Dragonrise USB controller flip up/down and left/right
Hi, I'm having some strange behavior after setting up Recalbox with Sanwa Joysticks and Dragonrise USB controllers and cannot figure it out. I'm following the instructions from Arcade1UP Raspberry Pi Install Tutorial.
I'm 100% sure the USB controllers are wired the same. After configuring Joysitck+buttons for player 1 and 2 the up/down and left/right work correctly in the menus. The strange part is after I launch a game (fba_libretro or psx) the last controller I configured has left/right swapped and up/down swapped. They stay this way after exiting. Again, reconfigure and all works. Launch game and the last player configured has only the joystick swapped.
I have found two posts that kind of match my issue here and here. Changing recalbox.conf to "global.inputdriver=sdl2" did not help. I'm tech savvy and comfortable in linux. Here is recalbox-support output file. Many Thanks
So I had this exact same problem with the exact same controller. Mine was simply a jackass mistake where I mounted one joystick backwards. It would work fine in menu, then after a restart or in game one would be backwards. Not sure how the systems applies the settings.
Either way, double triple check you didn't misplace the wires on the USB controller or mount your stick backwards. If I had to guess... Good luck!
@kaplock Check that your wiring is correct : remember when you go left it is the the right switch of the joystick which is activated, if you go up, he down one.
@glook Thanks for the diagrams. Mine came with no papers at all and I followed the joystick orientation from the video (obviously wrong). My wiring was correct, but one joystick was mounted upside down. Knowing the joystick connector is "down" I could see which joystick was mounted wrong. It was strange it was always flipping the last configured joystick. All is working now