Im trying to setup 2 controllers for Arcade games (eg SF2)
Im on the PI CM4 Gpi Case 2 with the latest version of RecalBox
And the 2nd controller (ie Input 3) appears to only have Button1/Button2/Button3 with any additional buttons being "---" within retroarch, and they therefore cannot be mapped.
(If you manually map some of the buttons the missing buttons start working until you restart at which point the working button is disabled again)
So for SF2 there is a missing Punch and Kick button, so North, East, South, West the South (ie A or B button) is missing an arcade Button 4 definition. And the R1 sholder button is missing a "Button 5/6"?
I had other similar issues with a lightgun image for retropie and the issue was that the particular buttons had been setup as "-1" in the file:
input_player1_select = "alt"
input_player1_select_axis = "nul"
input_player1_select_btn = "0"
input_player1_select_mbtn = "nul"
input_player1_start = "num1"
input_player1_start_axis = "nul"
input_player1_start_btn = "0"
input_player1_start_mbtn = "nul"
So replacing:
input_player1_select_btn = "0"
input_player1_select_btn = "nul"
And the buttons could be mapped in Mame2010.
But while the buttons were setup as "-1" in this specific retroarch file it was not allowing the buttons to work correctly.
So are there equivalent files within recalbox?
Ive attached the retroarch screenshot for each of the three inputs, you can clearly see Port3 is not the same as it only allows 3 arcade buttons to be mapped.