@Bkg2k au secour
Je pense bien avoir suivis les instruction de la page : https://forum.recalbox.com/topic/16882/a-lire-emulateur-amiga-600-1200-amigacd32
You have two ways to override settings:
By system:
Create a file named /recalbox/share/system/configs/amiberry/<subsystem>.uae (/recalbox/share/system/configs/amiberry/amiga1200.uae to override Amiga1200)
Set the key you want to override.
For example, you can make a config file with:
to disable LED display in the bottom right corner.
By game
Create a file named exactly like your "rom" (or folder) but that ends with .uae.
For exemple, in your rom folder, if you have a file named Aladdin (AGA).ipf, you may create an Aladdin (AGA).uae and override keys in this file.
Recalbox builds the configuration in the following order:
Build the default config regarding the rom type and the sub-system.
Load /recalbox/share/configs/<subsystem>.uae if the file exists, and add/overwrite the config keys.
Load <game>.uae if the file exists, and add/overwrite the config keys.
Mais aucun des fichiers .uae ne semble etre pris en compte, meme pas celui-la :
/recalbox/share/system/configs/amiberry/amiga1200.uae avec la commande "show_leds=false"