Composite not working on 7.2
I notice in pi4 documentation the need of turn the CRT-OUT on with enable_tvout=1 , based on it my configuration there are some lines on /boot/recalbox-user-config.txthdmi_force_hotplug=0 hdmi_ignore_hotplug=1 enable_tvout=1 sdtv_mode=0 disable_overscan=1 sdtv_aspect=1 sdtv_aspect=3:4 global.videomode=default
ref :
But it is not working on 7.2.1.
Note: the same sets using PIOS works as expected ( it means no hardware or cable problem).What is wrong guys ?
:- Find
and change to
:sdtv_mode=2 hdmi_force_hotplug=0 hdmi_ignore_hotplug=1
Sorry, I don't have Rpi4 and I can't test it, but if the other users just edited these parameters and it worked, the most logical thing is for you to test it by doing exactly the same thing and only if it doesn't work ask for help...
You should leave all other parameters as they were before and edit exactly what other users suggested... - Find
I've tried all the settings you've given me and I still get the same result. I even enabled the rainbow splash to see if the Pi was outputting something and I get the splash but no recallbox. Btw I'm on a Pi4. Thanx.
Hi, not sure it works on PI4.
What i see is that you forgot the new option for pi4 inconfig.txt
Edit: yes you added it
I'm struggling on crt with pi4 right now, and i'm not sure it will work even with this option.
must be inrecalbox.conf
btwAre you sure you have the right cable ?
@digitalumberjack I do have the right cable. It worked with version 7.1 no problem. But since 7.2 nothing I do seems to work. I only get a black screen.
I'm not sure I have the global.videomode=default line. I'll have to check. -
After a lot of research and trial and error I finally got it working but there was something that no one has mentioned before. I had to change my video driver in the config from "dtoverlay=vc4-kms-v3d-pi4" to dtoverlay=vc4-fkms-v3d. Trying different things I did manage to get video from the kms setting but it freezes at the recalbox slpash screen. (The one with the Pac-Man ghosts. Is there a way to get past the screen and load recalbox? BTW Thanks a lot for all your help!
I had to change my video driver in the config from "dtoverlay=vc4-kms-v3d-pi4" to dtoverlay=vc4-fkms-v3d.
Nobody mentioned it, because it shouldn't be necessary...
As far as I know (let me make something clear: I'm not a developer, I'm just an "ordinary" user) this tweak you mention is only necessary due to a bug with CEC PULSE EIGHT on KODI, see here:-
it freezes at the recalbox slpash screen
It may not be related to the composite cable, see here:
@zing is composite output still not working on 7.2.2?
@iga If it doesn't work automatically, make the changes suggested above and test, it should work.
@zing You mean change to dtoverlay=vc4-fkms-v3d ?
- yes, i've already try it - same effect as above - stuck at splash screen with pacman
I'm just wondering is this the case for everyone with 7.2.2 ?
Ok, i again formatted sd card and install ready image by balenaEtcher.
And so after change line to dtoverlay=vc4-fkms-v3d in config.cfg the picture is appear. ( this is important information, probably it should be added somewhere in the manual)Everybody thanks.
@vj Bro, with this configuration and editing the part of the dtoverlay = vc4-kms-v3d-pi4 by dtoverlay = vc4-fkms-v3d-pi4 I managed to activate the video jack output, but it stays blocket in the loading screen the ghosts of pacman I found that it only works if I edit the dtoverly and add the line enable_tvout = 1 But it stays blocked, there is, who helps me, Sorry for English I use google translator I speak Spanish
@edwinsources Someone can give me the text of the config and the user config by email so I just copy and paste to see if I'm doing something wrong
- What is your version of Recalbox (say the version, don't say "latest")?
- Did you build your Recalbox yourself, or download a ready-made image from the internet, or did you buy everything ready-made?
- What is your hardware?
- Are you sure the problem is not the cable? The documentation explains that this can happen with wrong cables.
@zing recalbox 7.2.2 is the version I install Raspberry pi 4 I use the Raspberry image fot the install
Are you sure the problem is not the cable? The documentation explains that this can happen with wrong cables.
@joey0621 Bro I have the same error my screen freezes on the same side, did you manage to solve it?
@zing I have the correct cable bro