14 Dec 2021, 21:18

Hi, I wanted to experiment with RECALBOX 8 for RGB use (arcade monitor)
to see the situation of a raspberry 4, replacing a Rasp 3, which however works perfectly (within the emulation limits) with a lot of RGB programs ...
crt-evo, RGB-pi ... for example
as interface it uses a JAMMA-PI, similar to RGB-PI ...
at the video level no problem.
at the input level, on the other hand, practically RECALBOX 8 only works with ps3 or xbox360 pads. after USB connection ...
UNFORTUNATELY RECALBOX does not work with the GPIO inputs, where the JAMMA-PI (or RGB-PI) is connected where there are practically the MCP23017 controllers ....
chips present in many input cards, with zero delay ...
I tried to check the RECALBOX.CONF system file, I activated the GPIO controller ....
but on reboot not only does no input work, but the screen remains BLACK, although everything still works underneath ...

so I am forced to disable the GPIO from recalbox.conf, reboot, so it works but only with the PAD (ps3) ....

here the problem seems to be totally missing the MCP23017 drivers
and unfortunately without using the GPIO inputs this image is perfectly useless for MAMECAB use .... with CRT monitor obviously.
as it is not possible to use the arcade jamma controls ...

at this point I ask here if anyone is aware of this problem, if there is any solution, if the devs are aware and can be solved!
thank you