est accessible en ssh. Sous Windows, j'utilise putty. Sous Mac, je ne connais pas.
Best posts made by Fabien
RE: Jeux Ports avec la 7.2.1
RE: Cheat codes DooM sous PrBoom
Testé avec RB 7.1.1 et raspberry pi3:
Lance ta partie de doom
puis hotkey + B --> menu retroarch
Sélectionne le menu "Cheats"
Sélectionne "Charger des cheats (Remplacer)" ou "Charger des cheats (Ajouter)"
Un menu s'ouvre sur /recalbox/share_init/cheats/
Choisis le dossier DOS ou PrBoom
Sélectionne le fichier DOOM.chtFais défiler le menu vers le bas, il y a la liste des cheats.
Touche droite/gauche pour activer/désactiver un cheat.N'oublie pas de cliquer sur "Appliquer les changements"
Reviens à la racine du menu Retroarch, touche A plusieurs fois chez moi.
Reprise de la partie avec "Menu principal" > "Menu rapide" > "Reprendre" -
RE: Cheat codes DooM sous PrBoom
J'insiste sur le dossier qui est /recalbox/share_init/cheats (accessible en ssh).
Il n'y a rien dans \RECALBOX/share\cheats (qui est visible depuis un environnement réseau Windows).Fichier /recalbox/share_init/cheats/DOS/Doom.cht
# Doom # http://doom.wikia.com/wiki/Doom_cheat_codes cheats = 14 cheat0_desc = "Radiation Shielding Suit" cheat0_code = "idbeholdr" cheat0_enable = false cheat1_desc = "Partial Inivisibility" cheat1_code = "idbeholdi" cheat1_enable = false cheat2_desc = "Invulnerability" cheat2_code = "idbeholdv" cheat2_enable = false cheat3_desc = "Computer Area Map" cheat3_code = "idbeholda" cheat3_enable = false cheat4_desc = "Light Amplification Visor" cheat4_code = "idbeholdl" cheat4_enable = false cheat5_desc = "Berserk" cheat5_code = "idbeholds" cheat5_enable = false cheat6_desc = "Chainsaw" cheat6_code = "idchoppers" cheat6_enable = false cheat7_desc = "No Clipping (Doom)" cheat7_code = "idspispopd" cheat7_enable = false cheat8_desc = "No Clipping (Doom II)" cheat8_code = "idclip" cheat8_enable = false cheat9_desc = "God Mode" cheat9_code = "iddqd" cheat9_enable = false cheat10_desc = "Full Map" cheat10_code = "iddt" cheat10_enable = false cheat11_desc = "Full Armor, Weapons and Ammo" cheat11_code = "idfa" cheat11_enable = false cheat12_desc = "Full Armor, Weapons, Ammo and Keys" cheat12_code = "idkfa" cheat12_enable = false cheat13_desc = "Show Coordinates" cheat13_code = "idmypos" cheat13_enable = false
Fichier /recalbox/share_init/cheats/PrBoom/Doom (v1.9).cht
cheat0_address = "0" cheat0_address_bit_position = "0" cheat0_big_endian = "false" cheat0_cheat_type = "1" cheat0_code = "idbeholdr" cheat0_desc = "Radiation Shielding Suit" cheat0_enable = "false" cheat0_handler = "0" cheat0_memory_search_size = "3" cheat0_repeat_add_to_address = "1" cheat0_repeat_add_to_value = "0" cheat0_repeat_count = "1" cheat0_rumble_port = "0" cheat0_rumble_primary_duration = "0" cheat0_rumble_primary_strength = "0" cheat0_rumble_secondary_duration = "0" cheat0_rumble_secondary_strength = "0" cheat0_rumble_type = "0" cheat0_rumble_value = "0" cheat0_value = "0" cheat10_address = "0" cheat10_address_bit_position = "0" cheat10_big_endian = "false" cheat10_cheat_type = "1" cheat10_code = "iddt" cheat10_desc = "Full Map" cheat10_enable = "false" cheat10_handler = "0" cheat10_memory_search_size = "3" cheat10_repeat_add_to_address = "1" cheat10_repeat_add_to_value = "0" cheat10_repeat_count = "1" cheat10_rumble_port = "0" cheat10_rumble_primary_duration = "0" cheat10_rumble_primary_strength = "0" cheat10_rumble_secondary_duration = "0" cheat10_rumble_secondary_strength = "0" cheat10_rumble_type = "0" cheat10_rumble_value = "0" cheat10_value = "0" cheat11_address = "0" cheat11_address_bit_position = "0" cheat11_big_endian = "false" cheat11_cheat_type = "1" cheat11_code = "idfa" cheat11_desc = "Full Armor, Weapons and Ammo" cheat11_enable = "false" cheat11_handler = "0" cheat11_memory_search_size = "3" cheat11_repeat_add_to_address = "1" cheat11_repeat_add_to_value = "0" cheat11_repeat_count = "1" cheat11_rumble_port = "0" cheat11_rumble_primary_duration = "0" cheat11_rumble_primary_strength = "0" cheat11_rumble_secondary_duration = "0" cheat11_rumble_secondary_strength = "0" cheat11_rumble_type = "0" cheat11_rumble_value = "0" cheat11_value = "0" cheat12_address = "0" cheat12_address_bit_position = "0" cheat12_big_endian = "false" cheat12_cheat_type = "1" cheat12_code = "idkfa" cheat12_desc = "Full Armor, Weapons, Ammo and Keys" cheat12_enable = "false" cheat12_handler = "0" cheat12_memory_search_size = "3" cheat12_repeat_add_to_address = "1" cheat12_repeat_add_to_value = "0" cheat12_repeat_count = "1" cheat12_rumble_port = "0" cheat12_rumble_primary_duration = "0" cheat12_rumble_primary_strength = "0" cheat12_rumble_secondary_duration = "0" cheat12_rumble_secondary_strength = "0" cheat12_rumble_type = "0" cheat12_rumble_value = "0" cheat12_value = "0" cheat13_address = "0" cheat13_address_bit_position = "0" cheat13_big_endian = "false" cheat13_cheat_type = "1" cheat13_code = "idmypos" cheat13_desc = "Show Coordinates" cheat13_enable = "false" cheat13_handler = "0" cheat13_memory_search_size = "3" cheat13_repeat_add_to_address = "1" cheat13_repeat_add_to_value = "0" cheat13_repeat_count = "1" cheat13_rumble_port = "0" cheat13_rumble_primary_duration = "0" cheat13_rumble_primary_strength = "0" cheat13_rumble_secondary_duration = "0" cheat13_rumble_secondary_strength = "0" cheat13_rumble_type = "0" cheat13_rumble_value = "0" cheat13_value = "0" cheat1_address = "0" cheat1_address_bit_position = "0" cheat1_big_endian = "false" cheat1_cheat_type = "1" cheat1_code = "idbeholdi" cheat1_desc = "Partial Inivisibility" cheat1_enable = "false" cheat1_handler = "0" cheat1_memory_search_size = "3" cheat1_repeat_add_to_address = "1" cheat1_repeat_add_to_value = "0" cheat1_repeat_count = "1" cheat1_rumble_port = "0" cheat1_rumble_primary_duration = "0" cheat1_rumble_primary_strength = "0" cheat1_rumble_secondary_duration = "0" cheat1_rumble_secondary_strength = "0" cheat1_rumble_type = "0" cheat1_rumble_value = "0" cheat1_value = "0" cheat2_address = "0" cheat2_address_bit_position = "0" cheat2_big_endian = "false" cheat2_cheat_type = "1" cheat2_code = "idbeholdv" cheat2_desc = "Invulnerability" cheat2_enable = "false" cheat2_handler = "0" cheat2_memory_search_size = "3" cheat2_repeat_add_to_address = "1" cheat2_repeat_add_to_value = "0" cheat2_repeat_count = "1" cheat2_rumble_port = "0" cheat2_rumble_primary_duration = "0" cheat2_rumble_primary_strength = "0" cheat2_rumble_secondary_duration = "0" cheat2_rumble_secondary_strength = "0" cheat2_rumble_type = "0" cheat2_rumble_value = "0" cheat2_value = "0" cheat3_address = "0" cheat3_address_bit_position = "0" cheat3_big_endian = "false" cheat3_cheat_type = "1" cheat3_code = "idbeholda" cheat3_desc = "Computer Area Map" cheat3_enable = "false" cheat3_handler = "0" cheat3_memory_search_size = "3" cheat3_repeat_add_to_address = "1" cheat3_repeat_add_to_value = "0" cheat3_repeat_count = "1" cheat3_rumble_port = "0" cheat3_rumble_primary_duration = "0" cheat3_rumble_primary_strength = "0" cheat3_rumble_secondary_duration = "0" cheat3_rumble_secondary_strength = "0" cheat3_rumble_type = "0" cheat3_rumble_value = "0" cheat3_value = "0" cheat4_address = "0" cheat4_address_bit_position = "0" cheat4_big_endian = "false" cheat4_cheat_type = "1" cheat4_code = "idbeholdl" cheat4_desc = "Light Amplification Visor" cheat4_enable = "false" cheat4_handler = "0" cheat4_memory_search_size = "3" cheat4_repeat_add_to_address = "1" cheat4_repeat_add_to_value = "0" cheat4_repeat_count = "1" cheat4_rumble_port = "0" cheat4_rumble_primary_duration = "0" cheat4_rumble_primary_strength = "0" cheat4_rumble_secondary_duration = "0" cheat4_rumble_secondary_strength = "0" cheat4_rumble_type = "0" cheat4_rumble_value = "0" cheat4_value = "0" cheat5_address = "0" cheat5_address_bit_position = "0" cheat5_big_endian = "false" cheat5_cheat_type = "1" cheat5_code = "idbeholds" cheat5_desc = "Berserk" cheat5_enable = "false" cheat5_handler = "0" cheat5_memory_search_size = "3" cheat5_repeat_add_to_address = "1" cheat5_repeat_add_to_value = "0" cheat5_repeat_count = "1" cheat5_rumble_port = "0" cheat5_rumble_primary_duration = "0" cheat5_rumble_primary_strength = "0" cheat5_rumble_secondary_duration = "0" cheat5_rumble_secondary_strength = "0" cheat5_rumble_type = "0" cheat5_rumble_value = "0" cheat5_value = "0" cheat6_address = "0" cheat6_address_bit_position = "0" cheat6_big_endian = "false" cheat6_cheat_type = "1" cheat6_code = "idchoppers" cheat6_desc = "Chainsaw" cheat6_enable = "false" cheat6_handler = "0" cheat6_memory_search_size = "3" cheat6_repeat_add_to_address = "1" cheat6_repeat_add_to_value = "0" cheat6_repeat_count = "1" cheat6_rumble_port = "0" cheat6_rumble_primary_duration = "0" cheat6_rumble_primary_strength = "0" cheat6_rumble_secondary_duration = "0" cheat6_rumble_secondary_strength = "0" cheat6_rumble_type = "0" cheat6_rumble_value = "0" cheat6_value = "0" cheat7_address = "0" cheat7_address_bit_position = "0" cheat7_big_endian = "false" cheat7_cheat_type = "1" cheat7_code = "idspispopd" cheat7_desc = "No Clipping (Doom)" cheat7_enable = "false" cheat7_handler = "0" cheat7_memory_search_size = "3" cheat7_repeat_add_to_address = "1" cheat7_repeat_add_to_value = "0" cheat7_repeat_count = "1" cheat7_rumble_port = "0" cheat7_rumble_primary_duration = "0" cheat7_rumble_primary_strength = "0" cheat7_rumble_secondary_duration = "0" cheat7_rumble_secondary_strength = "0" cheat7_rumble_type = "0" cheat7_rumble_value = "0" cheat7_value = "0" cheat8_address = "0" cheat8_address_bit_position = "0" cheat8_big_endian = "false" cheat8_cheat_type = "1" cheat8_code = "idclip" cheat8_desc = "No Clipping (Doom II)" cheat8_enable = "false" cheat8_handler = "0" cheat8_memory_search_size = "3" cheat8_repeat_add_to_address = "1" cheat8_repeat_add_to_value = "0" cheat8_repeat_count = "1" cheat8_rumble_port = "0" cheat8_rumble_primary_duration = "0" cheat8_rumble_primary_strength = "0" cheat8_rumble_secondary_duration = "0" cheat8_rumble_secondary_strength = "0" cheat8_rumble_type = "0" cheat8_rumble_value = "0" cheat8_value = "0" cheat9_address = "0" cheat9_address_bit_position = "0" cheat9_big_endian = "false" cheat9_cheat_type = "1" cheat9_code = "iddqd" cheat9_desc = "God Mode" cheat9_enable = "false" cheat9_handler = "0" cheat9_memory_search_size = "3" cheat9_repeat_add_to_address = "1" cheat9_repeat_add_to_value = "0" cheat9_repeat_count = "1" cheat9_rumble_port = "0" cheat9_rumble_primary_duration = "0" cheat9_rumble_primary_strength = "0" cheat9_rumble_secondary_duration = "0" cheat9_rumble_secondary_strength = "0" cheat9_rumble_type = "0" cheat9_rumble_value = "0" cheat9_value = "0" cheats = "14"
Fichier /recalbox/share_init/cheats/PrBoom/Doom II - Hell on Earth (v1.9).cht
# Doom 2 # http://www.classicdoom.com/doomcode.htm#pcd2 cheats = 13 cheat0_desc = "Gain Computer Area Map item" cheat0_code = "idbeholda" cheat0_enable = false cheat1_desc = "Gain Blur Artifact" cheat1_code = "idbeholdi" cheat1_enable = false cheat2_desc = "Gain light-amplification visor" cheat2_code = "idbeholdl" cheat2_enable = false cheat3_desc = "Gain radiation suit" cheat3_code = "idbeholdr" cheat3_enable = false cheat4_desc = "Gain Berserk Pack" cheat4_code = "idbeholds" cheat4_enable = false cheat5_desc = "Gain Invulnerability Artifact" cheat5_code = "idbeholdv" cheat5_enable = false cheat6_desc = "Gain Chainsaw" cheat6_code = "idchoppers" cheat6_enable = false cheat7_desc = "Walk Through Walls" cheat7_code = "idclip" cheat7_enable = false cheat8_desc = "Invincibility" cheat8_code = "iddqd" cheat8_enable = false cheat9_desc = "Automap mode... 1) Reveal map. 2) Add Objects. 3) Reset" cheat9_code = "iddt" cheat9_enable = false cheat10_desc = "Gain all weapons, full ammo, 200% armor" cheat10_code = "idfa" cheat10_enable = false cheat11_desc = "Gain 3 keys, all weapons, full ammo, 200% armor" cheat11_code = "idkfa" cheat11_enable = false cheat12_desc = "Display player position" cheat12_code = "idmypos" cheat12_enable = false
Et je te rajoute un fichier que j'avais créé pour aller directement à un autre level dans Doom, utile pour accéder directement à une custom map, si celle-ce ne remplaçait pas le level E1M1.
# Doom # http://doom.wikia.com/wiki/Doom_cheat_codes cheats = 36 cheat0_desc = "E1M1: Hangar" cheat0_code = "idclev11" cheat0_enable = false cheat1_desc = "E1M2: Nuclear Plant" cheat1_code = "idclev12" cheat1_enable = false cheat2_desc = "E1M3: Toxin Refinery" cheat2_code = "idclev13" cheat2_enable = false cheat3_desc = "E1M4: Command Control" cheat3_code = "idclev14" cheat3_enable = false cheat4_desc = "E1M5: Phobos Lab" cheat4_code = "idclev15" cheat4_enable = false cheat5_desc = "E1M6: Central Processing" cheat5_code = "idclev16" cheat5_enable = false cheat6_desc = "E1M7: Computer Station" cheat6_code = "idclev17" cheat6_enable = false cheat7_desc = "E1M8: Phobos Anomaly" cheat7_code = "idclev18" cheat7_enable = false cheat8_desc = "E1M9: Military Base (secret level)" cheat8_code = "idclev19" cheat8_enable = false cheat9_desc = "E2M1: Deimos Anomaly" cheat9_code = "idclev21" cheat9_enable = false cheat10_desc = "E2M2: Containment Area" cheat10_code = "idclev22" cheat10_enable = false cheat11_desc = "E2M3: Refinery" cheat11_code = "idclev23" cheat11_enable = false cheat12_desc = "E2M4: Deimos Lab" cheat12_code = "idclev24" cheat12_enable = false cheat13_desc = "E2M5: Command Center" cheat13_code = "idclev25" cheat13_enable = false cheat14_desc = "E2M6: Halls of the D**ned" cheat14_code = "idclev26" cheat14_enable = false cheat15_desc = "E2M7: Spawning Vats" cheat15_code = "idclev27" cheat15_enable = false cheat16_desc = "E2M8: Tower of Babel" cheat16_code = "idclev28" cheat16_enable = false cheat17_desc = "E2M9: Fortress of Mystery (secret level)" cheat17_code = "idclev29" cheat17_enable = false cheat18_desc = "E3M1: Hell Keep" cheat18_code = "idclev31" cheat18_enable = false cheat19_desc = "E3M2: Slough of Despair" cheat19_code = "idclev32" cheat19_enable = false cheat20_desc = "E3M3: Pandemonium" cheat20_code = "idclev33" cheat20_enable = false cheat21_desc = "E3M4: House of Pain" cheat21_code = "idclev34" cheat21_enable = false cheat22_desc = "E3M5: Unholy Cathedral" cheat22_code = "idclev35" cheat22_enable = false cheat23_desc = "E3M6: Mt. Erebus" cheat23_code = "idclev36" cheat23_enable = false cheat24_desc = "E3M7: Limbo" cheat24_code = "idclev37" cheat24_enable = false cheat25_desc = "E3M8: Dis" cheat25_code = "idclev38" cheat25_enable = false cheat26_desc = "E3M9: Warrens (secret level)" cheat26_code = "idclev39" cheat26_enable = false cheat27_desc = "E4M1: Hell Beneath" cheat27_code = "idclev41" cheat27_enable = false cheat28_desc = "E4M2: Perfect Hatred" cheat28_code = "idclev42" cheat28_enable = false cheat29_desc = "E4M3: Sever the Wicked" cheat29_code = "idclev43" cheat29_enable = false cheat30_desc = "E4M4: Unruly Evil" cheat30_code = "idclev44" cheat30_enable = false cheat31_desc = "E4M5: They Will Repent" cheat31_code = "idclev45" cheat31_enable = false cheat32_desc = "E4M6: Against Three Wickedly" cheat32_code = "idclev46" cheat32_enable = false cheat33_desc = "E4M7: And Hell Followed" cheat33_code = "idclev47" cheat33_enable = false cheat34_desc = "E4M8: Unto the Cruel" cheat34_code = "idclev48" cheat34_enable = false cheat35_desc = "E4M9: Fear (secret level)" cheat35_code = "idclev49" cheat35_enable = false
et l'équivalent pour Doom II
# Doom # http://doom.wikia.com/wiki/Doom_cheat_codes cheats = 32 cheat0_desc = "MAP1: Entryway" cheat0_code = "idclev01" cheat0_enable = false cheat1_desc = "MAP2: Underhalls" cheat1_code = "idclev02" cheat1_enable = false cheat2_desc = "MAP3: The Gauntlet" cheat2_code = "idclev03" cheat2_enable = false cheat3_desc = "MAP4: The Focus" cheat3_code = "idclev04" cheat3_enable = false cheat4_desc = "MAP5: The Waste Tunnels" cheat4_code = "idclev05" cheat4_enable = false cheat5_desc = "MAP6: The Crusher" cheat5_code = "idclev06" cheat5_enable = false cheat6_desc = "MAP7: Dead Simple" cheat6_code = "idclev07" cheat6_enable = false cheat7_desc = "MAP8: Tricks and Traps" cheat7_code = "idclev08" cheat7_enable = false cheat8_desc = "MAP9: The Pit" cheat8_code = "idclev09" cheat8_enable = false cheat9_desc = "MAP10: Refueling Base" cheat9_code = "idclev10" cheat9_enable = false cheat10_desc = "MAP11: 'O' of Destruction!" cheat10_code = "idclev11" cheat10_enable = false cheat11_desc = "MAP12: The Factory" cheat11_code = "idclev12" cheat11_enable = false cheat12_desc = "MAP13: Downtown" cheat12_code = "idclev13" cheat12_enable = false cheat13_desc = "MAP14: The Inmost Dens" cheat13_code = "idclev14" cheat13_enable = false cheat14_desc = "MAP15: Industrial Zone" cheat14_code = "idclev15" cheat14_enable = false cheat15_desc = "MAP16: Suburbs" cheat15_code = "idclev16" cheat15_enable = false cheat16_desc = "MAP17: Tenements" cheat16_code = "idclev17" cheat16_enable = false cheat17_desc = "MAP18: The Courtyard" cheat17_code = "idclev18" cheat17_enable = false cheat18_desc = "MAP19: The Citadel" cheat18_code = "idclev19" cheat18_enable = false cheat19_desc = "MAP20: Gotcha!" cheat19_code = "idclev20" cheat19_enable = false cheat20_desc = "MAP21: Nirvana" cheat20_code = "idclev21" cheat20_enable = false cheat21_desc = "MAP22: The Catacombs" cheat21_code = "idclev22" cheat21_enable = false cheat22_desc = "MAP23: Barrels o' Fun" cheat22_code = "idclev23" cheat22_enable = false cheat23_desc = "MAP24: The Chasm" cheat23_code = "idclev24" cheat23_enable = false cheat24_desc = "MAP25: Bloodfalls" cheat24_code = "idclev25" cheat24_enable = false cheat25_desc = "MAP26: The Abandoned Mines" cheat25_code = "idclev26" cheat25_enable = false cheat26_desc = "MAP27: Monster Condo" cheat26_code = "idclev27" cheat26_enable = false cheat27_desc = "MAP28: The Spirit World" cheat27_code = "idclev28" cheat27_enable = false cheat28_desc = "MAP29: The Living End" cheat28_code = "idclev29" cheat28_enable = false cheat29_desc = "MAP30: Icon of Sin" cheat29_code = "idclev30" cheat29_enable = false cheat30_desc = "MAP31: Wolfenstein (secret level)" cheat30_code = "idclev31" cheat30_enable = false cheat31_desc = "MAP32: Grosse (super secret level)" cheat31_code = "idclev32" cheat31_enable = false
RE: Cheat codes DooM sous PrBoom
Ah mince...
Les cheats ne fontionnent pas en mode Nightmare! . Ca pourrait être une piste.Ah si, ça fonctionne chez moi. Testé à l'instant.
Tu es aussi avec un raspberry ? recalbox v7.1.1 ?
Avec le "God Mod" (iddqd) activé, les yeux du perso deviennent blancs, plus rapide à constater que chercher un baril
Latest posts made by Fabien
RE: Rpi3B+ et Recalbox9.2.3 -> ecran noir 1er boot
Est-ce que quelqu'un a une image de recalbox 9.2 pour raspberry pi 3 qui traine sur son HDD pour que je puisse tester ?
Rpi3B+ et Recalbox9.2.3 -> ecran noir 1er boot
Bonjour à tous,
Je rencontre un problème d'écran noir depuis que je tente de passer en v9.2.3.
Mon matos : un Rpi3B+ avec carte SD SanDisk eXtreme U3, alim officielle et réseau par RJ45.Fresh install via Pi imager 1.8.5 --> au 1er boot, l'écran reste totalement noir, pas de fantôme, aucune image, aucun message, pas de musique non plus.
L'accès \\recalbox depuis l'explorateur Windows fonctionne, je trouve bien les dossiers bios / logs / roms (internal-network-usb) / share / system.
Le WebManager est également accessible, mais popup en bas en rouge 'Problème de connexion réseau' à chaque changement d'onglet.
Tout fonctionnait à merveille en version 9.1.
Et si après la version 9.2.3, je reflashe la 9.1, ça re-fonctionne.Je n'ai pas d'archives pour tester les versions entre 9.1 et 9.2.3.
Testé sur un moniteur PC FHD et sur une TV FHD.
Testé de modifier en SSH dans recalbox.conf : global.videomode=default --> tjs écran noir.
Testé de modifier en SSH dans recalbox-user-config.txt : hdmi_force_hotplug=1 --> tjs écran noir.
Testé une fresh install ou update depuis la v9.1 --> tjs écran noir dans les 2 cas.Voici mon archive support généré depuis le webmanager.
Contenu de \\recalbox\logs\recalbox.log
[ 5.87] [usbmount] [WARNING] already mounted, skipping... [ 5.89] [usbmount] [WARNING] already mounted, skipping... [ 6.24] [usbmount] [INFO] /dev/mmcblk0 saved for future mount [ 6.37] [usbmount] [WARNING] /dev/mmcblk0p1 already mounted, skipping... [ 7.08] [recalbox-start-wifi] [WIFI] Configuring wifi for interface wlan0 [ 9.65] [kms-manager] [INFO] DRM card already connected, nothing to do [ 10.24] [S06splash] [INSTALL] Install in progress. Don't play boot video [ 10.50] [S09wifi] [WIFI] /boot/recalbox-backup.conf not found [ 11.77] [usbmount] [INFO] /dev/mmcblk0p2 saved for future mount [ 11.88] [usbmount] [INFO] /dev/mmcblk0p3 saved for future mount [ 13.83] [usbmount] [INFO] /dev/mmcblk0 processed [ 13.90] [usbmount] [WARNING] /dev/mmcblk0p2 already mounted, skipping... [ 13.92] [usbmount] [INFO] /dev/mmcblk0p3 processed [ 14.03] [S12populateshare] [POPULATE] [1] - Forcing creation of directories [ 14.13] [S12populateshare] [POPULATE] [2] - Linking directories [ 14.16] [S12populateshare] [POPULATE] [4] - Copying share_init directories [ 18.35] [S12populateshare] [POPULATE] [5] - Copying roms .txt files [ 21.93] [S12populateshare] [POPULATE] [7.0] - The system has been updated, copying share_init [ 21.95] [S12populateshare] [POPULATE] [7.1] - BIOS [ 31.82] [S12populateshare] [POPULATE] [7.2] - ROMS [ 32.07] [S12populateshare] [POPULATE] [7.3] - REMOVING PLACEHOLDERS IN ROMS [ 32.64] [S12populateshare] [POPULATE] [7.4] - REMOVING PLACEHOLDERS IN PORTS [ 32.74] [S12populateshare] [POPULATE] [7.5.1] - Updating shaders [ 38.70] [S12populateshare] [POPULATE] [7.5.2] - Saving shader version [ 38.71] [S12populateshare] [POPULATE] [7.6] - Copying read-write ports [ 43.62] [S12populateshare] [POPULATE] [7.7] - Copy version to share [ 43.63] [S12populateshare] [POPULATE] [8] - An other copy of configs and overlays [ 44.12] [S12populateshare] [POPULATE] [9] - Do upgrade if necessary [ 44.15] [S12populateshare] [UPGRADE] recalbox.conf to 9.2.3-Pulstar [ 44.18] [S12populateshare] [UPGRADE] ADDING user defined to /recalbox/share/system/recalbox.conf : system.fbcp.enabled=0 [ 44.21] [S12populateshare] [UPGRADE] ADDING user defined to /recalbox/share/system/recalbox.conf : system.splash.length=-1 [ 44.24] [S12populateshare] [UPGRADE] ADDING user defined to /recalbox/share/system/recalbox.conf : system.splash.select=all [ 44.27] [S12populateshare] [UPGRADE] ADDING user defined to /recalbox/share/system/recalbox.conf : system.manager.enabled=1 [ 44.29] [S12populateshare] [UPGRADE] ADDING user defined to /recalbox/share/system/recalbox.conf : system.manager.version=2 [ 44.32] [S12populateshare] [UPGRADE] ADDING user defined to /recalbox/share/system/recalbox.conf : system.api.enabled=0 [ 44.35] [S12populateshare] [UPGRADE] ADDING user defined to /recalbox/share/system/recalbox.conf : emulationstation.menu=default [ 44.38] [S12populateshare] [UPGRADE] ADDING user defined to /recalbox/share/system/recalbox.conf : emulationstation.selectedsystem=favorites [ 44.41] [S12populateshare] [UPGRADE] ADDING user defined to /recalbox/share/system/recalbox.conf : emulationstation.bootongamelist=0 [ 44.43] [S12populateshare] [UPGRADE] ADDING user defined to /recalbox/share/system/recalbox.conf : emulationstation.hidesystemview=0 [ 44.46] [S12populateshare] [UPGRADE] ADDING user defined to /recalbox/share/system/recalbox.conf : emulationstation.gamelistonly=0 [ 44.49] [S12populateshare] [UPGRADE] ADDING user defined to /recalbox/share/system/recalbox.conf : emulationstation.forcebasicgamelistview=0 [ 44.52] [S12populateshare] [UPGRADE] ADDING user defined to /recalbox/share/system/recalbox.conf : system.emulators.specialkeys=default [ 44.54] [S12populateshare] [UPGRADE] ADDING user defined to /recalbox/share/system/recalbox.conf : kodi.enabled=1 [ 44.57] [S12populateshare] [UPGRADE] ADDING user defined to /recalbox/share/system/recalbox.conf : kodi.atstartup=0 [ 44.60] [S12populateshare] [UPGRADE] ADDING user defined to /recalbox/share/system/recalbox.conf : kodi.xbutton=0 [ 44.63] [S12populateshare] [UPGRADE] ADDING user defined to /recalbox/share/system/recalbox.conf : kodi.videomode=default [ 44.66] [S12populateshare] [UPGRADE] ADDING user defined to /recalbox/share/system/recalbox.conf : hyperion.enabled=0 [ 44.68] [S12populateshare] [UPGRADE] ADDING user defined to /recalbox/share/system/recalbox.conf : system.hostname=RECALBOX [ 44.71] [S12populateshare] [UPGRADE] ADDING user defined to /recalbox/share/system/recalbox.conf : wifi.enabled=0 [ 44.74] [S12populateshare] [UPGRADE] ADDING user defined to /recalbox/share/system/recalbox.conf : wifi.region=JP [ 44.77] [S12populateshare] [UPGRADE] ADDING user defined to /recalbox/share/system/recalbox.conf : system.samba.enabled=1 [ 44.80] [S12populateshare] [UPGRADE] ADDING user defined to /recalbox/share/system/recalbox.conf : system.virtual-gamepads.enabled=1 [ 44.82] [S12populateshare] [UPGRADE] ADDING user defined to /recalbox/share/system/recalbox.conf : system.ssh.enabled=1 [ 44.85] [S12populateshare] [UPGRADE] ADDING user defined to /recalbox/share/system/recalbox.conf : audio.device=auto [ 44.88] [S12populateshare] [UPGRADE] ADDING user defined to /recalbox/share/system/recalbox.conf : audio.volume=90 [ 44.91] [S12populateshare] [UPGRADE] ADDING user defined to /recalbox/share/system/recalbox.conf : audio.music.volume=60 [ 44.93] [S12populateshare] [UPGRADE] ADDING user defined to /recalbox/share/system/recalbox.conf : audio.bgmusic=1 [ 44.96] [S12populateshare] [UPGRADE] ADDING user defined to /recalbox/share/system/recalbox.conf : controllers.bluetooth.enabled=1 [ 44.99] [S12populateshare] [UPGRADE] ADDING user defined to /recalbox/share/system/recalbox.conf : controllers.bluetooth.ertm=1 [ 45.02] [S12populateshare] [UPGRADE] ADDING user defined to /recalbox/share/system/recalbox.conf : controllers.ps3.enabled=1 [ 45.04] [S12populateshare] [UPGRADE] FORCING : controllers.ps3.driver=bluez [ 45.07] [S12populateshare] [UPGRADE] ADDING user defined to /recalbox/share/system/recalbox.conf : controllers.gpio.enabled=0 [ 45.09] [S12populateshare] [UPGRADE] ADDING user defined to /recalbox/share/system/recalbox.conf : controllers.gpio.args=map=1,2 [ 45.12] [S12populateshare] [UPGRADE] ADDING user defined to /recalbox/share/system/recalbox.conf : hat.wpaf.enabled=0 [ 45.15] [S12populateshare] [UPGRADE] ADDING user defined to /recalbox/share/system/recalbox.conf : controllers.steam.enabled=0 [ 45.18] [S12populateshare] [UPGRADE] ADDING user defined to /recalbox/share/system/recalbox.conf : controllers.db9.enabled=0 [ 45.21] [S12populateshare] [UPGRADE] ADDING user defined to /recalbox/share/system/recalbox.conf : controllers.db9.args=map=1 [ 45.24] [S12populateshare] [UPGRADE] ADDING user defined to /recalbox/share/system/recalbox.conf : controllers.gamecon.enabled=0 [ 45.26] [S12populateshare] [UPGRADE] ADDING user defined to /recalbox/share/system/recalbox.conf : controllers.gamecon.args=map=1 [ 45.29] [S12populateshare] [UPGRADE] ADDING user defined to /recalbox/share/system/recalbox.conf : controllers.xarcade.enabled=1 [ 45.32] [S12populateshare] [UPGRADE] ADDING user defined to /recalbox/share/system/recalbox.conf : controllers.joycond.enabled=1 [ 45.35] [S12populateshare] [UPGRADE] ADDING user defined to /recalbox/share/system/recalbox.conf : system.language=en_US [ 45.38] [S12populateshare] [UPGRADE] ADDING user defined to /recalbox/share/system/recalbox.conf : updates.enabled=1 [ 45.41] [S12populateshare] [UPGRADE] ADDING user defined to /recalbox/share/system/recalbox.conf : updates.type=stable [ 45.43] [S12populateshare] [UPGRADE] ADDING user defined to /recalbox/share/system/recalbox.conf : global.videomode=1280x720 [ 45.46] [S12populateshare] [UPGRADE] ADDING user defined to /recalbox/share/system/recalbox.conf : global.shaderset=none [ 45.49] [S12populateshare] [UPGRADE] ADDING user defined to /recalbox/share/system/recalbox.conf : global.integerscale=0 [ 45.52] [S12populateshare] [UPGRADE] ADDING user defined to /recalbox/share/system/recalbox.conf : global.ratio=auto [ 45.55] [S12populateshare] [UPGRADE] ADDING user defined to /recalbox/share/system/recalbox.conf : global.smooth=1 [ 45.58] [S12populateshare] [UPGRADE] ADDING user defined to /recalbox/share/system/recalbox.conf : global.rewind=1 [ 45.60] [S12populateshare] [UPGRADE] ADDING user defined to /recalbox/share/system/recalbox.conf : global.autosave=0 [ 45.63] [S12populateshare] [UPGRADE] ADDING user defined to /recalbox/share/system/recalbox.conf : global.retroachievements=0 [ 45.66] [S12populateshare] [UPGRADE] ADDING user defined to /recalbox/share/system/recalbox.conf : global.retroachievements.hardcore=0 [ 45.69] [S12populateshare] [UPGRADE] ADDING user defined to /recalbox/share/system/recalbox.conf : global.inputdriver=auto [ 45.72] [S12populateshare] [UPGRADE] ADDING user defined to /recalbox/share/system/recalbox.conf : global.demo.systemlist=3do,amigacd32,atari2600,atari5200,atari7800,daphne,fbneo,fds,gamegear,gba,lynx,mame,mastersystem,megadrive,neogeo,nes,ngpc,pcengine,sega32x,sg1000,snes [ 45.75] [S12populateshare] [UPGRADE] ADDING user defined to /recalbox/share/system/recalbox.conf : global.translate=1 [ 45.77] [S12populateshare] [UPGRADE] ADDING user defined to /recalbox/share/system/recalbox.conf : global.translate.from=auto [ 45.80] [S12populateshare] [UPGRADE] ADDING user defined to /recalbox/share/system/recalbox.conf : global.translate.to=auto [ 45.83] [S12populateshare] [UPGRADE] ADDING user defined to /recalbox/share/system/recalbox.conf : snes.core=snes9x2010 [ 45.86] [S12populateshare] [UPGRADE] ADDING user defined to /recalbox/share/system/recalbox.conf : c64.core=x64 [ 45.89] [S12populateshare] [UPGRADE] ADDING user defined to /recalbox/share/system/recalbox.conf : neogeo.emulator=libretro [ 45.92] [S12populateshare] [UPGRADE] ADDING user defined to /recalbox/share/system/recalbox.conf : neogeo.core=fbneo [ 45.95] [S12populateshare] [UPGRADE] ADDING user defined to /recalbox/share/system/recalbox.conf : n64.videomode=640x480 [ 45.97] [S12populateshare] [UPGRADE] ADDING user defined to /recalbox/share/system/recalbox.conf : atomiswave.ignore=1 [ 46.00] [S12populateshare] [UPGRADE] ADDING user defined to /recalbox/share/system/recalbox.conf : dos.rewind=0 [ 46.03] [S12populateshare] [UPGRADE] ADDING user defined to /recalbox/share/system/recalbox.conf : megaduck.integerscale=0 [ 46.06] [S12populateshare] [UPGRADE] ADDING user defined to /recalbox/share/system/recalbox.conf : global.netplay=1 [ 46.09] [S12populateshare] [UPGRADE] ADDING user defined to /recalbox/share/system/recalbox.conf : global.netplay.port=55435 [ 46.12] [S12populateshare] [UPGRADE] ADDING user defined to /recalbox/share/system/recalbox.conf : global.netplay.lobby=http://lobby.libretro.com/list/ [ 46.15] [S12populateshare] [UPGRADE] ADDING user defined to /recalbox/share/system/recalbox.conf : system.secondminitft.enabled=0 [ 46.18] [S12populateshare] [UPGRADE] ADDING user defined to /recalbox/share/system/recalbox.conf : 240ptestsuite.ignore=1 [ 46.20] [S12populateshare] [UPGRADE] UPGRADE done ! [ 46.31] [S12populateshare] [POPULATE] [10] - Dropbear [ 52.98] [S12populateshare] [POPULATE] [13] - UUID [ 53.00] [S12populateshare] [POPULATE] [14] - CORE LIST [ 62.26] [S13hardware] [HARDWARE] Starting hardware detection [ 62.73] [S13hardware] [HARDWARE] Starting kms-manager [ 62.76] [S14migrate] [MIGRATION] Running MIGRATIONS... [ 62.77] [S14migrate] [MIGRATION] Creating migration stamp file /boot/.system-migrations [ 62.79] [kms-manager] [INFO] DRM card already connected, nothing to do [ 62.79] [S14migrate] [MIGRATION] First install, ignoring 9.1-hdmi-hotplug [ 62.81] [S14migrate] [MIGRATION] Creating migration stamp file /recalbox/share/system/.system-migrations [ 62.82] [S14migrate] [MIGRATION] First install, ignoring 9.1-model3-save [ 62.83] [S14migrate] [MIGRATION] First install, ignoring 9.2-move-bios [ 62.83] [S14migrate] [MIGRATION] First install, ignoring 9.2-remove-autoconf-popup-retroarch [ 62.84] [S14migrate] [MIGRATION] First install, ignoring 9.2-add-default-theme-region [ 63.08] [S26recalboxsystem] [CONFIG] converting dos to unix carriage return characters in recalbox.conf [ 63.11] [S26recalboxsystem] [NETWORK] setting hostname to RECALBOX [ 63.12] [S26recalboxsystem] [CONFIG] setting timezone to Europe/Paris [ 63.14] [S26recalboxsystem] [INPUT] setting keyboard layout to en [ 63.39] [S31emulationstation] [ES] starting emulationstation with lang = en_US [ 63.46] [emulationstation-starter] [ES] emulationstation-starter started [ 63.47] [S32miniTFT] [CONFIG] S32mini TFT : Reading system.secondminitft.enabled => 0 [ 63.47] [emulationstation-starter] [ES] started emulationstation (pid=3876) [ 63.49] [S32miniTFT] [CONFIG] S32miniTFT not enabled [ 64.92] [emulationstation-starter] [ES] emulationstation exited code 134 [ 65.26] [S92switch] [CONFIG] Starting S92switch [ 65.27] [S92switch] [CONFIG] script /recalbox/scripts/powerswitch.sh [ STARTED ] [ 65.33] starting webserver [ 65.42] [S99overlaysync] [SYNC] starting overlay sync to /dev/mmcblk0p3 [ 65.45] [S99overlaysync] [SYNC] sending incremental file list [ 65.46] [S99overlaysync] [SYNC] ./ [ 65.46] [S99overlaysync] [SYNC] .safeboot [ 65.47] [S99overlaysync] [SYNC] 2 100% 0.00kB/s 0:00:00 2 100% 0.00kB/s 0:00:00 (xfr#1, to-chk=21/23) [ 65.47] [S99overlaysync] [SYNC] .configs/ [ 65.48] [S99overlaysync] [SYNC] .configs/lib/ [ 65.49] [S99overlaysync] [SYNC] .configs/lib/bluetooth/ [ 65.49] [S99overlaysync] [SYNC] .configs/lib/bluetooth/B8:27:EB:61:14:BD/ [ 65.50] [S99overlaysync] [SYNC] .configs/lib/bluetooth/B8:27:EB:61:14:BD/settings [ 65.51] [S99overlaysync] [SYNC] 29 100% 9.44kB/s 0:00:00 29 100% 9.44kB/s 0:00:00 (xfr#2, to-chk=11/23) [ 65.51] [S99overlaysync] [SYNC] .configs/pulse/ [ 65.52] [S99overlaysync] [SYNC] .configs/pulse/cookie [ 65.52] [S99overlaysync] [SYNC] 256 100% 83.33kB/s 0:00:00 256 100% 83.33kB/s 0:00:00 (xfr#3, to-chk=10/23) [ 65.53] [S99overlaysync] [SYNC] .configs/pulse/f6ddb48218069dc2a4e4f73212ceb415-card-database.simple [ 65.54] [S99overlaysync] [SYNC] 76 100% 24.74kB/s 0:00:00 76 100% 24.74kB/s 0:00:00 (xfr#4, to-chk=9/23) [ 65.54] [S99overlaysync] [SYNC] .configs/pulse/f6ddb48218069dc2a4e4f73212ceb415-default-sink [ 65.55] [S99overlaysync] [SYNC] 1 100% 0.33kB/s 0:00:00 1 100% 0.33kB/s 0:00:00 (xfr#5, to-chk=8/23) [ 65.56] [S99overlaysync] [SYNC] .configs/pulse/f6ddb48218069dc2a4e4f73212ceb415-default-source [ 65.56] [S99overlaysync] [SYNC] 1 100% 0.33kB/s 0:00:00 1 100% 0.33kB/s 0:00:00 (xfr#6, to-chk=7/23) [ 65.57] [S99overlaysync] [SYNC] .configs/pulse/f6ddb48218069dc2a4e4f73212ceb415-device-volumes.simple [ 65.57] [S99overlaysync] [SYNC] 323 100% 105.14kB/s 0:00:00 323 100% 105.14kB/s 0:00:00 (xfr#7, to-chk=6/23) [ 65.58] [S99overlaysync] [SYNC] .configs/pulse/f6ddb48218069dc2a4e4f73212ceb415-runtime -> /tmp/pulse-ze4SQnMdj5TT [ 65.59] [S99overlaysync] [SYNC] bootvideos/ [ 65.59] [S99overlaysync] [SYNC] dropbear/ [ 65.60] [S99overlaysync] [SYNC] upper/ [ 65.60] [S99overlaysync] [SYNC] upper/config/ [ 65.61] [S99overlaysync] [SYNC] upper/etc/ [ 65.61] [S99overlaysync] [SYNC] upper/etc/modprobe.d/ [ 65.62] [S99overlaysync] [SYNC] upper/etc/modprobe.d/bluetooth.conf [ 65.62] [S99overlaysync] [SYNC] 33 100% 10.74kB/s 0:00:00 33 100% 10.74kB/s 0:00:00 (xfr#8, to-chk=1/23) [ 65.63] [S99overlaysync] [SYNC] work/ [ 65.64] [S99overlaysync] [SYNC] work/work/ [ 65.64] [S99overlaysync] [SYNC] [ 65.65] [S99overlaysync] [SYNC] sent 1,911 bytes received 234 bytes 4,290.00 bytes/sec [ 65.65] [S99overlaysync] [SYNC] total size is 744 speedup is 0.35 [ 65.66] [S99overlaysync] [SYNC] overlay sync done [ 69.93] [emulationstation-starter] [ES] started emulationstation (pid=4042) [ 70.05] [emulationstation-starter] [ES] emulationstation exited code 134 [ 71.22] [S26recalboxsystem] [CONTROLLERS] starting xarcade2jstick [ 75.06] [emulationstation-starter] [ES] started emulationstation (pid=4054) [ 75.18] [emulationstation-starter] [ES] emulationstation exited code 134 [ 80.19] [emulationstation-starter] [ES] started emulationstation (pid=4062) [ 80.34] [emulationstation-starter] [ES] emulationstation exited code 134 [ 85.35] [emulationstation-starter] [ES] started emulationstation (pid=4070) [ 85.48] [emulationstation-starter] [ES] emulationstation exited code 134 [ 90.49] [emulationstation-starter] [ES] started emulationstation (pid=4078) [ 90.62] [emulationstation-starter] [ES] emulationstation exited code 134 [ 95.63] [emulationstation-starter] [ES] started emulationstation (pid=4086) [ 95.75] [emulationstation-starter] [ES] emulationstation exited code 134 [ 100.76] [emulationstation-starter] [ES] started emulationstation (pid=4097) [ 100.89] [emulationstation-starter] [ES] emulationstation exited code 134 [ 105.90] [emulationstation-starter] [ES] started emulationstation (pid=4105) [ 106.02] [emulationstation-starter] [ES] emulationstation exited code 134 [ 111.03] [emulationstation-starter] [ES] started emulationstation (pid=4113) [ 111.16] [emulationstation-starter] [ES] emulationstation exited code 134 [ 116.17] [emulationstation-starter] [ES] started emulationstation (pid=4121) [ 116.30] [emulationstation-starter] [ES] emulationstation exited code 134 [ 121.31] [emulationstation-starter] [ES] started emulationstation (pid=4129) [ 121.43] [emulationstation-starter] [ES] emulationstation exited code 134 [ 126.44] [emulationstation-starter] [ES] started emulationstation (pid=4137)
A l'aide svp !
RE: Enregistrement/lecture de séquences de gameplay (.bsv ?)
le fait d'enregistrer des touches et de les rejouer avec le même timing ne te garantira pas d'obtenir la même partie plusieurs fois.
Si l'appui sur une touche génère une interruption qui est immédiatement traitée, ça va sûrement fonctionner.
Si l'appui sur une touche est détecté à intervalle fixe (genre toutes les 40ms, pour avoir 25x par seconde), il se peut que la touche soit détectée à l'intervalle de 40ms suivant, et là, la suite devient aléatoire.
C'est pour cela que j'avais stoppé le développement d'un soft maison (sous windows) qui faisait ce que tu désires. -
RE: Sauvegarde VBAlink sur Recalbox
Bonjour Jralv,
oui, c'est possible.
Je l'avais fait sur GBA, pour obtenir les pokemons qu'on ne peut avoir qu'avec un transfert avec une autre GBA.
Je passais mes sauvegardes de GBA vers PC en renommant Pokemon - Version Rouge Feu (France).srm en Pokemon - Version Rouge Feu (France).sa1 et inversement; ce que tu sembles faire... -
RE: rame psp
oui, ça peut ramer sur certains jeux.
Ça rame moins si tu overclookes ton rpi mais il faudra bien le refroidir.
Utilise une bonne alimentation pour éviter l'éclair jaune en haut de l'écran.
Tu peux essayer de changer l'émulateur pour voir si c'est plus fluide.
Mais n'espère pas faire tourner GTA à 60fps. -
RE: Jeux Ports avec la 7.2.1
est accessible en ssh. Sous Windows, j'utilise putty. Sous Mac, je ne connais pas. -
RE: Jeux Ports avec la 7.2.1
Il reste la solution de modifier\\RECALBOX\share\system\.emulationstation\es_systems.cfg
en créant un nouveau système pour chaque jeux Ports.
Ca le fera apparaître dans le carroussel, au même niveau que les autres consoles.
Je l'avais fait pour Doom qui, de plus, dispose déjà d'un thème. -
RE: Jeux Ports avec la 7.2.1
Oui, on est d'accord.
Cependant, copier de/share_init/roms
, ça fonctionne quasi pour toutes les consoles... sauf pour certains ports :
CaveStory ne s'affichera pas, même si copié dans/share/roms
, si l'option "cacher les jeux préinstallés" est activée. -
RE: Jeux Ports avec la 7.2.1
j'avais quasi la même question là :
Si tu trouves, ça m'intéresse aussi.
Depuis 7.2, les jeux préinstallés ne sont plus sont//recalbox/share/roms
mais dans//recalbox/share_init/roms
Cacher certains jeux préinstallés --> exception pour Ports
je tourne avec un rpi 3b+ et recalbox 7.2.Je n'aime que certains jeux préinstallés. Alors je les ai copiés en ssh de
share_init/roms/[console] vers share/roms/[console]
Ensuite, activation de l'option Cacher les jeux préinstallés pour ne pas les avoir en double --> ça fonctionne !Sauf pour Ports qui semble être géré différemment.
Les roms semblent être restaurées à chaque fois au démarrage, j'ai lu qqpart que c'était normal/un choix des développeurs.
En faisant la manip citée ci-dessous, seuls les ports dont les systèmes non déclarés en <path readonly=1> (dans es_systems.cfg) apparaissent.Je n'ai pas trouvé d'info sur ce paramètre.
Pour ceux qui ont suivi, en gros, comment faire apparaitre CaveStory sans faire apparaître l'intégralité des jeux préinstallés ?
Merci !