Hi all!
Since all custom themes on Raspberry Pi are optimized for 720p it makes sense to force the system to run in 720p.
But what happens when my RGBDual arrives and I want to use it? Does the plug and play method still work or does the forced 720p interfere with it and I have to tinker to make it work? It would be great if someone could shed some light on this.
Posts made by Madmeggo
RGBDual and forced 720p for themes
RE: CRT-Pi on Raspberry Pi 4
@olivierdroid92 thanks for the info. Glad to hear that this will be fixed in a future release
CRT-Pi on Raspberry Pi 4
Hi all
I'm running the latest Version (8.0) on a Raspberry Pi 4 and noticed that my favourite shader, namelycrt-pi
doesn't work anymore. I checked the forum and found a thread with a suggested fix:Downloading
, unzipping it and moving all files to/share/shaders/
Well I did that and the crt-pi shader still doesn't work. All files are complete and where they belong. I restarted the system and also tried it on a completely fresh system. No luck.
Is there anything I can do or does someone know what's the problem with the shader?
I really would like to use the shader again -
RE: [Recalbox 9] Theme ARTFLIX NX
@glascoyote-0 You have to click on the green button that says "Code" and then you can click on "download ZIP" on the menu that opens. I couldn't find it at first too.
RE: [Recalbox 9] Theme ARTFLIX NX
@fagnerpc I have yet to try it out on my system, but from what I have seen here and on youtube I think your theme looks great! Great work!
RE: [Recalbox 9] Theme Next Pixel
@myst Thank you for your answer!
When I force Emulationstation to run in 720p, will I still be able to switch to CRT mode via my RGB-Pi cable or the RGBDual? Or does the "forced resolution" interfere with this? -
RE: Lightgun Wiimote + Nunchuk button remapping
Sadly this doesn't help. I already looked in the documentation and this is the place where I read that the buttons are switched.
It doesn't say how this can be fixed for some systems. As I said I can change the buttons in the Playstation, Mastersystem and Dreamcast retroarch Menu, but on NES, Megadrive and SNES this doens't work. -
RE: [Recalbox 9] Theme Next Pixel
Would it be possible to use the 1080p version of the theme on a Raspberry Pi 4 with more than 1GB RAM? For example on a Pi 4 with 2GB? Or would I still have to use the 720p version? If this would work, I would think about buying the 2GB Version! I love the next pixel theme and since I want to emulate PSP, forcing the Pi to run in 720p isn't an option for me.
RE: Lightgun Wiimote + Nunchuk button remapping
I did a little more testing and actually the remapping works on some systems.
The systems it works on are Playstation 1, Dreamcast and Mastersystem.
But on NES, SNES, and Mega Drive/Genesis the button remapping doesn't work.
Why? -
Lightgun Wiimote + Nunchuk button remapping
Hi all!
I recently upgraded to a Pi4 and invested in a Mayflash Dolphin Bar to finally play lightgun shooter! This has been a dream of mine for a long time. Shooting with the Wiimote works as it should, but is boring without a "gun case". So I bought a Speedlink Mr. Smith . It has a Nunchuk integrated, I thought that would be pretty handy. But it isn't...
When I insert the Wiimote the Trigger stops working and I can't shoot with it anymore. Now I have to shoot by pressing the "A" Button on the Wiimote or by pressing the bottom of the pistol grip (I think this is the "Z" Button)
I searched in the Recalbox documentation and found out that the "A" and "B" buttons on the Wiimote get reversed if a Nunchuk is connected which explains my problem. Why does this happen?I tried to remap the buttons in the Retroarch menu (Settings -> Input-> Port 1 Controls) but even after saving, it doesn't work.
Is there any way to remap the buttons and make the Wiimote act "normal" again? It's a shame that I can't use this cool controller -
RE: [Recalbox 9] Theme Next Pixel
Is it possible to use the "next pixel mix" (images and videos) for the standard "next-theme" that comes with recalbox? Or does it only work with the next pixel theme?
RE: Probleme mit GB Emulation
Das Problem hatte ich anfangs auch.
Es gibt die Möglichkeit "threaded video" auf "true" zu stellen. Standardmäßig ist das ausgeschaltet, da es scheinbar zu Abstürzen mit manchen Emulatoren/cores führen kann.Dazu musst du im Ordner in dem deine Gameboy Roms liegen eine Textdatei erstellen die folgendes enthält:
video_threaded = true
Die Datei nennst du dann in ".retroarch.cfg" um (ohne die Anführungszeichen aber mit dem Punkt am Anfang) und dann sollten die Spiele flüssiger laufen.
Es kann wie gesagt zu Abstürzen führen, und die Latenz kann auch darunter leiden.Wenn du das ganze rückgängig machen möchtest, einfach die Datei wieder löschen
[MegaPi Case] safe Shutdown/Reboot funktioniert nicht. Zufällige Shutdowns
Hallo alle miteinander!
Da im internationalen Hilfe Bereich tote Hose ist, versuche ich es hier mal. Hätte ich wahrscheinlich von Anfang an tun sollen.Nach 3 Jahren Abstinenz habe ich beschlossen meine Recalbox auf den neusten Stand zu bringen und sie wieder zu nutzen.
Habe das System frisch aufgesetzt und einzig und allein meine Roms und Saves übernommen. Die Bios Dateien habe ich mir neu besorgt.
Dazu habe ich mir auch ein MegaPi Case besorgt. Anfangs lief alles wunderbar, auch wenn ich den Safe Shutdown und den Reboot mittels PIN356ONOFFRESET in der recalbox.conf nicht zum Laufen bekommen habe. Wenn ich den Reboot Button kurz drücke, macht die Konsole einen Hard Reset, statt zB das Spiel neuzustarten oder das System.Irgendwann fing meine Box dann zusätzlich noch an von selbst herunterzufahren. Inklusive der Bildschirmmeldung "don't shut off Recalbox". Leider erkenne ich kein Muster. Manchmal geht länger alles gut, dann fährt sie plötzlich schon 2 Minuten nach dem Start herunter. Teilweise wenn ich im Hauptmenü bin, teilweise im Spiel. Während ich die Medien vom Scrapen übertragen habe, hat sie sich mehrfach verabschiedet.
Ich weiß leider keine Lösung für die 2 Provleme. Eigentlich habe ich alles richtig und nach Anleitung gemacht.
Ich habe einen Raspberry Pi 3B und die neueste Recalbox Version 6.1.1 Dragonblaze
Meine recalbox.conf sieht wie folgt aus:# System Variable # You can configure your recalbox from here # To set a variable, remove the first ; on the line # ------------ A - System Options ----------- # # Uncomment the system.power.switch you use system.power.switch=PIN356ONOFFRESET # https://github.com/recalbox/recalbox-os/wiki/Add-a-start-stop-button-to-your-recalbox-(EN) ## fbcp FrameBuffer Copy Program ## For small TFT screen on GPIO and SPI ## See https://github.com/recalbox/recalbox-os/wiki/Utility---Use-of-fbcp-for-small-TFT-screen-%28EN%29 for details ## Needed for Waveshare 3.2" 3.5" TFT screen, 2.8" Adafruit screen ## See https://github.com/recalbox/recalbox-os/wiki/TFT-Screen-SPI-Bus-%28EN%29 ## for support and configuration details needed by /boot/config.txt system.fbcp.enabled=0 ## Splash screen duration ## 0: Video will be played for 20 seconds (default) ## -1: All the video will be played (it won't be stopped automatically) ## >0 : Time before the video will be stopped (in seconds) system.splash.length=0 ## Recalbox Manager (http manager) system.manager.enabled=1 ## Currently, only version 2 is available system.manager.version=2 ## Recalbox security # enforce security # samba password required # disable virtual gamepads system.security.enabled=0 ## Recalbox API (REST) system.api.enabled=0 ## Allow a specific resolution for ES only from the command : tvservice -m [MODE] ## Leave commented for the default usual behaviour ;system.es.videomode=CEA 4 HDMI ## EmulationStation ### menu style ### default -> default all options menu ### none -> no menu except the game search menu ### bartop -> less menu, only needed for bartops emulationstation.menu=default ### Select a system to show on boot (use rom directory name) (string) emulationstation.selectedsystem=megadrive ### Show the gamelist of the first or selected system on boot (0,1) emulationstation.bootongamelist=0 ### Disable system view. ES will boot and show ONLY the first or selected system (0,1) emulationstation.hidesystemview=0 ### Pa**e Gamelists only. Show only games listed in gamelist.xml files (0,1) emulationstation.gamelistonly=0 ### Force basicgameList view to be displayed, even if your game systems are scraped (0,1) emulationstation.forcebasicgamelistview=0 ## Videosnaps ### Delay before videosnaps start, in millisecond. Default: 2s ;emulationstation.videosnaps.delay=2000 ### Video loop times. 0 = no video. 1 or more = the video loops x times before fading out ;emulationstation.videosnaps.loop=1 ## Scrapers ### ScreenScraper.fr ### Force media region - if not defined, region is taken from system.language. Default: us ;scraper.screenscraper.region=eu ### Force text language - if not defined, region is taken from system.language. Default: en ;scraper.screenscraper.language=fr ### Choose the media to download among: ### screenshot: game screenshot ### title : game title screenshot ### box2d : Front case ### box3d : 3D rendered case ### mixv1 : Recalbox special mix image V1 (default) ### mixv2 : Recalbox special mix image V2 ;scraper.screenscraper.media=mixv1 ### ScreenScraper account ;scraper.screenscraper.user= ;scraper.screenscraper.password= ## Emulator special keys ## default -> default all special keys ## nomenu -> cannot popup the emulator menu ## none -> no special keys in emulators system.emulators.specialkeys=default ## Show or hide kodi in emulationstation (0,1) kodi.enabled=1 ## Start kodi at launch (0,1) kodi.atstartup=0 ## set x button shortcut (0,1) kodi.xbutton=1 ## Allow a specific resolution for Kodi only from the command : tvservice -m [MODE] ## By default is using the default resolution of your screen kodi.videomode=default ## Kodi can wait for a network component before starting ## waithost is the ip or hostname that must answer to a ping to validate the availability ## waittime is the maximum time waited when kodi boots ## if waitmode is required, kodi will not start if the component is not available ## if waitmode is wish, kodi will start if the component is not available ## if waitmode is not set or has another value, kodi will start immediately ;kodi.network.waitmode=required ;kodi.network.waittime=10 ;kodi.network.waithost= ## Hyperion ## Hyperion allows you to use an ambilight like led system on your recalbox ## Use hypercon to create your configuration file, and copy it in /recalbox/share/system/configs/hyperion/hyperion.config.json hyperion.enabled=0 # ------------ B - Network ------------ # ## Set system hostname system.hostname=RECALBOX ## Activate wifi (0,1) wifi.enabled=1 ## Set wifi region ## More info here: https://github.com/recalbox/recalbox-os/wiki/Wifi-country-code-(EN) wifi.region=US ## Wifi SSID (string) wifi.ssid=xxxxxxxxxx ## Wifi KEY (string) ## after rebooting the recalbox, the "new key" is replace by a hidden value "enc:xxxxx" ## you can edit the "enc:xxxxx" value to replace by a clear value, it will be updated again at the following reboot ## Escape your special chars (# ; $) with a backslash : $ => \$ wifi.key=xxxxxxxxxxx ## Wifi - static IP ## if you want a static IP address, you must set all 3 values (ip, gateway, and netmask) ## if any value is missing or all lines are commented out, it will fall back to the ## default of DHCP ;wifi.ip=manual ip address ;wifi.gateway=new gateway ;wifi.netmask=new netmask # secondary wifi (not configurable via the user interface) ;wifi2.ssid=new ssid ;wifi2.key=new key # third wifi (not configurable via the user interface) ;wifi3.ssid=new ssid ;wifi3.key=new key ## Samba share system.samba.enabled=1 ### Virtual Gamepads system.virtual-gamepads.enabled=1 ### SSH system.ssh.enabled=1 # ------------ C - Audio ------------ # ## Set the audio device (auto, hdmi, jack) audio.device=hdmi ## Set system volume (0..100) audio.volume=81 ## Enable or disable system sounds in ES (0,1) audio.bgmusic=1 # -------------- D - Controllers ----------------- # # Enable support for standard bluetooth controllers controllers.bluetooth.enabled=1 # Enable ERTM controllers.bluetooth.ertm=0 ## Please enable only one of these # -------------- D1 - PS3 Controllers ------------ # ##Enable PS3 controllers support controllers.ps3.enabled=1 ## Choose a driver between bluez, official and shanwan ## bluez -> bluez 5 + kernel drivers, support official and shanwan sisaxis ## official -> sixad drivers, support official and gasia sisaxis ## shanwan -> shanwan drivers, support official and shanwan sisaxis controllers.ps3.driver=bluez # ------------ D2 - GPIO Controllers ------------ # ## GPIO Controllers ## enable controllers on GPIO with mk_arcarde_joystick_rpi (0,1) controllers.gpio.enabled=0 ## mk_gpio arguments, map=1 for one controller, map=1,2 for 2 (map=1,map=1,2) controllers.gpio.args=map=1,2 ## Custom mk_gpio arguments, ## map=5 gpio1=Y-,Y+,X-,X+,start,select,a,b,tr,y,x,tl,hk for one controller, ## map=5 gpio1=pin1,pin2,pin3,.....,pin12,pin13 ## map=5,6 gpio1=Y-,Y+,X-,X+,start,select,a,b,tr,y,x,tl,hk gpio2=Y-,Y+,X-,X+,start,select,a,b,tr,y,x,tl,hk for 2 (map=5,map=5,6) ## map=5,6 gpio1=gpiox,gpioy,gpioz,.....,gpiou,gpiov gpio2=gpiox,gpioy,gpioz,.....,gpiou,gpiov # where gpiox,gpioy,gpioz ... are NOT pin numbers on the connector, BUT location gpio numbered as in # https://www.raspberrypi-spy.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2012/06/Raspberry-Pi-GPIO-Layout-Model-B-Plus-rotated-2700x900.png ## Set pin to -1 to disable it # controllers.gpio.args=map=5,6 gpio=4,17,27,22,10,9,25,24,23,18,15,14,2 gpio2=11,5,6,13,19,26,21,20,16,12,7,8,3 ## MCP configuration : GPIO and MCP can be used together. You can mix them. ## map=0x20,0x21 for 2 mcp23017 on i2c bus #controllers.gpio.args=map=0x20,0x21,5,6 gpio=4,17,27,22,10,9,25,24,23,18,15,14,-1 gpio2=11,5,6,13,19,26,21,20,16,12,7,8,-1 # ------------ D3 - Steam Controllers ------------ # ## Enable steam controller service controllers.steam.enabled=0 ## DB9 Controllers ## Enable DB9 drivers for atari, megadrive, amiga controllers (0,1) controllers.db9.enabled=0 ## db9 arguments controllers.db9.args=map=1 ## Gamecon controllers ## Enable gamecon controllers, for nes, snes, psx (0,1) controllers.gamecon.enabled=0 ## gamecon_args controllers.gamecon.args=map=1 ## XGaming's XArcade Tankstik and other compatible devices controllers.xarcade.enabled=1 # ------------ F - Language and keyboard ------------ # ## Set the language of the system (fr_FR,en_US,en_GB,de_DE,pt_BR,es_ES,it_IT,eu_ES,tr_TR,zh_CN) system.language=en_US ## set the keyboard layout (fr,en,de,us,es) system.kblayout=de ## Set you local time ## Select your timezone from : ls /usr/share/zoneinfo/ (string) ;system.timezone=Europe/Paris # ------------ G - UPDATES ------------ # ## Automatically check for updates at start (0,1) updates.enabled=1 # Update type : default to stable updates.type=stable # ------------ H - HERE IT IS - GLOBAL EMULATOR CONFIGURATION ------------ # ## The global value will be used for all emulators, except if the value ## is redefined in the emulator ## Set game resolution for emulators ## select your mode from the command : tvservice -m [MODE] ## CEA 5 HDMI : 1920x1080 @ 60Hz 16:9, clock:74MHz interlaced ## CEA 4 HDMI : 1280x720 @ 60Hz 16:9, clock:74MHz progressive ## use 'default' for using the default resolution ## use 'auto' : switches to CEA 4 HDMI if supported, else keep the current resolution ## (string) global.videomode=CEA 4 HDMI ## Shader set ## Automatically select shaders for all systems ## (none, retro, scanlines) global.shaderset=retro ## Once enabled, your screen will be cropped, and you will have a pixel perfect image (0,1) global.integerscale=1 ## Set gpslp shader for all emulators (prefer shadersets above). Absolute path (string) global.shaders= ## Set ratio for all emulators (auto,4/3,16/9,16/10,custom) global.ratio=auto ## Set smooth for all emulators (0,1) global.smooth=0 ## Set rewind for all emulators (0,1) global.rewind=1 ## Set autosave/load savestate for all emulators (0,1) global.autosave=0 ## Enable retroarchievements (0,1) ## Set your www.retroachievements.org username/password ## Escape your special chars (# ; $) with a backslash : $ => \$ global.retroachievements=1 global.retroachievements.hardcore=0 global.retroachievements.username=xxxxxxxx global.retroachievements.password=xxxxxxxx ## Set retroarch input driver (auto, udev, sdl2) ## If you don't have issues with your controllers, let auto global.inputdriver=auto ## If you do not want recalboxOS to generate the configuration for all emulators (string) ;global.configfile=/path/to/my/configfile.cfg ## Demo screensaver parameters ## Set the system list from which ES will run random games. ## Empty list or unexisting key means all available systems global.demo.systemlist=mame ## Default demo game sessions last 90s. Change this value if you want shorter or longer sessions ;global.demo.duration=90 ## Default game info screen duration lasts 6s. Change this value if you want shorter or longer info screens. ;global.demo.infoscreenduration=6 ## Retroarch AI Translation service ## Comment out or set to 0 the following key if you don't want the AI service global.translate=1 ## Set the source and the target languages. ## Allowed language list: EN, ES, FR, IT, DE, JP, NL, CS, DA, SV, HR, KO, ZH_CN, ZH_TW, CA, BG, BN, EU, AZ, AR, SQ, ## AF, EO, ET, TL, FI, GL, KA, EL, GU, HT, IW, HI, HU, IS, ID, GA, KN, LA, LV, LT, MK, MS, ## MT, NO, FA, PL, PT, RO, RU, SR, SK, SL, SW, TA, TE, TH, TR, UK, UR, VI, CY, YI ## Setting the translate.from key to a specified language may speed up or give more accurate results ## If translate.to key is commented, the default value is extracted from system.language or, if system.language is ## undefined, set to auto (=EN). global.translate.from=auto global.translate.to=auto ## zTranslate API Key ## go to https://ztranslate.net and create an account. ## validate your account, then log in and go to the settngs page ## Look for the API Key at the bottom of the page, then uncomment the following key and paste your API Key: ;global.translate.apikey=YOUR_API_KEY_HERE ## Other translation service ## If you want to use another translation service or a custom API call, use this key to ## specify the url to call. If the key is not empty, it is used instead of zTranslation's API Key ;global.translate.url= ## Arcade metasystem ## Activate the Arcade metasystem to group all games from piFBA, FBN (libretro), MAME and optionally Neogeo ## into a single "Arcade" system. ;global.arcade=1 ## You may want to specify its position in the system list. (Default: 0) ## Negatives values may be used to tart from the end (-1 = last position) ;global.arcade.position=0 ## Include NeoGeo or not (default: 1) ;global.arcade.includeneogeo=1 ## Hide included system or leave them in the system list (default: 1) ;global.arcade.hideoriginals=1 # ------------ I - EMULATORS CHOICES ----------- # ## You can override the global configurations here ## Here is the snes example ;snes.videomode=CEA 4 HDMI snes.core=snes9x2010 ;snes.shaders=/recalbox/share/shaders/shaders_glsl/mysnesshader.gplsp ;snes.ratio=16/9 ;snes.smooth=0 ;snes.rewind=1 ;snes.autosave=0 ;snes.emulator=libretro ;snes.integerscale=0 ## If you do not want recalboxOS to generate the configuration for the emulator: ;snes.configfile=/path/to/my/configfile.cfg ## Default cores for RPi3 snes.core=snes9x2010 ## NeoGeo emulator ## You can use pifba or a libretro core (fba2x,libretro) neogeo.emulator=libretro ## If you set libretro as neogeo.emulator, the line below sets the retroarch core (fbneo, mame2000) neogeo.core=fbneo ## N64 emulator is configured to display a screen with a 640x480 resolution (native n64 resolution) ## So you must use one of these video modes (DMT 4 HDMI,CEA 1 HDMI). ## If your screen is not compatible with one of these video modes, please check the recalbox's wiki. n64.videomode=DMT 4 HDMI ## If you are using a CRT screen, please change the setting above with this one : # n64.videomode=default ## Dreamcast emulator ## Like N64, such a CPU intensive emulator needs a small resolution ## Consider DMT 4 HDMI (640*480) or DMT 9 HDMI (800*600). If you have a black screen on dreamcast, try DMT 9 HDMI here dreamcast.videomode=DMT 4 HDMI ## Demo screensaver parameters ## Include or exclude a particular system from the demo screensaver ## You may change the global.demo.systemlist key or include/exclude every single system ;snes.demo.include=0 ## Set the session duration for a particular system ;snes.demo.duration=90 # ------------ J - NETPLAY PARAMETERS ----------- # ## All these values are handled by Recalbox itself global.netplay=1 global.netplay.nickname= global.netplay.port=55435 global.netplay.relay= global.netplay.systems=fba_libretro,mame,mastersystem,megadrive,neogeo,nes,pcengine,sega32x,sg1000,snes,supergrafx global.netplay.lobby=http://lobby.libretro.com/list/ ## Configurations generated by Recalbox global.quitpresstwice=0 fba_libretro.flatfolder=0 fba_libretro.sort=0 gbc.flatfolder=0 gbc.sort=0 megadrive.flatfolder=0 megadrive.sort=0 nes.flatfolder=0 nes.sort=0 mame.flatfolder=0 mame.sort=0 imageviewer.flatfolder=0 imageviewer.sort=0 amiga600.flatfolder=0 amiga600.sort=0 amstradcpc.flatfolder=0 amstradcpc.sort=0 gb.flatfolder=0 gb.sort=0 pcengine.flatfolder=0 pcengine.sort=0 psx.flatfolder=0 psx.sort=0 segacd.flatfolder=0 segacd.sort=0
Es wäre toll wenn mir jemand helfen könnte!
RE: random shutdowns and safe shutdown not working (Megapi Case)
This is what my recalbox.conf looks like:
# ------------ A - System Options ----------- # # Uncomment the system.power.switch you use system.power.switch=PIN356ONOFFRESET # https://github.com/recalbox/recalbox-os/wiki/Add-a-start-stop-button-to-your-recalbox-(EN) ## fbcp FrameBuffer Copy Program ## For small TFT screen on GPIO and SPI ## See https://github.com/recalbox/recalbox-os/wiki/Utility---Use-of-fbcp-for-small-TFT-screen-%28EN%29 for details ## Needed for Waveshare 3.2" 3.5" TFT screen, 2.8" Adafruit screen ## See https://github.com/recalbox/recalbox-os/wiki/TFT-Screen-SPI-Bus-%28EN%29 ## for support and configuration details needed by /boot/config.txt system.fbcp.enabled=0 ## Splash screen duration ## 0: Video will be played for 20 seconds (default) ## -1: All the video will be played (it won't be stopped automatically) ## >0 : Time before the video will be stopped (in seconds) system.splash.length=0 ## Recalbox Manager (http manager) system.manager.enabled=1 ## Currently, only version 2 is available system.manager.version=2 ## Recalbox security # enforce security # samba password required # disable virtual gamepads system.security.enabled=0 ## Recalbox API (REST) system.api.enabled=0 ## Allow a specific resolution for ES only from the command : tvservice -m [MODE] ## Leave commented for the default usual behaviour ;system.es.videomode=CEA 4 HDMI ## EmulationStation ### menu style ### default -> default all options menu ### none -> no menu except the game search menu ### bartop -> less menu, only needed for bartops emulationstation.menu=default ### Select a system to show on boot (use rom directory name) (string) emulationstation.selectedsystem=megadrive ### Show the gamelist of the first or selected system on boot (0,1) emulationstation.bootongamelist=0 ### Disable system view. ES will boot and show ONLY the first or selected system (0,1) emulationstation.hidesystemview=0 ### Pa**e Gamelists only. Show only games listed in gamelist.xml files (0,1) emulationstation.gamelistonly=0 ### Force basicgameList view to be displayed, even if your game systems are scraped (0,1) emulationstation.forcebasicgamelistview=0 ## Videosnaps ### Delay before videosnaps start, in millisecond. Default: 2s ;emulationstation.videosnaps.delay=2000 ### Video loop times. 0 = no video. 1 or more = the video loops x times before fading out ;emulationstation.videosnaps.loop=1 ## Scrapers ### ScreenScraper.fr ### Force media region - if not defined, region is taken from system.language. Default: us ;scraper.screenscraper.region=eu ### Force text language - if not defined, region is taken from system.language. Default: en ;scraper.screenscraper.language=fr ### Choose the media to download among: ### screenshot: game screenshot ### title : game title screenshot ### box2d : Front case ### box3d : 3D rendered case ### mixv1 : Recalbox special mix image V1 (default) ### mixv2 : Recalbox special mix image V2 ;scraper.screenscraper.media=mixv1 ### ScreenScraper account ;scraper.screenscraper.user= ;scraper.screenscraper.password= ## Emulator special keys ## default -> default all special keys ## nomenu -> cannot popup the emulator menu ## none -> no special keys in emulators system.emulators.specialkeys=default ## Show or hide kodi in emulationstation (0,1) kodi.enabled=1 ## Start kodi at launch (0,1) kodi.atstartup=0 ## set x button shortcut (0,1) kodi.xbutton=1 ## Allow a specific resolution for Kodi only from the command : tvservice -m [MODE] ## By default is using the default resolution of your screen kodi.videomode=default ## Kodi can wait for a network component before starting ## waithost is the ip or hostname that must answer to a ping to validate the availability ## waittime is the maximum time waited when kodi boots ## if waitmode is required, kodi will not start if the component is not available ## if waitmode is wish, kodi will start if the component is not available ## if waitmode is not set or has another value, kodi will start immediately ;kodi.network.waitmode=required ;kodi.network.waittime=10 ;kodi.network.waithost= ## Hyperion ## Hyperion allows you to use an ambilight like led system on your recalbox ## Use hypercon to create your configuration file, and copy it in /recalbox/share/system/configs/hyperion/hyperion.config.json hyperion.enabled=0 # ------------ B - Network ------------ # ## Set system hostname system.hostname=RECALBOX ## Activate wifi (0,1) wifi.enabled=1 ## Set wifi region ## More info here: https://github.com/recalbox/recalbox-os/wiki/Wifi-country-code-(EN) wifi.region=US ## Wifi SSID (string) wifi.ssid=xxxxxxxxxx ## Wifi KEY (string) ## after rebooting the recalbox, the "new key" is replace by a hidden value "enc:xxxxx" ## you can edit the "enc:xxxxx" value to replace by a clear value, it will be updated again at the following reboot ## Escape your special chars (# ; $) with a backslash : $ => \$ wifi.key=xxxxxxxxxxx ## Wifi - static IP ## if you want a static IP address, you must set all 3 values (ip, gateway, and netmask) ## if any value is missing or all lines are commented out, it will fall back to the ## default of DHCP ;wifi.ip=manual ip address ;wifi.gateway=new gateway ;wifi.netmask=new netmask # secondary wifi (not configurable via the user interface) ;wifi2.ssid=new ssid ;wifi2.key=new key # third wifi (not configurable via the user interface) ;wifi3.ssid=new ssid ;wifi3.key=new key ## Samba share system.samba.enabled=1 ### Virtual Gamepads system.virtual-gamepads.enabled=1 ### SSH system.ssh.enabled=1 # ------------ C - Audio ------------ # ## Set the audio device (auto, hdmi, jack) audio.device=hdmi ## Set system volume (0..100) audio.volume=81 ## Enable or disable system sounds in ES (0,1) audio.bgmusic=1 # -------------- D - Controllers ----------------- # # Enable support for standard bluetooth controllers controllers.bluetooth.enabled=1 # Enable ERTM controllers.bluetooth.ertm=0 ## Please enable only one of these # -------------- D1 - PS3 Controllers ------------ # ##Enable PS3 controllers support controllers.ps3.enabled=1 ## Choose a driver between bluez, official and shanwan ## bluez -> bluez 5 + kernel drivers, support official and shanwan sisaxis ## official -> sixad drivers, support official and gasia sisaxis ## shanwan -> shanwan drivers, support official and shanwan sisaxis controllers.ps3.driver=bluez # ------------ D2 - GPIO Controllers ------------ # ## GPIO Controllers ## enable controllers on GPIO with mk_arcarde_joystick_rpi (0,1) controllers.gpio.enabled=0 ## mk_gpio arguments, map=1 for one controller, map=1,2 for 2 (map=1,map=1,2) controllers.gpio.args=map=1,2 ## Custom mk_gpio arguments, ## map=5 gpio1=Y-,Y+,X-,X+,start,select,a,b,tr,y,x,tl,hk for one controller, ## map=5 gpio1=pin1,pin2,pin3,.....,pin12,pin13 ## map=5,6 gpio1=Y-,Y+,X-,X+,start,select,a,b,tr,y,x,tl,hk gpio2=Y-,Y+,X-,X+,start,select,a,b,tr,y,x,tl,hk for 2 (map=5,map=5,6) ## map=5,6 gpio1=gpiox,gpioy,gpioz,.....,gpiou,gpiov gpio2=gpiox,gpioy,gpioz,.....,gpiou,gpiov # where gpiox,gpioy,gpioz ... are NOT pin numbers on the connector, BUT location gpio numbered as in # https://www.raspberrypi-spy.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2012/06/Raspberry-Pi-GPIO-Layout-Model-B-Plus-rotated-2700x900.png ## Set pin to -1 to disable it # controllers.gpio.args=map=5,6 gpio=4,17,27,22,10,9,25,24,23,18,15,14,2 gpio2=11,5,6,13,19,26,21,20,16,12,7,8,3 ## MCP configuration : GPIO and MCP can be used together. You can mix them. ## map=0x20,0x21 for 2 mcp23017 on i2c bus #controllers.gpio.args=map=0x20,0x21,5,6 gpio=4,17,27,22,10,9,25,24,23,18,15,14,-1 gpio2=11,5,6,13,19,26,21,20,16,12,7,8,-1 # ------------ D3 - Steam Controllers ------------ # ## Enable steam controller service controllers.steam.enabled=0 ## DB9 Controllers ## Enable DB9 drivers for atari, megadrive, amiga controllers (0,1) controllers.db9.enabled=0 ## db9 arguments controllers.db9.args=map=1 ## Gamecon controllers ## Enable gamecon controllers, for nes, snes, psx (0,1) controllers.gamecon.enabled=0 ## gamecon_args controllers.gamecon.args=map=1 ## XGaming's XArcade Tankstik and other compatible devices controllers.xarcade.enabled=1 # ------------ F - Language and keyboard ------------ # ## Set the language of the system (fr_FR,en_US,en_GB,de_DE,pt_BR,es_ES,it_IT,eu_ES,tr_TR,zh_CN) system.language=en_US ## set the keyboard layout (fr,en,de,us,es) system.kblayout=de ## Set you local time ## Select your timezone from : ls /usr/share/zoneinfo/ (string) ;system.timezone=Europe/Paris # ------------ G - UPDATES ------------ # ## Automatically check for updates at start (0,1) updates.enabled=1 # Update type : default to stable updates.type=stable # ------------ H - HERE IT IS - GLOBAL EMULATOR CONFIGURATION ------------ # ## The global value will be used for all emulators, except if the value ## is redefined in the emulator ## Set game resolution for emulators ## select your mode from the command : tvservice -m [MODE] ## CEA 5 HDMI : 1920x1080 @ 60Hz 16:9, clock:74MHz interlaced ## CEA 4 HDMI : 1280x720 @ 60Hz 16:9, clock:74MHz progressive ## use 'default' for using the default resolution ## use 'auto' : switches to CEA 4 HDMI if supported, else keep the current resolution ## (string) global.videomode=CEA 4 HDMI ## Shader set ## Automatically select shaders for all systems ## (none, retro, scanlines) global.shaderset=retro ## Once enabled, your screen will be cropped, and you will have a pixel perfect image (0,1) global.integerscale=1 ## Set gpslp shader for all emulators (prefer shadersets above). Absolute path (string) global.shaders= ## Set ratio for all emulators (auto,4/3,16/9,16/10,custom) global.ratio=auto ## Set smooth for all emulators (0,1) global.smooth=0 ## Set rewind for all emulators (0,1) global.rewind=1 ## Set autosave/load savestate for all emulators (0,1) global.autosave=0 ## Enable retroarchievements (0,1) ## Set your www.retroachievements.org username/password ## Escape your special chars (# ; $) with a backslash : $ => \$ global.retroachievements=1 global.retroachievements.hardcore=0 global.retroachievements.username=xxxxxxxx global.retroachievements.password=xxxxxxxx ## Set retroarch input driver (auto, udev, sdl2) ## If you don't have issues with your controllers, let auto global.inputdriver=auto ## If you do not want recalboxOS to generate the configuration for all emulators (string) ;global.configfile=/path/to/my/configfile.cfg ## Demo screensaver parameters ## Set the system list from which ES will run random games. ## Empty list or unexisting key means all available systems global.demo.systemlist=mame ## Default demo game sessions last 90s. Change this value if you want shorter or longer sessions ;global.demo.duration=90 ## Default game info screen duration lasts 6s. Change this value if you want shorter or longer info screens. ;global.demo.infoscreenduration=6 ## Retroarch AI Translation service ## Comment out or set to 0 the following key if you don't want the AI service global.translate=1 ## Set the source and the target languages. ## Allowed language list: EN, ES, FR, IT, DE, JP, NL, CS, DA, SV, HR, KO, ZH_CN, ZH_TW, CA, BG, BN, EU, AZ, AR, SQ, ## AF, EO, ET, TL, FI, GL, KA, EL, GU, HT, IW, HI, HU, IS, ID, GA, KN, LA, LV, LT, MK, MS, ## MT, NO, FA, PL, PT, RO, RU, SR, SK, SL, SW, TA, TE, TH, TR, UK, UR, VI, CY, YI ## Setting the translate.from key to a specified language may speed up or give more accurate results ## If translate.to key is commented, the default value is extracted from system.language or, if system.language is ## undefined, set to auto (=EN). global.translate.from=auto global.translate.to=auto ## zTranslate API Key ## go to https://ztranslate.net and create an account. ## validate your account, then log in and go to the settngs page ## Look for the API Key at the bottom of the page, then uncomment the following key and paste your API Key: ;global.translate.apikey=YOUR_API_KEY_HERE ## Other translation service ## If you want to use another translation service or a custom API call, use this key to ## specify the url to call. If the key is not empty, it is used instead of zTranslation's API Key ;global.translate.url= ## Arcade metasystem ## Activate the Arcade metasystem to group all games from piFBA, FBN (libretro), MAME and optionally Neogeo ## into a single "Arcade" system. ;global.arcade=1 ## You may want to specify its position in the system list. (Default: 0) ## Negatives values may be used to tart from the end (-1 = last position) ;global.arcade.position=0 ## Include NeoGeo or not (default: 1) ;global.arcade.includeneogeo=1 ## Hide included system or leave them in the system list (default: 1) ;global.arcade.hideoriginals=1 # ------------ I - EMULATORS CHOICES ----------- # ## You can override the global configurations here ## Here is the snes example ;snes.videomode=CEA 4 HDMI snes.core=snes9x2010 ;snes.shaders=/recalbox/share/shaders/shaders_glsl/mysnesshader.gplsp ;snes.ratio=16/9 ;snes.smooth=0 ;snes.rewind=1 ;snes.autosave=0 ;snes.emulator=libretro ;snes.integerscale=0 ## If you do not want recalboxOS to generate the configuration for the emulator: ;snes.configfile=/path/to/my/configfile.cfg ## Default cores for RPi3 snes.core=snes9x2010 ## NeoGeo emulator ## You can use pifba or a libretro core (fba2x,libretro) neogeo.emulator=libretro ## If you set libretro as neogeo.emulator, the line below sets the retroarch core (fbneo, mame2000) neogeo.core=fbneo ## N64 emulator is configured to display a screen with a 640x480 resolution (native n64 resolution) ## So you must use one of these video modes (DMT 4 HDMI,CEA 1 HDMI). ## If your screen is not compatible with one of these video modes, please check the recalbox's wiki. n64.videomode=DMT 4 HDMI ## If you are using a CRT screen, please change the setting above with this one : # n64.videomode=default ## Dreamcast emulator ## Like N64, such a CPU intensive emulator needs a small resolution ## Consider DMT 4 HDMI (640*480) or DMT 9 HDMI (800*600). If you have a black screen on dreamcast, try DMT 9 HDMI here dreamcast.videomode=DMT 4 HDMI ## Demo screensaver parameters ## Include or exclude a particular system from the demo screensaver ## You may change the global.demo.systemlist key or include/exclude every single system ;snes.demo.include=0 ## Set the session duration for a particular system ;snes.demo.duration=90 # ------------ J - NETPLAY PARAMETERS ----------- # ## All these values are handled by Recalbox itself global.netplay=1 global.netplay.nickname= global.netplay.port=55435 global.netplay.relay= global.netplay.systems=fba_libretro,mame,mastersystem,megadrive,neogeo,nes,pcengine,sega32x,sg1000,snes,supergrafx global.netplay.lobby=http://lobby.libretro.com/list/ ## Configurations generated by Recalbox global.quitpresstwice=0 fba_libretro.flatfolder=0 fba_libretro.sort=0 gbc.flatfolder=0 gbc.sort=0 megadrive.flatfolder=0 megadrive.sort=0 nes.flatfolder=0 nes.sort=0 mame.flatfolder=0 mame.sort=0 imageviewer.flatfolder=0 imageviewer.sort=0 amiga600.flatfolder=0 amiga600.sort=0 amstradcpc.flatfolder=0 amstradcpc.sort=0 gb.flatfolder=0 gb.sort=0 pcengine.flatfolder=0 pcengine.sort=0 psx.flatfolder=0 psx.sort=0 segacd.flatfolder=0 segacd.sort=0
If you need any other information, please let me know
random shutdowns and safe shutdown not working (Megapi Case)
Hello everyone!
I recently set up my Recalbox (Raspberry Pi 3B) wich I didn't use for about 3 years, and installed the newest version 6.1.1
Also I bought the Megapi-Case from Retroflag.
At first everything ran well, although I never got the safe shutdown and the reset to work (using the PIN356ONOFFRESET option). Every time I press the reset button, the system just hard resets, instead of resetting the current game.
The safe shutdown option is turned on inside the case.Also after some time my Recalbox started to randomly shutdown itself (a proper shutdown with the warning "don't turn off system") I can't see any pattern. Sometimes it happens after 2 or 3 Minutes, sometimes it takes longer. It doesn't matter if I am ingame or in the menu.
I installed everything correctly and I don't know what to do. I just want to finally play my retro games again, without having to worry how long it will be ubtil I get interruptedIt would be great if anybody could help me!
Edit: I would upload my recalbox.conf but I don't know how
RE: [SOFT] Universal XML Scraper V2
Edit: @lackyluuk Oh man. Wie unhöflich von mir. Ich kann und werde natürlich selbst mal nach meinen Tippfehlern suchen. Das meinte ich mit meiner Konzentration und meinem Kopf ... Kaum zu gebrauchen ...
RE: [SOFT] Universal XML Scraper V2
@lackyluuk that what @screech said! "Das was Screech gesagt hat"
Ich habe eigentlich gar keine Ahnung wie die ganze Github-Sache funktioniert. Ich hab die XML einfach mit Notepad++ geöffnet, losgelegt und @paradadf dann mein "Exemplar" geschickt.
Einfach einen Fehler korrigieren wenn du einen gefunden hast
Meine Konzentration lässt in letzter Zeit etwas zu wünschen übrig. Daher kann es gut sein dass ich was übersehen habe. Und manche Dinge waren auch nicht ganz zu verstehen, weil das Englisch noch nicht hunder pro ist. Ich hoffe ich habe den Sinn von allem so weit eingefangen -
RE: [SOFT] Universal XML Scraper V2
@screech So you do speak a few word's of german
Then let's hope @lackyluuk won't find a mistake