@strodown said in [Non officiel] Recalbox PC x86_64 avec les drivers Nvidia !!:
@chris256 non toujours pas j'ai pas beaucoup cherche non plus ces derniers temps mais mise a part le format de l’écran 16/9
et ou de la sortie dvi
ou encore vga
,je ne vois pas ce que ça pourrais être je recommence les recherches sur le sujet dès que possible
Bonjour !
Merci pour ton retour. Pou le format d'écran et/ou de sortie dont tu parles, ais-je des modifications à faire dans un fichier de config et si oui, pourrais-tu me dire où ? Est-ce qu'une archive de support pourrait t'être utile ?
PS : quelques infos en passant au cas où ça pourrait aider :
le problème du lien symbolique ne semble pas réglé :
| # ls /usr/lib/xorg/modules/extensions/libglx.so* |
| /usr/lib/xorg/modules/extensions/libglx.so |
| /usr/lib/xorg/modules/extensions/libglx.so.390.116 |
| # mupen64plus --resolution 1920x1080 /recalbox/share/roms/n64/007\ -\ GoldenEye\ \(USA\).z64 |
| __ __ __ _ _ ____ _ |
| | \/ |_ _ _ __ ___ _ __ / /_ | || | | _ \| |_ _ ___ |
| | |\/| | | | | '_ \ / _ \ '_ \| '_ \| || |_| |_) | | | | / __| |
| | | | | |_| | |_) | __/ | | | (_) |__ _| __/| | |_| \__ \ |
| |_| |_|\__,_| .__/ \___|_| |_|\___/ |_| |_| |_|\__,_|___/ |
| |_| http://code.google.com/p/mupen64plus/ |
| Mupen64Plus Console User-Interface Version 2.5.0 |
| |
| UI-Console Error: dlopen('./libmupen64plus.so.2') failed: ./libmupen64plus.so.2: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory |
| UI-Console Error: AttachCoreLib() Error: failed to find Mupen64Plus Core library |
| |
Si je fais le lien comme conseillé plus haut, j'obtiens :
__ __ __ _ _ ____ _
| \/ |_ _ _ __ ___ _ __ / /_ | || | | _ \| |_ _ ___
| |\/| | | | | '_ \ / _ \ '_ \| '_ \| || |_| |_) | | | | / __|
| | | | |_| | |_) | __/ | | | (_) |__ _| __/| | |_| \__ \
|_| |_|\__,_| .__/ \___|_| |_|\___/ |_| |_| |_|\__,_|___/
|_| http://code.google.com/p/mupen64plus/
Mupen64Plus Console User-Interface Version 2.5.0
UI-Console: attached to core library 'Mupen64Plus Core' version 2.5.0
UI-Console: Includes support for Dynamic Recompiler.
Core Error: Unable to open rom database file '(null)'.
Core: Goodname: GOLDENEYE (unknown rom)
Core: MD5: 70C525880240C1E838B8B1BE35666C3B
Core: CRC: DCBC50D1 9FD1AA3
Core: Imagetype: .z64 (native)
Core: Rom size: 12582912 bytes (or 12 Mb or 96 Megabits)
Core: Version: 1447
Core: Manufacturer: Nintendo
Core: Country: USA
UI-Console Status: Cheat codes disabled.
UI-Console: using Video plugin: 'Glide64mk2 Video Plugin' v2.5.0
UI-Console: using Audio plugin: 'Mupen64Plus SDL Audio Plugin' v2.5.0
Input: Using auto-config file at: '/usr/share/mupen64plus/InputAutoCfg.ini'
Input: Using auto-config file at: '/usr/share/mupen64plus/InputAutoCfg.ini'
Input: Using auto-config file at: '/usr/share/mupen64plus/InputAutoCfg.ini'
Input: Using auto-config file at: '/usr/share/mupen64plus/InputAutoCfg.ini'
Input: Using auto-config file at: '/usr/share/mupen64plus/InputAutoCfg.ini'
UI-Console: using Input plugin: 'Mupen64Plus SDL Input Plugin' v2.5.0
UI-Console: using RSP plugin: 'Hacktarux/Azimer High-Level Emulation RSP Plugin' v2.5.0
Video: opening /usr/share/mupen64plus/Glide64mk2.ini
INI_FindSection trying to find name for DEFAULT
Input: 4 SDL joysticks were found.
Input: Using auto-config file at: '/usr/share/mupen64plus/InputAutoCfg.ini'
Input Error: No auto-config found for joystick named 'HJZ Mayflash WiiU Pro Game Controller Adapter' in InputAutoConfig.ini
Input: Using auto-config file at: '/usr/share/mupen64plus/InputAutoCfg.ini'
Input Error: No auto-config found for joystick named 'HJZ Mayflash WiiU Pro Game Controller Adapter' in InputAutoConfig.ini
Input: Using auto-config file at: '/usr/share/mupen64plus/InputAutoCfg.ini'
Input Error: No auto-config found for joystick named 'HJZ Mayflash WiiU Pro Game Controller Adapter' in InputAutoConfig.ini
Input: Using auto-config file at: '/usr/share/mupen64plus/InputAutoCfg.ini'
Input Error: No auto-config found for joystick named 'HJZ Mayflash WiiU Pro Game Controller Adapter' in InputAutoConfig.ini
Input: N64 Controller
Input: Using auto-config file at: '/usr/share/mupen64plus/InputAutoCfg.ini'
Input: 1 controller(s) found, 1 plugged in and usable in the emulator
Input Warning: Couldn't open rumble support for joystick
Input Warning: Couldn't open rumble support for joystick
Input Warning: Couldn't open rumble support for joystick
Input Warning: Couldn't open rumble support for joystick
Input: Mupen64Plus SDL Input Plugin version 2.5.0 initialized.
INI_FindSection trying to find name for DEFAULT
INI_FindSection trying to find name for GOLDENEYE
Video: Using TEXUMA extension.
&ConfigOpenSection is 0x7f21b9f76668
(II) Setting video mode 1920x1080...
Core: Setting video mode: 1920x1080
Congratulations, you have 4 auxilliary buffers, we'll use them wisely !
packed pixels extension used
NPOT extension used
use_fbo 1
Video: InitCombine()
Video: extensions
Video: initialized.
Audio: Initializing SDL audio subsystem...
ALSA lib pcm_dmix.c:1099:(snd_pcm_dmix_open) unable to open slave
Audio Error: Couldn't open audio: ALSA: Couldn't open audio device: No such file or directory
Input Warning: Couldn't open rumble support for joystick
Input Warning: Couldn't open rumble support for joystick
Input Warning: Couldn't open rumble support for joystick
Input Warning: Couldn't open rumble support for joystick
Core Error: Could not construct face from (null)
Core: Starting R4300 emulator: Dynamic Recompiler
Core: R4300: starting 64-bit dynamic recompiler at: 0x7f21c9fa40a0
INI_FindSection trying to find name for UCODE
Le jeu se lance mais sans son et sans manette.
Malheureusement je ne sais pas quoi faire de plus...
Bonne journée !!