FBTFT drivers for small TFT LCD display support
Hello!! Is Recalbox compatible with FBTFT drivers? They are for use for small TFT display modules (2.8"/3.2"/3.5"/4"/ etc.) through SPI interface . Raspbian is compatible, but recalbox?? Is there any possibility to implement it? More info about FBTFT: https://github.com/notro/fbtft/wiki Tutoirial: http://www.circuitbasics.com/setup-lcd-touchscreen-raspberry-pi/ thanx!!
Hi, no it's not compatible yet. Sadly we have too many things to do, and it's not in our priority list.
Thanks for the reply. It's a pity, but I understand that there are priorities. I hope that in the near future Recalbox will be compatible with FBTFT because it's my favorite distribution and I want to use it on a project to put a Raspberry Pi2 into a classic gameboy
@digitalumberjack OK, so now that FBCP support IS in Recalbox V4.1 ... are there any instructions on how to use it?
I have Recalbox installed on a Raspberry Pi B+, and am trying to get it to work with a 2.4" PiTFT. I know I have the PiTFT connected correctly, because it works with another image I have (RetroPie).
I've modified recalbox.conf and set system.fbcp.enabled=1, but Recalbox still only displays via HDMI.
Is there anything else I need to configure?
Thanks in advance.