RPI3b - recablox 7.1.1 - FBNeo
Hello, how are you?
I have a problem with some games in FBneo.
Games who play well in 6.1.1 and i dont know what happend in the new version, but i play so slow.
I have this problems in red earth, and street fighter 3 (all versions).
If it possible to change the core?
It a good idea back to 6.1.1 in my rpi3b ?Thanks a lot!
Hello @FrankieS
fbneo core is 1.0.0x please upadate your romset with dat/xml file in/bios/fbneo
and clrmamepro -
@acris said in RPI3b - recablox 7.1.1 - FBNeo:
Hello @acris , thanks !
I have this files in /bios/fbneo
FinalBurn Neo (ClrMame Pro XML, Arcade only)
FinalBurn Neo (ClrMame Pro XML, Neogeo only)i need to change something in this folder?
the files have the version.I install the clrmamepro program, but i dont know what i need to do with this.
Thanks again, sorry for the questions.
@FrankieS said in RPI3b - recablox 7.1.1 - FBNeo:
I have this problems in red earth, and street fighter 3 (all versions).
Afaik you need at least a rpi3b+ to play CPS3 games with FB (minimum rpi4 if you want widescreen modes of sfiii and sfiii2), emulation requirements for that system were significantly b*mped in 2018 due to various fixes (was 6.1.1 using a version of FB that old ?). If you don't want to upgrade your hardware, maybe you can have those games playable again by overclocking your first-gen pi3 and/or using the frameskip core option.
@acris @airdream slowness in a FBNeo game can't be related to bad romsets, bad romsets = won't launch at all
@FrankieS said in RPI3b - recablox 7.1.1 - FBNeo:
In 6.1.1 this games works fine
Well, i guess they seem to work fine if you don't see all the glitches, there are dozens of them, just 2 from sfiii :
See how the planks are bending at the end ? Actually they are supposed to be straight like this :
See the blue background ? Actually a building is supposed to be shown in that background, like this :
I think all CPS3 games benefitted a lot from last 2 years fixes, tbh some of those games could be considered unplayable without those fixes : in jojo/jojoba the second player couldn't even see his combo bar.
Hello @barbudreadmon
Yes its true, have glitches like you say.
But it was playable in rpi3b, today its so slow in 7.1.1, with a lot of sounds error.
I would like a better version for the 3b, i prefer latest version with good performance than new version with not playable games.
I really love recalbox, but i think 7.0 its too much for the rpi3b -
i have just tested SFIII third strike with a rpi3B
With an overclock at 1300 Mhz i have fullspeed, or near
With an overclock at 1350 Mhz, i have also fullspeed, more constant, i think enough to playthis screenshot below was taken on rpi3b @1350Mhz
Shader : crt-nes-min enabled and Pixel Perfect enabled -
@airdream said in RPI3b - recablox 7.1.1 - FBNeo:
i have just tested SFIII third strike with a rpi3B
With an overclock at 1300 Mhz i have fullspeed, or near
With an overclock at 1350 Mhz, i have also fullspeed, more constant, i think enough to playthis screenshot below was taken on rpi3b @1350Mhz
Shader : crt-nes-min enabled and Pixel Perfect enabledWow ! really ??
i have the same configuration @airdream with my 3b, 1300 mhz, but i dont have pixel perfect and no have shader.
I dont know what im doing bad, you put this rom in fbneo?
You are using 7.1.1?Im trying with diferents roms too.
Thanks -
yes it on Fbneo on recalbox 7.1.1
do you have a lightening icon on top right of the screen? if yes your power supply is the issue !MODERATE PLEASE RULE !
also be sure to disabled "run in advance" or run ahead" (i dont't know the rigth term) in latency
It's located in Quickmenu > Latency
this option cost a lot of CPU ressources
also disabled Rewind fonction
@airdream said in RPI3b - recablox 7.1.1 - FBNeo:
With an overclock at 1300 Mhz i have fullspeed, or near
As a reminder, because some people might misinterpret this for a slowdown, cps3 games run at 59.59949Hz (that's another issue we fixed recently : in the past FB/MAME were running cps3 at 60Hz, which was too fast).
@airdream said in RPI3b - recablox 7.1.1 - FBNeo:
e" or run ahead" (i dont't know the rigth term) in latency
It's located in Quickmenu > Latency
this option cost a lot of CPU ressMy friend @airdream, you are awesome ! Thanks again!
this was the fu**ing problem !!Im disable the rewind function and i can play perfect !
im disable latency too, in the retroarch menu.
Now i want to see where can distable it in all emulators, but yesss, is there in the rewind the problem.Oh im so happy, thanks you too @barbudreadmon
Great ! ! from the begening i dont't use rewind fonction, for me that's useless@barbudreadmon
thanks also for the precision, and for the job to improve user experience