5 Oct 2021, 13:42

@akkeoss said in New Hypseus with overlays and Singe support:

Hello @DirtBagXon
I would need a little help setting up the hyinput.ini file
Currently I am using a dolphinbar and I am in mode 2. I cannot find the key decimal values โ€‹โ€‹for 2 keys. The home key and the plus of the wiimote. I would like to configure the home key (windows according to the doc) to exit the emulator. And the plus key (enter) to start. Can you help me ? Thank you in advance.

These are SDL2 scancodes, so would come from here: https://wiki.libsdl.org/SDL_Keycode

Which is conveniently down at the time of looking. ๐Ÿ˜ž

I have a local copy here: https://github.com/DirtBagXon/hypseus-singe/blob/master/doc/keylist.txt

Return/Enter = SDLK_RETURN = 13

So you can use either MACRO or the decimal 13 here.

The Windows Key (Home) appears to be SDLK_LGUI in SDL2.

The decimal value for this is: 1073742051

I will add this key MACRO so you will be able to use SDLK_LGUI in the next release, but for the moment use the decimal: 1073742051