Problem with second USB zero delay encoder connection
I should have added, I also this morning downloaded a fresh install of bare Recalbox 7.2.2 from the Recalbox site and I still have the same issues. I was hoping it was maybe the games image I was using that was at fault, but I am having the same problems with the fresh Recalbox download.
I noticed when working at the system today, that the 2nd usb encoder is not recognised at all by ES. I wonder is the conflict because the system cannot distinguish between the 2 controllers as both are named the same? Previously they showed at Dragonrise controller and Dragonrise Controller no2. Now the second controller is not being picked up at all?
Zing, I downloaded the image. I actually have two images for Recalbox, one is a 32gb and the other a 512gb
Distributing/selling Recalbox already mounted is illegal and we do not support this type of image. Only those who created this type of image know what they did.
downloaded a fresh install of bare Recalbox 7.2.2 from the Recalbox site
This is the right way, use the latest official version as a base, otherwise all our effort is useless.
Have you seen the documentation for your control type? you tried to connect the 2 joysticks but configure only player 1? I know there are some types of boards that this is the correct configuration, I don't know if this is your case.
Hi @Paiuli363,
Can you list all the equipment plugged in USB on your device ?
Did you tried to unplug all, except the first controller ? And then tried to plug the second, etc ?
hi I'm experiencing the same problem with dragonrise usb encoders. I bought a set of 2 joysticks with 1 encoder each. I can plug player 1 or player 2 seperately and they both work fine. As soon as I plug both in, the pi starts to slow down everything becomes j**ky and unsuable. I did notice that both encoders have the same joystick ID 0 GUID etc.
I have configured only player 1 with all the same button configuration.I too have the red led on the boards start to flash when I plug both in.
All I found are old forum posts from 2016 -2017 which I think are too old to even concider.Raspi 4 8gb ram + Recalbox v8.0 fresh install.
@Paiuli363 have you found the problem?
I've read a post that seems to fix this problem in a retropie system. there a recalbox equivalent of cmdline.txt (I know it exists in /boot but seems to be different then retropi system)
I'm trying to input usbhid.quirks=0x<idVendor>:0x<idProduct>:0x00000400 at the right place for a recalbox. -
See if this helps:ème-pad-arcade/13 -
@zing no that didn't help, I even tried a factory reset and still nothing. It's almost as if theres something with emulation station because when I'm in an emulator the lights stop flashing on the encoders.
Jumping in here because I'm encountring the same issue
So, I switched from Retropie today but I'm having a huge hiccup.
I run my Raspberry Pi 4 with 2 DragonRise encoders. The Pie 4 HATES them and always causes issues. Back on RetroPie I just edit the /boot/config.txt and add the following:
This used to do the trick and never had any issues after adding the line.
Now with Recalbox I noticed the same issue I had with RetroPie so I added the line to /boot/config.txt, sadly that didn't fix it.
The issue to be exact is when booting Recalbox, I notice a stutter every second during the boot animation. After it boots successfully, the UI is just frozen with a stuck notification on the top right that still hasn't reached the top stating that the controller is unplugged. -
@bandar said in Problem with second USB zero delay encoder connection:
Jumping in here because I'm encountring the same issue
So, I switched from Retropie today but I'm having a huge hiccup.
I run my Raspberry Pi 4 with 2 DragonRise encoders. The Pie 4 HATES them and always causes issues. Back on RetroPie I just edit the /boot/config.txt and add the following:
This used to do the trick and never had any issues after adding the line.
Now with Recalbox I noticed the same issue I had with RetroPie so I added the line to /boot/config.txt, sadly that didn't fix it.
The issue to be exact is when booting Recalbox, I notice a stutter every second during the boot animation. After it boots successfully, the UI is just frozen with a stuck notification on the top right that still hasn't reached the top stating that the controller is unplugged.Adding to that, I noticed a new weird behavior. After a minute or two, Recalbox restarts and both controllers work fine. Sometimes it takes over 5 minutes.
Moreover, If one encoder is connected I don't have any issues. -
I confirm that adding the line usbhid.quirks=0x0079:0x0006:0x00000400 (for EG starts) to a Retropie build fixes the issue. I also bought a 2nd kit of joystick with Dragonrise encoder but the one from SJ@JX seems to be 2 diffrent firmwares so they both show up in controller config seperately. So 1 encoder from EG Starts and 1 from SJ@JX work in retropie. Sadly after going through the entire install process I dont feel like trying this on Recalbox for now. I'll update if I ever do try it.
@zing I don't see how any of the links relate to this issue but I digress.
Both encoders are wired the same way and the issue is clearly has something to do with Recalbox not being able to handle two controllers that share the same vendor and product id. -
@bandar OK, so please open an issue on gitlab, reference this topic and describe the problem with as much information as possible: -
@merlindo-gaming does this just get pasted in the config.txt?
I have the same issue
Not much to offer, except to say I'm having the same issue. I just setup a Pi 4 with a base recalbox image. Everything is fine with 1 controller. I've even been able to get 2 controllers to work. I'm trying to expand it to 4 controllers now and its just a nightmare.
I find after a few reboots, I may get lucky and they will all work. But usually they don't. I do notice on bootup, I get many notices that a dragonrise controller has been installed. This happens on each bootup. Not sure if thats normal, should the controllers be installed each time on bootup? As mentioned earlier I feel there is conflict with how these controllers are named and being detected.
Another thing, when they do work, the player positioning is never constant. For my four player control deck, second position may be first player one time, then after a reboot another position is first player.
I edited the config text file with the usbhid.quirks entry, no luck.
@topsirloin same issue here. I have heard that the usb ports is the problem. One time you boot, player 1 controller is joystick 1, and other times is joystick 2. Very annoying.
I gave up and dont know the solution.