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Posts made by Javier Sandoval
pair ps3 control without usb cable?
im going to make an arcade control for a buddy of mine, im using a ps3 original control that l2 and r2 dont work, since im only using 6 buttons that shouldnt be a problem, i got plenty of experience on that, i do have a pi3 working however, i never used a ps3 control on it, i still dont have the control in my hands perhaps tomorrow, the guy whos selling the control does not have a usb cable, so i wonder if is posible to pair the control without the cable? thanks for reading.
RE: Any way to block a lenguage in the forum?
@abunille a s**t dumb me here its a category not a lenguage,thaks for the tip
RE: Any way to block a lenguage in the forum?
@wulfman said in Any way to block a lenguage in the forum?:
I don't speak french - but if i search something and the answer could be in an french-thread, i use https://www.deepl.com/translator ... it helps.
Many of my problems can also be solved with some identified words (i can't translate this sorry: i mean english words in french or french words which are similar to german/english) and especially numbers, commands (english) super. Complete sentences are not always necessary. Have already found solutions to problems on Chinese or Russian sites:) WITHOUT translator. .. ok sometimes that would be better to use this
"don't use the command: [codeblock] abcd" (russian!) I see in the codeblock (latin letters): abcd -> use it:) sometime it helps, sometimes not... same here in the forum
... No problem with this. Yes ... it's sometimes a little bit hard to understand - but rather find a solution in French than none:)
You know, i do understand what you saying, is just that if want it to use google instead of the forum to look for help, i would just use google. Ive been using forums for years to learn and to help others, BYOAC,HYPERSPIN,Gamex, and many forums in spanish as well, and this is the first one that really bother mes me alot, as with like yesterday, i tried to search for a solution for a dreamcast problem, and as per usual i use the search function first so i dont bother about an issue that has been discused before, but theres is no lenguage filter in the function, and i get tons of french topics, wich im not going to translate each other to see if i find something usufull on it, so i believe the reason this forums gets many of the "use the search function first" posts, are because of this. But is just me, i might be wrong, and perhaps thats one of the reasons the recalbox forums dont have a good reputation, instead of helping users seem to atack or ignore. who knows.
RE: Any way to block a lenguage in the forum?
@dragu said in Any way to block a lenguage in the forum?:
Haha, if you want to ban french to St. Helena, you just selected the wrong website.
There is google translate around, in the case some stuff you want to read, that you dont understand.im not trying to ban anything, im just saying a decent forum does not mix leguanges for a better user experience, here, its just a mix of lots of lenguages and therefore, when performing a search on a certain problem,the user gets tons of results in other lenguages. Like i said im not being racist, i just want a better experience, and instead of answering with such comments like this instead of looking for a solution it does not help in anything at all. Have a good day, and please do not reply unless you have something usefull to say. thanks
Any way to block a lenguage in the forum?
I dont ment to be racist but the true is i dont understand french and chinese or other and everytime i enter the forum there are tons of posts that are not in english or spanish, so i wonder if you guys can add an option to hide all of this posts to make it easyer to find stuff and to help others, thanks for your time.
RE: Instalacion directa en disco duro de PC
mira la forma que yo lo hago es,en un pc que tenga windows, pones el disco de tu laptop (asumiendo que es sata) como secundario, una vez en windows vas a control panel, herramientas de administrador, administrador de disco, y ahy borras la particion de tu disco de la laptop, despues usando rodkill imageburn, quemas la imagen de recalbox para pc, apagas tu pc montas tu disco en la laptop y se instala, ya solo quedaria pasar las roms, si no tienes otro pc, otra opcion seria, bajarte ubuntu y quemarlo en un usb, arrancas ubuntu desde el usb en tu laptop, una vez en ubuntu te bajas la imagen de recalbox, usando la utilidad discos en ubuntu, borras la particion del disco duro de la laptop , quemas la imagen de recalbox que te bajaste, reinicias tu laptop una vez que acabe, y listo. asumiendo que entiendes de lo que te ablo, la otra opcion es como dice el companero, puedes usar un adaptador de usb y conectar tu disco como si fuera externo y quemar la imagen de esa forma. suerte
RE: Recalbox reset itself to default, all settings and roms gone?
i notice i had the same issue once but on pcx64, on the options for the share drive, just change it once to something ealse, reboot, then change it once again to internal and reboot, problem gone.
RE: Sound issues
thanks for the fast reply, i really dont ssh as is my only computer, its there a way i can do that from the OS itself?
Sound issues
I wonder, im using recalbox pc x64 and so far i tested in 2 diferent computers, and it works great, the first one i was using an nvidia card with hdmi, so i though that was the problem for my sound issue, the problem is, when i set up the audio, i only have 2 options, auto and "realtex,hd,hdmi1,hdmi blabla bla" so on that particular computer, setting up to auto i get sound but i cant control the sound volume, now on the current computer im using, it has onboard intel hdmi outlet, and on the sound menu, i get 4 diferent options, out of those 4, i only get sound in one of them. The issue is, i cant control the sound either, it stays at 0 no matter what i choose. So i wonder if theres something i can do to make it work normal, so i can control the sound from the computer. Im using a hp pro desk 600 g1 ssf. Thanks for any help.
RE: Scrapper problem: "Error saving resized image. Out of memory? Disk full?"
@rockaddicted I dont understand your question. Like i say, i was scraping over 8000 images, and once in a while the scrapping process stoped with the same mesage, so knowing that i had enough space, i just skipped that image and continued with the scrapping process, to after a while stoping with the same error mesage, once again i just skiped and the scrapping continued, same thing like 20 times, i gues there was an error in the image being downloaded not on the recalbox software.
RE: Scrapper problem: "Error saving resized image. Out of memory? Disk full?"
Mine was doing the same, but only on certain scrapper, cant remember wich one, but just skiping that particular image and the rest scraped just fine, it only happen with like 20 images out of 8000. I did scrappe another build i had but with the windows batch file and never had a problem with that one.
RE: Seeking for jamma control driver. for pcx64
@voljega said in Seeking for jamma control driver. for pcx64:
@javier-sandoval ok i remembered that you spoke about it a while ago and tht's why I spoke about new computers nit old ones.
I don't think it would work well on such an old computer and i don't think recalbox handles parallel port and neither that the 2.5 developers team will have time to code to support something which disapeared ten years goWell, recalbox runs super smooth on this old pc, eve psx ad n64 games runs flawlless and no errors, so no, you dont need a new pc for recalbox, i still use hyperspin, and it does run well, and for the ones that like dreamcast or newer games , a decent old video card does the job too. And about jamma being death for 10 years, boy you couldnt be more wrong, this things are still sold normal, and whoever invented this, they even developed one for the original xbox, one for ps2 and we have another for xbox 360, i just happen to use the pc one, theres one that uses usb controls but that one goes for abour 30 bucks, i might buy one and try with recalbox, as i do understand developers not wanting to workfor a feature that not many people find usefull. Thanks anyway.
RE: Seeking for jamma control driver. for pcx64
@voljega said in Seeking for jamma control driver. for pcx64:
@javier-sandoval when was the last time you bought a new pc with a parrallel port ?
Haven't seen one in ten years I think. Maybe fifteen
as a matter o fact i buy old pcs all the time, i dont live in the US or Europe, here in mexico a dual core o core dos duo pc goes betwen 15 to 30 bucks, with around 2gb ram ,pretty decent for old emulation. Tomorrow im a buy one more, and those pc to jamma things, are around 15 bucks, you can solder the cables or save time with a jamma harnes.Plus its easy to buy local, no need for shipping. -
RE: Seeking for jamma control driver. for pcx64
@substring said in Seeking for jamma control driver. for pcx64:
@javier-sandoval Could you detail how you expect to expect that to your pi ?
Tittle says for pc , and the controllers conect to a paralel port.
RE: [BATCH] Scrape your roms on your PC - fastscraper
@paradadf said in [BATCH] Scrape your roms on your PC - fastscraper:
@javier-sandoval si fueras tan amable de abrir un issue en github con informacion mas detallada del error, podria echarle un vistazo para intentar evitar eso.
claro que si,gracias
RE: [BATCH] Scrape your roms on your PC - fastscraper
great exellent tool, thanks alot, i just had a problem with the batch getting stuck as it couldnt recognise the OS lenguage, i deleted that line of code, and after that it worked nice. Ive seen that other dude had a similar problem and thats how i solved mine, so perhaps you might want to look at that part of the code, im using windows 7x64 with sp1 in spanish mexico type. Thanks again.
RE: [4.1-stable] FAQ
@paradadf said in [4.1-stable] FAQ:
@javier-sandoval he didn’t write OS (Operation system) but FS (File system)
isnt that the same thing? i mean i do understand the diference betwen FS and OS but what i mean is, the end user experience is what matters. But at the same time i understand that if theres not much interest in a feature, most likely it will not be developed.
RE: [4.1-stable] FAQ
@rockaddicted said in [4.1-stable] FAQ:
nope, fat32 is an old and weak microsoft FS. Relcabox is a linux, so we use ext4, a native, robust linux FS.Well, its not about how weak or how best wich OS is, is about end user experience that counts, perhaps, in the future, as it happened with other linux distros, instead of distributing images ,it would be posible to crea an installer, that will give you the option to format the share partition in fat32 mode . On my side, it makes it easyer to update roms,scrape them even to install themes. I use dual boot with windows 7, to make things easyer. And on the themable default image, it would be great, i mean, i can download the image myself but adding 100 plus images of games that perhaps ill never play it would take alot of time. So a default image makes things easyer.
Seeking for jamma control driver. for pcx64
Ok, so, in the windows emulation world, i like to use this grea old , i call them encoders but im not sure what the correct name is, wich are pc to jamma, i dont used the vga por anymore as its easyer to use lcd directly to the computer, i just really use them for the controllers and the sound, the sound works directly, no need for a driver, so does the vga, it only uses a driver for the controllers wich in reallity are 3 snes chip controller. Now in the old DOS days we used, sneskey, wich you can find information a bout it here
snes key 9
Now as years passed, in the hyperspin with windows 7 years i used psxpad driver wich i download from here
and because this thing manages the snes controllers via parallel port, i cant seem to find acurate information , but on this page
snes control via parallel port
so i was wondering if theres a way or a driver you guys can help install to use this on pc.Or if is allready implemented what do i need to do. Thanks for any help.