Any good and native rom manager for GNU/Linux?

Posts made by pillabichos
RE: Arrm (another recalbox roms manager)
RE: Algun tutorial para instalar recalbox desde linux
@toshifumi Busca 'Recalbox: instalación, configuración y uso, con sus virtudes y pegas'.
Es un tutorial para GNU/Linux. -
RE: Trouble with Amstrad emulator since the last update (30 march 2018)
@magnificent7 Which Game? I try 3D Grand Prix and it runs ok.
RE: Recalbox 18.02.09 is out!
@substring x68k is available for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 but I can't see roms folder.
RE: Recalbox 18.02.09 is out!
My recalbox is now updated to 18.02.09 but I'm not seeing the folders to add roms to new systems, where add them?
Traducido de la descripción del vídeo cortesía de google:
Notará que el video de introducción se lee completamente antes de que se muestre Emulestation.
/! \ Tuto flash flash:- El objetivo de la maniobra es arrinconar el script que corta el video de introducción cuando Emulestation ha terminado de carga**e, luego se desvanece y muestra ES.
- Descargar e instalar WinSCP
- Conéctese a su Recalbox
- Haga clic en "Abrir una consola"
- Ingrese el comando: mount -o remount, rw / then Run
- Ubique y edite el script: /etc/init.d/S02splash
- Marque la línea: # Termine con un segundo fundido de salida.
- A continuación, agregue: dormir 10
- Reemplace el número 10 con la duración de su video de introducción menos 20 segundos.
- Por ejemplo, si su video dura 40 segundos, ponga "sleep 20"
- Haga CTRL + S para guardar el cambio.
- Reiniciar Recalbox
- Bonificación: el video de introducción está en (formato mp4 1080p)
RE: [EMULATION] Amiga4Recalbox v0.8999999999, install in one click (or so)
Thanks voljega for add this so interesting feature to recalbox 4.1
RE: [EMULATION] Amiga4Recalbox v0.8999999999, install in one click (or so)
@voljega I connect a joystick and runs ok!
In previous versions I can use just the keyboard ??? -
RE: [EMULATION] Amiga4Recalbox v0.8999999999, install in one click (or so)
I install lastest version Amiga4Recalbox compatible with recalbox 4.1 2017.12.02 but I can't run on my raspberry pi 2
I try coping all the neccesary BIOS files in /recalbox/share/bios and /recalbox/share/bios/amiga but when I select a game always returns to menu (some of them ran in previous version of your addon for recalbox 4.1 beta).Log:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 215, in <module>
exitcode = main(args)
File "", line 144, in main
command = generators[system.config['emulator']].generate(system, args.rom, playersControllers)
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/configgen/generators/amiberry/", line 37, in generate
controller = playersControllers['1']
KeyError: '1' -
RE: Chrome Launcher en Kodi 16 Jarvis - Recalbox Unstable 4.1
Efectivamente, chrome launcher requiere un sistema completo (aunque yo ni en kodi sobre raspbian conseguí echarlo a andar).
Lo mejor es un arranque dual raspbian + recalbox, así lo podrás usar como ordenador normal cuando te haga falta (navegadores, aplicaciones y juegos nativos, más emuladores...) y como recalbox cuando así lo desees.
Hay diversos tutoriales explicando como instalar ambos, es muy fácil. -
I try this tutorial and I successfull run SuperFrog but I don't know which key is to select.
I see the first page where I can't select one of four games although I can navegate in them with cursor keys.
I try select with A, B, X, Y and the rest of the keys of my keyboard. -
RE: 4.1 Xiaomi controller impossible to pair in new 4.1 version
@Substring Recalbox 4.0 never ask me for a pin and the controller runs ok, I try to pair the controller with my android phone and it pair successfully without enter any pin.
In its specifications site don't say nothing about a 'default pin'. -
RE: 4.1 Xiaomi controller impossible to pair in new 4.1 version
@Substring I try
/recalbox/scripts/bluetooth/simple-agent <MY_MAC_WITH_CAPITALS_&_COLON>
But it ask me for a pin and always ends with error:
Agent registered RequestPinCode (/org/bluez/hci0/dev_MY_MAC_WITH_CAPITALS_&_UNDERLINES)
Enter PIN Code:
Creating device failed: org.bluez.Error.AuthenticationFailed: Authentication Failed
If I try with lowercase it does nothing.
RE: 4.1 Xiaomi controller impossible to pair in new 4.1 version
I am trying with the most recent lastest 4.1 version and now I can see the device when I select the option " pair a controller" (before I had to unpair all the controllers) and it shows than the device is really paired but it is not true because the light is still blinking and the controller doesn't respond yet.
I tried too with 'hcitool scan' but the result is the same.
RE: uae4arm v0.5 - testrun under retropie4.1 by amiga professional
Does this work in raspberry pi 2? or only pi3?
RE: Desactivar presentación inicial al arrancar recalbox 4.1
Gracias @pepe, ya lo he conseguido ejecutando estos comandos por ssh:
mount -o remount, rw /
cd /recalbox/system/resources/splash/
mv recalboxintro.mp4 recalboxintro.mp4.original
touch recalboxintro.mp4
mount -o remount, ro /Ahí los dejo para quien les haga falta.
RE: Desactivar presentación inicial al arrancar recalbox 4.1
@jlbosch78 La pregunta del millón es ¿dónde está ese vídeo?
Porque qué formato tiene me lo puede responder el comando file cuando sepa que archivo es. -
RE: Recalbox raspberry pi zero w
¿Y no te vale la versión para raspberry pi 1?
Desactivar presentación inicial al arrancar recalbox 4.1
¿Es posible desactivar la presentación inicial que sale en las nuevas versiones y que imita el encendido de una máquina arcade con una introducción de la sintonía de Mario? ¿o al menos el sonido?
4.1 Xiaomi controller impossible to pair in new 4.1 version
I was using my xiaomi controller in previous version of recalbox without problems, but in new 4.1 version is impossible to pair, always says than there's nothing to pair.
I also try to unpair all previous paired without success.I try these commands to get more information:
[NEW] Controller 00:11:67:99:FA:BE Recalbox [default]
[NEW] Device 1C:96:5A:DD:BC:CE 小米蓝牙手柄[bluetooth]# scan on
Discovery started
[NEW] Device 1C:96:5A:DD:BF:CE 1C-96-5A-DD-BF-CE
[NEW] Device 26:16:5A:DD:BC:CE 26-16-5A-DD-BC-CE
[CHG] Device 26:16:5A:DD:BC:CE LegacyPairing: no
[CHG] Device 26:16:5A:DD:BC:CE RSSI: 127
[CHG] Device 26:16:5A:DD:BC:CE Name: 小米蓝牙手柄
[CHG] Device 26:16:5A:DD:BC:CE Alias: 小米蓝牙手柄
[CHG] Device 26:16:5A:DD:BC:CE Connected: yes
[CHG] Device 26:16:5A:DD:BC:CE Trusted: yes
[CHG] Device 26:16:5A:DD:BC:CE Connected: nopair 26:16:5A:DD:BC:CE
Attempting to pair with 26:16:5A:DD:BC:CE
[CHG] Device 26:16:5A:DD:BC:CE Connected: yes
Failed to pair: org.bluez.Error.AuthenticationFailed
[CHG] Device 26:16:5A:DD:BC:CE Connected: nopair 1C:96:5A:DD:BC:CE
Attempting to pair with 1C:96:5A:DD:BC:CE
[CHG] Device 1C:96:5A:DD:BC:CE Connected: yes
Failed to pair: org.bluez.Error.AuthenticationFailed
[CHG] Device 1C:96:5A:DD:BC:CE Connected: no