@substring I tell you a fresh report : https://file.ac/oJYDOq7Jgr4/ maybe it can help
Testers wanted: major system upgrade (Pi3b+, KODI 17 and much more ...)
Did a bit more testing with different systems.
So far most is working fine (tested GB, NDS, Gamecube, PSP).But with PSX i have following problem:
With Libretro Cores MEDNAFEN_PSX and MEDNAFEN_PSX_HW, when i try to increase resolution to for example to 2x (in RetroArch Quick Menu under Options, Internal GPU resolution), and then resume, the game crashes and exits to EmulationStation Menu.Support Archive:
https://file.ac/H4pC0quyuDw/ -
@joinski thank you for all that testing ! Was this working before ?
Yes, it was working before (in Version 18.07.13) without problems. -
@Substring bon y'a beaucoup de mieux sur la GPD Win :
- l'image s'affiche et je peux naviguer dans ES sans problème mais c'est pivoté à 90° (enfin c'est le sens natif de l'écran)
- le gamepad intégré est bien reconnu et déjà mappé (au moins start, select, pad, a et b)
- le clavier n'est pas reconnu bizarrement
- quelquesoit le système, il y a retour au menu dès que j'essaye de lancer un jeu (testé que les jeux intégrés)
- plus chiant ma clé ethernet USB pluggable qui était parfaitement reconnue avant ne l'est plus du tout maintenant
- je peux pas me connecter en wifi car le clavier virtuel n'est affiché qu'à moitié (alors que les menus start et select sont affichés en entier)
- donc pas de wifi, pas d'ethernet, ça va être chaud pour la suite des opérations.... j'vais essayer avec parangon ExtFS
an ajoutantxrandr -o right
j'ai bien l'image qui bascule correctement par contre elle est en bas à gauche et je ne vois que le 1/5ème supérieur...pas trop moyen d'aller plus loin pour l'instant, ptet qu'il faut forcer le 720p dans xinitrc mais alors j'en sais foutre rien comment faire
@voljega lets follow the instructions and keep this thread in english please.
I tested with the joystick snes30 8bitdo, XBOX 360 with receiver and the only problem I noticed is that it does not work on kodi 17
@substring I tell you a fresh report : https://file.ac/oJYDOq7Jgr4/ maybe it can help
@Substring but WTH, why all is working after rebooting ES.....
@voljega you must remap controls, there were some changes that made remapping mandatory. I'll try to circumvent this, as the change is mistly important to kodi
@azvarel which pad doesn't work ? So far i've tested with a x360 copy and a 8bitdo nes30, both working fine
@0x77696e i haven't had time to dig through your problem for now
@substring said in Testers wanted: major system upgrade (Pi3b+, KODI 17 and much more ...):
which pad doesn't work ? So far i've tested with a x360 copy and a 8bitdo nes30, both working fine
the two joysticks (x360 and snes30) do not work only in kodi, ES and retroarch work perfectly fine
@azvarel try renaming
just to see then launch again kodi. Have ypu remapped ypur pads ? -
@Substring En éteignant Recalbox, je reste coincé sur l'écran noir avec le petit logo en bas au milieu avec la ref de la version. Je suis obligé de débrancher à l'arrache car je n'ai plus accès au webmanager.
https://file.ac/RbrTVhWvK3Q/ -
@substring unless it prevents emulators to display, I have no problem at all with controls ?
@gaetan is ypur share on your sd card ?
@voljega configgen crashes if pads are not remapped ad there are some new values stored + normalized buttons order between sdl2, retroarch and the joypad plugin for kodi
@Substring Yes it is, a Sandisk 128go sd card.
Sorry for my french comment above, mixing languages all the day can be tricky. -
@azvarel looking at your support archive, you haven't remapped your x360 pad, which you MUST do
@0x77696e So, a few questions :
- was it working before the upgrade ?
- have you set a particular videomode to es ?
- can you make a support archive WHEN you stuc after leaving kodi ? I'm curious about ES state + screen resolution.
Kodi should run at the native resolution of your projector, which should be the same resolution as ES. Tricky ...