@Nachtgarm Danke. - ja, hat "nette" Sachen parat. Geht recht zügig voran jetzt wo ein paar mithelfen bei der Entwicklung
Posts made by hstampfl
RE: Stellt euch vor
RE: Stellt euch vor
Ich bin schon seit längerem "ghost" reader von den Github Repositories und dem Forum hier.
Ich komme aus der Schweiz und sammle so alles was mit Konsolen zu tun hat Meine Signatur lässt grüssen.
Beruflich hab ich auch mit Tasten zu tun. Linux und Windows sind kein Fremdwort für mich.
Warum ich Retrogaming Fan bin, gute Frage, keine Ahnung, glaube da sind meine Eltern schuld....Hab mit C64 angefangen anno....genau domini.
Hab ein paar RPIs rumstehen und schaue mir immer mal wieder was neues an....Ab und zu kommt auch ein Lötkolben zum Einsatz.
Aktuell bin ich Interessiert an den MAME, C64 und AMIGA implementierungen....@Nachtgarm: Die 4.1 hab ich mir gestern kompiliert - Der Bootscreen sieht ja sowas von cool aus.....
RE: Abkürzungen bei MAME Arcade Roms
Hallo zusammen
Finde diesen Artikel ebenfalls noch interessant. Leider in Englischhttp://www.mameworld.info/easyemu/mameguide/mameguide-roms.html
Auf der Seite sind generell dazu viele Infos schon schön zusammengetragen.
Grüsse aus der Schweiz
hstampflPS: Die Hauptseite zu den Guides sind hier (http://easyemu.mameworld.info/mameguide/mameguide.html)
RE: Can recalbox make scan lines?
You can configure scanlines within the new 3.3.0 (Beta). You have to configure it in recalbox.conf. The instruction is in the wiki on github.
RE: 1 GPIO button added per player
GPIO works fine for me. Thanks for the hotkey.
RE: Shaders
ups, this was an copy&past error. I wouldn't copy my recalbox.conf and I added the wrong file into the zip. add this to your recalbox.conf at the end:
# ------------ S - SHADERS ----------- # ##Sample: <emu>_shader=<presetfile>.glslp ## gb_shader=dot-green.glslp mastersystem_shader=dot.glslp
It's generally activated on all retroarch/libretro emus within emulationlaucher.sh. In /recalbox/scripts/emulatorlaunch.sh I have enable_shader="$essetting get EnableShader" enable_shader=„true" you need to delete this line with (enable_shader=„true") as soon as the optionssetting via emulationstation is ready. The logic for loading the shaders is now like this: - First it looks if shaders are enabled. - Second it look if a shader for this emulator in recalbox.conf is configured -> shaders/<emulator>/<file>.glslp - Third it looks in shaders/_presets/ if there is a <emulator>_default.glslp - Last but not least it will load when nothing is there default.glslp in shaders/_presets - When Shaders are desibled I do set the video_shader_dir, so the user has the ability to activate the shader via RGUI.
RE: Shaders
I have attached my solution. It should work wtih 3.2.11, but I advice to backup first emulatorlauncher.sh before replace it with my files. 1. extract zip file and scp and replace the provided files on your recalbox installation. in /recalbox/share/shader/ you should then have the shader files. (I haven't converted all RetropieShaders yet, more will come later) 2. verify that retroarchsetting.sh and emulatorlauncher.sh is executable. If not execute 'chmod +x <filename>' 3. Copy SHADER Section from recalbox.conf.template to your recalbox When you now execute gb emulator you should now have the green-dot.glslp shader loaded. Each retroarch/libretro core can have loaded his own shader preset file. I have enabled shaders in emulatorlauncher.sh globally. It first looks if a presetfile is defined within recalbox.conf. If not it loads a predefinded default.glslp from _presets folder. Regards Heinz Edit: File was to big. Download it from here: http://www.mpf.li/recalbox_shaders.zip
RE: Shaders
Hi, I can help you. I have implemented a shader solution within version 3.2.9. I am not at home now, I will update you with more informations this evening. Regards Heinz
RE: THT Arcade Console 2P USB controller
I have wired my arcade stuff directly to the gpio and it works fine. the only limitation I do have is because of the missing hotkey in the mk_ driver. This is only noticable within N64 emu.
RE: THT Arcade Console 2P USB controller
I think this is because of a missing driver within recalbox os. can you provide a dmesg output from commandline right after inserting the usb controller?
RE: Mk_arcade_joystick_rpi coin connector?
in case there are only gpio based joysticks needed, there would be a possibility to add 2 more buttons. within this driver there is also no hotkey included. as far that I know is that retroboy will add a hotkey to the driver in near feature. - but version 3.3.0 will have a huge change in the base and he as a lot other work to do fist.
RE: What's your favorite game to play on Recalbox?
here is my list: - Wonderboy - Arkanoid - Tetris - 1942 - Diablo
RE: Zoid theme problem?
Perhaps he has his real gameboy next to his recalbox, so there was no need for this to add
RE: 3.3.0 Release
here are some samples how the 8-bit handhelds looks with a dot shader enabled. My favourite is the original green gambeoy colored one
RE: HDMI vs CRT ,a request .
Only for clarification: you would like to choose CRT or HDMI. so, they are not connected both at the same time?
RE: ICade Raspberry Pi 2 ModB
I do also have an iCade ION @home.... Hmmm... It looks really nice. Can you please provide me more Information about where you have bought the 10.1" Panel + Driverboard?
RE: Has anyone been able to use MAME?
Yes, I can agree, there are mame roms that are working. You have really to be care about that you are looking for Version 0.37b5 roms. But I do have 0.37b5 roms which are working on RetroPie/PortaPi and do not work in Recalbox. What games are you guys trying to play?
RE: Do you guys need help in dist testing?
I am on holidays and all my suff is @home. next week I will do some testing with my other controllers too.
RE: V3.2.8 release
hmmm... I was standing before a wired Xbox360 controller last week as I spend some time in a "Mediamarkt", but unfortunately I did not bought one.