Multiple wifi doesnt work unless all networks are up????
The problem which was reported in 2017 here:
Still appears to be an issue.
If you setup more than 1 wifi in the http://recalbox/recalbox-conf
And any of the additional wifi networks cannot be accessed, it wont auto connect to any WIFI it detects as being activeIf you prod it with a WPS connection it will connect just fine.
So i've tested this by enabling 3 WIFI in recalbox.conf
WIFI 1 = Home Wifi
WIFI 2 = Phone hotspot
WIFI 3 = Home WifiWith home Wifi disabled the hotspot doesnt connect.
With the hotspot disabled, the home wifi wont connect.So its not a preference order type thing, it seems to hit an empty network and stop trying to connect to anything.
The only way the home wifi connects is when the phone hotspot is also switched on.
It does appear to auto switch if a network is disabled though.
But the actual wifi connection when you specify multiple networks appears to be broken.So I think this is some issue with whatever is interacting with the conf file
I'd just install wpa supplicant and be done, but of cource recalbox wont allow that.So is there a fix for actually being able to use more than 1 wifi network which may or may not be currently active?
This is on the latest version of Recalbox on the RPI Compute Module 4, GPI Case 2
Bug spotted. It will be fixed in next release.
PS: I also added the possibility to set a priority on the wifi network.
Just setwifi2.priority = 20
to prioritize second wifi (20 is totally arbitrary here, make sure to put higher values to prioritized wifi) -
admin 29 Sept 2023, 00:00