@recalbapt Uniquement sur le core 2003plus?
February 2019 Beta Version
@valippo After click ok, try to wait 1 minute! The system will be unfreezed !
Hello guys, how are you?
Raspberry Pi 3B and B+, Last build 02-24 beta.
PS3 Controller: Problem with ScummVM.
The pointer goes to the UP LEFT corner and get stuck there. I can move with the left analog stick, but the pointer goes back to the up and left corner again if I release the stick. -
Bonjour, un bug sur lon pi3b+ net et amiga600 : écran jaune, ça se lance, je vois les leds de l'amiga, lmais ecran jauen...Et rien..après je retourne au menu avec la hotkey
voila le message de log :Powering on HDMI with explicit settings (CEA mode 4)
Powering on HDMI with preferred settings
SDL_VIDEO_EGL_DRIVER=/usr/lib/libGLESv2.so SDL_VIDEO_GL_DRIVER=/usr/lib/libGLESv2.so /usr/bin/amiberry -config=/tmp/amiga/conf/uaeconfig.uae
running command: /usr/bin/amiberry -config=/tmp/amiga/conf/uaeconfig.uaeje rectifie où et comment pour que les jeux se lancent ?
Merci d'avance !!!
Re: February 2019 Beta Version
Thank you very Much! Merci beaucoup pour
RecalBox on RaspPi 3b+I'm commenting on Kodi only, since recalbox with NES, SNES and PSX is working nice!
I have found out, that Kodi startup is highly dependent on controllers, which are attached to the RaspPi while launching Kodi:
I have 3 types of input devices:
Logitech rumblepad 2 ->
if attached, kodi won't start and will return to recalboxBig Ben USB adapter with connected PS3 Pad ->
if attached, kodi won't start and will return to recalboxLogitech K400+ wireless keyboard ->
if attached, kodi starts!After Kodi starts up, I can plug in any devices and configure it to be used within kodi, BUT settings do not survive a reboot.
I'm currently using this work around:
when I want to use kodi, I'm detaching all game pads and only connect the keyboard.
If I want to play games, I'm attaching gamepads.
jaw -
je rencontre un problème sous mame2003+ (j'utilise un Raspberry pi3 B):
En jeu, lorsque j'utilise un gamepad snes filaire (le gamepad retroflag, fourni avec le superpi case deluxe), les directions ne sont pas prises en compte en jeu, alors que les boutons sont eux bien pris en compte.J'ai refait le test avec un autre gamepad (8bitdo SF30 pro) en filaire, même problème, croix non reconnue, mais boutons OK. Par contre avec ce gamepad, les directions du stick analogique sont reconnues et fonctionnent.
J'utilise bien entendu la dernière version de la beta.
Merci a l'équipe, super boulot!
@jaw Thanks for your report, we're already working on kodi/pad issues
@recalbapt Uniquement sur le core 2003plus?
@konitchoa Quel type de jeu? ADF, IPF, WHDL, autre? Les bios sont tous installés?
Sans précision, on peut jouer à mme Irma, mais je suis pas sur que ça résolve un quelconque problème -
Latest news:
- Amiberry b*mped to v2.25. On Recalbox side, BIOS selection has been tweaked for better compatibility. A600 games running too fast have been fixed.
- Reicast has been b*mped to latest versions: Better compatibility & many bug fixes. I tested about 10 games on a 3B+ O/C, all games are running at full speed.
- We're working on kodi issues
@bkg2k wow ! That's awesome
Does this mean there will be a new beta ?
@bkg2k : tous les adf, zippés ou pas, j'ai bien l'écran de l'amiga qui s'affiche, les leds, puis écran jaune systématique sur 100% des roms. Avec clignotement de la petite led rouge simulée par l'amiga. Tout est bien installé, bios vérifiés en checksum avec md5 puis utilitaire de l'interface recalbox.
@bkg2k Oui, sur le core 2003 et le core 2010, ça fonctionne sans souci.
Board: RPi3B+
Image: 2019/02/24 public betaI tried to do another special test. I tried to convert recalbox image (the last beta) to NOOBS image by building the files boot.tar.xz, root.tar.xz, etc ...
Perfectly successful experiment !!! It works great! -
bonjour a tous
J etait sur la version 4.1 x86 64bit de de juillet et je me decide enfin a tester la beta. Machine core i5 8 go de mémoire GeForce gtx geforce gtx 1050 helas rien ne se marche sur la beta alors que ok sur la version stable recalbox démarre puis ecran noire avec tiret en haut a droite puis reste bloqué je l ai laisser 1 heure tournée voila pour mon test encore merci pour le taf les gars et bravo -
I have an issue with my 8Bitdo N30 Arcade Stick.
It randomly looses connection (for a few seconds or completely disconnects) on Raspberry Pi3 B+.
It works perfect on mi Pi3 + Non Beta Recalbox.Also, the system randomly goes to black screen when navigating in ES, I have to reboot.
I am also having trouble pairing a second time my Dualshock 4 (I have unpaired all Bluetooth devices first). Again, this does not happen on my Pi3 + non beta Recalbox.
Petite amélioration j ai démarre en sélectionnant le mode verbose et la ca marche j ai redémarrer normalement avec la sélection recalbox ca marche aussi j essaierait ingame cesoir !! -
@bkg2k said in February 2019 Beta Version:
- Reicast has been b*mped to latest versions: Better compatibility & many bug fixes. I tested about 10 games on a 3B+ O/C, all games are running at full speed.
I heard the most recent reicast has support for Naomi on raspberry pi. Is this true? Can you test metal slug 6?
Also, when the beta is over, can 07/2018 users update to the new version or will a fresh install be required?
Thank you.
@valippo said in February 2019 Beta Version:
I have an issue with my 8Bitdo N30 Arcade Stick.
It randomly looses connection (for a few seconds or completely disconnects) on Raspberry Pi3 B+.
It works perfect on mi Pi3 + Non Beta Recalbox.Also, the system randomly goes to black screen when navigating in ES, I have to reboot.
I am also having trouble pairing a second time my Dualshock 4 (I have unpaired all Bluetooth devices first). Again, this does not happen on my Pi3 + non beta Recalbox.
To clarify: raspberry pi3b running official recalbox release I have no issues at all,everything is perfect.
Raspberry pi3b+ running february beta I have all the issues above. -
@dh04000 Nope, only Reicast libretro is actually supporting Naomi and Atomiswave.
We've currently b*mped the standalone emulator. -
good afternoon
will this new version come with the option to enable overlays for all colors automatically
would be great if you had the option of automatic overlays to enable or disable
or being able to choose whether to use overlay or it was not going to be a great option the competitor batocera has this option
would be great if the recalbox also had for all the emulators and cores