I replaced the files:
by those of the boot of the last update of RASPBIAN "2018-11-13-Raspbian-stretch".
The first 3 files may not be required to replace I think. to test again on new installation.
Testers wanted: major system upgrade (Pi3b+, KODI 17 and much more ...)
Hi, following emulators did not work in the latest beta version:
BLUEMSX - Returns to the menu
FMSX - Stop on a black screen
HATARI - Returns to the menu after error messageEDIT: RPI3 version
@choum I could try the bluetooth input lag performance on B and B+, could you tell me how you did to mesure it ?
@gaetan on putty :
hcitool con -> To list gamepad mac adressYou should see somthing like "ACL AA:BB:CC:DD:EE:FF handle 11 state 1 lm MASTER"
l2ping AA:BB:CC:DD:EE:FF
This will run a infinite ping on the gamepad each second. -
@choum thanx ! Will try this
I am testing this beta version with the new Raspberry Pi 3 A + card, with some update of some files in the Boot.Tout partition working properly as its big brother Rpi 3 B +. WiFi is functional as well as bluetooth with 8Bitdo SFC30 Pro controller.
On the other hand, in spite of the modification in recalbox.conf of:
update = https: //review-507-b*mp-b-0jn0c0-archive-review-prod.recalbox.com
the last update does not start. -
Hi @simba51 ! It's interesting test. What did you modify in Boot to make it work ?
I replaced the files:
by those of the boot of the last update of RASPBIAN "2018-11-13-Raspbian-stretch".
The first 3 files may not be required to replace I think. to test again on new installation. -
@simba51 Thanx !
détail : recalbox manager affiche une mémoire à 495MB.
J'imagine qu'il faut juste actualiser cela. -
I've measured internal bluetooth input lag with an Xbox one S gamedpad on both Rpi 3 and 3+*.
I did not notice any difference.
With 100 ping, mean is around 16ms with a min of 14min and a max of 27 in both case.On the other hand I noticed a difference when I change the driver.
By moving from xpad to xpadneo, input lag goes from a mean of 16ms to a mean of 22ms (min of 19ms and max of 48ms, from 100 ping).So I guess the difference observed by choum is due to software and not hardware. Have you tried this on a fresh install ?
*The tests were carried out with l2ping command on a blank installation of raspbian lite (last version: 2018-11-13), after a sudo apt-get update upgrade.
@vincent-84 said in Testers wanted: major system upgrade (Pi3b+, KODI 17 and much more ...):
détail : recalbox manager affiche une mémoire à 495MB.
J'imagine qu'il faut juste actualiser cela.Sorry, wrong language :
I said : recalbox manager shows a memory at 495MB.
Seems to be just a small mistake -
@oyyodams Hello la team et merci pour votre travail !
Je viens de flasher une carte fraiche sur ce nouveau build de beta 2018/11/12 pour tester le wifi. ProblÚme toujours présent pour moi : une fois que je l'active, je sélectionne mon SSID et je tape mon MDP mais impossible de se connecter.
J'ai aussi essayĂ© en mettant directement les infos dans le recalbox.conf mais j'ai le mĂȘme rĂ©sultat. Du coup, je suis revenu en cable. -
@vincent-84 no mistake. The rest ist reserved for the GPU.
ShareDevice=NETWORK on 3b+ doesnt work.
@toniosj said in Testers wanted: major system upgrade (Pi3b+, KODI 17 and much more ...):
ShareDevice=NETWORK on 3b+ doesnt work.
same here... I posted to other threads because I can't get it worked... folders, users and command should be right.
If this is a bug that would be "good". Because I tried so much to get it worked.
@moguai my shared folder works fine with a pi3 stable recalbox. On my Pi3b+ the same shared folder and configuration dont work on beta recalbox.
https://review-507-b*mp-b-0jn0c0-archive-review-prod.recalbox.com => adresse introuvable...
Hi friends,
First of all, upgrade link is fixed. But that's not all! We've just released a new version of the beta, with some improvements:
- Many fixes on ES and less memory consumption
- Better handle of memory between GPU and CPU, so now PSP games should launch really better
- Zipped WHDL support
- Default resolution fix on mupen
There are still some work to do:
- Keyboard bug in ES
- Auto pad configuration
- Kodi b*mp
- etc.
We're working on it