/myawesomecoerart.jpg to ./downloaded_images/myawesomecoerart.jpg Once you did this for every system, you should be done. If you ever used fullscrape.sh before, check the topic, it's now compatible with 4.0.0