Amiga .UAE files for WHD games.
I can't figure out how to create .uae files to run my WHD games. I follow guide from this site, but it's still not clear. I try with zipped files, because I have zipped Body Blows Galactic WHD game that runs with generated .uae by some app. But when I try copy this file and change data to run other games it doesn't work.
Below is my generated .uae file that runs zipped Body Blows Galactic.
I really don't know what lines are incorrect, however this example works. Can someone point me how to modify this file to work with other games? Because even when I try to change my original to another name it will won't run.use_gui=no show_leds=true chipset=ocs cpu_type=68000 chipmem_size=4 fastmem_size=4 gfx_center_vertical=simple gfx_center_horizontal=simple sound_channels=mixed kickstart_rom_file=/storage/emulated/0/ROMs/Amiga/Kickstarts/kick31.rom kickstart_key_file=/storage/emulated/0/ROMs/Amiga/Kickstarts/rom.key #kickstart_rom_file=/recalbox/share/bios/kick02019.AROS.rom #kickstart_ext_rom_file=/recalbox/share/bios/kick02019.AROS.ext.rom #filesystem2=ro,,-128 #filesystem2=rw,DH0:SYSTEM:/storage/emulated/0/ROMs/Amiga/WHDLoad/WHDLoad-Game-Launcher,0 -
may be help : -
This still not helping me too much. I've created many configuration files, but none works except one I posted above. Other modifications cause game will not run at all or will be constantly reseting in emulator. Game without .uea file also will not run.
I need a working example for current version of Recalbox, with minimal lines of code that allow to run zipped WHD game. -
I strongly recommend you to use .lha WHD.
Other formats (folder / zip) are pretty unstable. -
Ok I will try LHA, but still need example of basic .uae file with minimal number of lines to run any zip/lha game.