@FrankieS said in RPI3b - recablox 7.1.1 - FBNeo:
I have this problems in red earth, and street fighter 3 (all versions).
Afaik you need at least a rpi3b+ to play CPS3 games with FB (minimum rpi4 if you want widescreen modes of sfiii and sfiii2), emulation requirements for that system were significantly b*mped in 2018 due to various fixes (was 6.1.1 using a version of FB that old ?). If you don't want to upgrade your hardware, maybe you can have those games playable again by overclocking your first-gen pi3 and/or using the frameskip core option.
@acris @airdream slowness in a FBNeo game can't be related to bad romsets, bad romsets = won't launch at all