Cheat codes DooM sous PrBoom
Bonjour à tous !
Bon dimanche, bon décalage horaire, bon confinement (si applicable), ici, il pleut !
J'ai décidé de me refaire un petit DooM sous PrBoom (Doom1, Doom2, DoomU, DoomPlutonia & DoomEvulition copiés depuis les CD originaux de la belle époque, et ouais).
En jonglant avec les sauvegarde (et un mapping de touches maison de ouf) j'arrive à m'en sortir.
Mais bon ...
Un petit mode invulnérable pour prendre sa revanche sur les démons, ça serait pas de refus.
Ma question ... ils sont où les fichiers ".cht" pour PrBoom ?
!!! Et t'as cherché un peu avant de poster ???
Ha oui, de ouf, sur le forum (un seul post en anglais, qui évoque un fichier, mais sans dire où le trouver) et sur Google, en long, en large et en travers, rien, pas un download proposé.
Hum ... -
Testé avec RB 7.1.1 et raspberry pi3:
Lance ta partie de doom
puis hotkey + B --> menu retroarch
Sélectionne le menu "Cheats"
Sélectionne "Charger des cheats (Remplacer)" ou "Charger des cheats (Ajouter)"
Un menu s'ouvre sur /recalbox/share_init/cheats/
Choisis le dossier DOS ou PrBoom
Sélectionne le fichier DOOM.chtFais défiler le menu vers le bas, il y a la liste des cheats.
Touche droite/gauche pour activer/désactiver un cheat.N'oublie pas de cliquer sur "Appliquer les changements"
Reviens à la racine du menu Retroarch, touche A plusieurs fois chez moi.
Reprise de la partie avec "Menu principal" > "Menu rapide" > "Reprendre" -
@Fabien said in Cheat codes DooM sous PrBoom:
Salut ! Merci beaucoup !
Mais justement ... je n'ai pas le fameux fichier "DOOM.cht" !
Pourrais-tu me donner le contenu du tien ?
J'imagine que c'est du texte brut ?
Merci encore pour cette procédure complète ! -
This post is deleted! -
J'insiste sur le dossier qui est /recalbox/share_init/cheats (accessible en ssh).
Il n'y a rien dans \RECALBOX/share\cheats (qui est visible depuis un environnement réseau Windows).Fichier /recalbox/share_init/cheats/DOS/Doom.cht
# Doom # cheats = 14 cheat0_desc = "Radiation Shielding Suit" cheat0_code = "idbeholdr" cheat0_enable = false cheat1_desc = "Partial Inivisibility" cheat1_code = "idbeholdi" cheat1_enable = false cheat2_desc = "Invulnerability" cheat2_code = "idbeholdv" cheat2_enable = false cheat3_desc = "Computer Area Map" cheat3_code = "idbeholda" cheat3_enable = false cheat4_desc = "Light Amplification Visor" cheat4_code = "idbeholdl" cheat4_enable = false cheat5_desc = "Berserk" cheat5_code = "idbeholds" cheat5_enable = false cheat6_desc = "Chainsaw" cheat6_code = "idchoppers" cheat6_enable = false cheat7_desc = "No Clipping (Doom)" cheat7_code = "idspispopd" cheat7_enable = false cheat8_desc = "No Clipping (Doom II)" cheat8_code = "idclip" cheat8_enable = false cheat9_desc = "God Mode" cheat9_code = "iddqd" cheat9_enable = false cheat10_desc = "Full Map" cheat10_code = "iddt" cheat10_enable = false cheat11_desc = "Full Armor, Weapons and Ammo" cheat11_code = "idfa" cheat11_enable = false cheat12_desc = "Full Armor, Weapons, Ammo and Keys" cheat12_code = "idkfa" cheat12_enable = false cheat13_desc = "Show Coordinates" cheat13_code = "idmypos" cheat13_enable = false
Fichier /recalbox/share_init/cheats/PrBoom/Doom (v1.9).cht
cheat0_address = "0" cheat0_address_bit_position = "0" cheat0_big_endian = "false" cheat0_cheat_type = "1" cheat0_code = "idbeholdr" cheat0_desc = "Radiation Shielding Suit" cheat0_enable = "false" cheat0_handler = "0" cheat0_memory_search_size = "3" cheat0_repeat_add_to_address = "1" cheat0_repeat_add_to_value = "0" cheat0_repeat_count = "1" cheat0_rumble_port = "0" cheat0_rumble_primary_duration = "0" cheat0_rumble_primary_strength = "0" cheat0_rumble_secondary_duration = "0" cheat0_rumble_secondary_strength = "0" cheat0_rumble_type = "0" cheat0_rumble_value = "0" cheat0_value = "0" cheat10_address = "0" cheat10_address_bit_position = "0" cheat10_big_endian = "false" cheat10_cheat_type = "1" cheat10_code = "iddt" cheat10_desc = "Full Map" cheat10_enable = "false" cheat10_handler = "0" cheat10_memory_search_size = "3" cheat10_repeat_add_to_address = "1" cheat10_repeat_add_to_value = "0" cheat10_repeat_count = "1" cheat10_rumble_port = "0" cheat10_rumble_primary_duration = "0" cheat10_rumble_primary_strength = "0" cheat10_rumble_secondary_duration = "0" cheat10_rumble_secondary_strength = "0" cheat10_rumble_type = "0" cheat10_rumble_value = "0" cheat10_value = "0" cheat11_address = "0" cheat11_address_bit_position = "0" cheat11_big_endian = "false" cheat11_cheat_type = "1" cheat11_code = "idfa" cheat11_desc = "Full Armor, Weapons and Ammo" cheat11_enable = "false" cheat11_handler = "0" cheat11_memory_search_size = "3" cheat11_repeat_add_to_address = "1" cheat11_repeat_add_to_value = "0" cheat11_repeat_count = "1" cheat11_rumble_port = "0" cheat11_rumble_primary_duration = "0" cheat11_rumble_primary_strength = "0" cheat11_rumble_secondary_duration = "0" cheat11_rumble_secondary_strength = "0" cheat11_rumble_type = "0" cheat11_rumble_value = "0" cheat11_value = "0" cheat12_address = "0" cheat12_address_bit_position = "0" cheat12_big_endian = "false" cheat12_cheat_type = "1" cheat12_code = "idkfa" cheat12_desc = "Full Armor, Weapons, Ammo and Keys" cheat12_enable = "false" cheat12_handler = "0" cheat12_memory_search_size = "3" cheat12_repeat_add_to_address = "1" cheat12_repeat_add_to_value = "0" cheat12_repeat_count = "1" cheat12_rumble_port = "0" cheat12_rumble_primary_duration = "0" cheat12_rumble_primary_strength = "0" cheat12_rumble_secondary_duration = "0" cheat12_rumble_secondary_strength = "0" cheat12_rumble_type = "0" cheat12_rumble_value = "0" cheat12_value = "0" cheat13_address = "0" cheat13_address_bit_position = "0" cheat13_big_endian = "false" cheat13_cheat_type = "1" cheat13_code = "idmypos" cheat13_desc = "Show Coordinates" cheat13_enable = "false" cheat13_handler = "0" cheat13_memory_search_size = "3" cheat13_repeat_add_to_address = "1" cheat13_repeat_add_to_value = "0" cheat13_repeat_count = "1" cheat13_rumble_port = "0" cheat13_rumble_primary_duration = "0" cheat13_rumble_primary_strength = "0" cheat13_rumble_secondary_duration = "0" cheat13_rumble_secondary_strength = "0" cheat13_rumble_type = "0" cheat13_rumble_value = "0" cheat13_value = "0" cheat1_address = "0" cheat1_address_bit_position = "0" cheat1_big_endian = "false" cheat1_cheat_type = "1" cheat1_code = "idbeholdi" cheat1_desc = "Partial Inivisibility" cheat1_enable = "false" cheat1_handler = "0" cheat1_memory_search_size = "3" cheat1_repeat_add_to_address = "1" cheat1_repeat_add_to_value = "0" cheat1_repeat_count = "1" cheat1_rumble_port = "0" cheat1_rumble_primary_duration = "0" cheat1_rumble_primary_strength = "0" cheat1_rumble_secondary_duration = "0" cheat1_rumble_secondary_strength = "0" cheat1_rumble_type = "0" cheat1_rumble_value = "0" cheat1_value = "0" cheat2_address = "0" cheat2_address_bit_position = "0" cheat2_big_endian = "false" cheat2_cheat_type = "1" cheat2_code = "idbeholdv" cheat2_desc = "Invulnerability" cheat2_enable = "false" cheat2_handler = "0" cheat2_memory_search_size = "3" cheat2_repeat_add_to_address = "1" cheat2_repeat_add_to_value = "0" cheat2_repeat_count = "1" cheat2_rumble_port = "0" cheat2_rumble_primary_duration = "0" cheat2_rumble_primary_strength = "0" cheat2_rumble_secondary_duration = "0" cheat2_rumble_secondary_strength = "0" cheat2_rumble_type = "0" cheat2_rumble_value = "0" cheat2_value = "0" cheat3_address = "0" cheat3_address_bit_position = "0" cheat3_big_endian = "false" cheat3_cheat_type = "1" cheat3_code = "idbeholda" cheat3_desc = "Computer Area Map" cheat3_enable = "false" cheat3_handler = "0" cheat3_memory_search_size = "3" cheat3_repeat_add_to_address = "1" cheat3_repeat_add_to_value = "0" cheat3_repeat_count = "1" cheat3_rumble_port = "0" cheat3_rumble_primary_duration = "0" cheat3_rumble_primary_strength = "0" cheat3_rumble_secondary_duration = "0" cheat3_rumble_secondary_strength = "0" cheat3_rumble_type = "0" cheat3_rumble_value = "0" cheat3_value = "0" cheat4_address = "0" cheat4_address_bit_position = "0" cheat4_big_endian = "false" cheat4_cheat_type = "1" cheat4_code = "idbeholdl" cheat4_desc = "Light Amplification Visor" cheat4_enable = "false" cheat4_handler = "0" cheat4_memory_search_size = "3" cheat4_repeat_add_to_address = "1" cheat4_repeat_add_to_value = "0" cheat4_repeat_count = "1" cheat4_rumble_port = "0" cheat4_rumble_primary_duration = "0" cheat4_rumble_primary_strength = "0" cheat4_rumble_secondary_duration = "0" cheat4_rumble_secondary_strength = "0" cheat4_rumble_type = "0" cheat4_rumble_value = "0" cheat4_value = "0" cheat5_address = "0" cheat5_address_bit_position = "0" cheat5_big_endian = "false" cheat5_cheat_type = "1" cheat5_code = "idbeholds" cheat5_desc = "Berserk" cheat5_enable = "false" cheat5_handler = "0" cheat5_memory_search_size = "3" cheat5_repeat_add_to_address = "1" cheat5_repeat_add_to_value = "0" cheat5_repeat_count = "1" cheat5_rumble_port = "0" cheat5_rumble_primary_duration = "0" cheat5_rumble_primary_strength = "0" cheat5_rumble_secondary_duration = "0" cheat5_rumble_secondary_strength = "0" cheat5_rumble_type = "0" cheat5_rumble_value = "0" cheat5_value = "0" cheat6_address = "0" cheat6_address_bit_position = "0" cheat6_big_endian = "false" cheat6_cheat_type = "1" cheat6_code = "idchoppers" cheat6_desc = "Chainsaw" cheat6_enable = "false" cheat6_handler = "0" cheat6_memory_search_size = "3" cheat6_repeat_add_to_address = "1" cheat6_repeat_add_to_value = "0" cheat6_repeat_count = "1" cheat6_rumble_port = "0" cheat6_rumble_primary_duration = "0" cheat6_rumble_primary_strength = "0" cheat6_rumble_secondary_duration = "0" cheat6_rumble_secondary_strength = "0" cheat6_rumble_type = "0" cheat6_rumble_value = "0" cheat6_value = "0" cheat7_address = "0" cheat7_address_bit_position = "0" cheat7_big_endian = "false" cheat7_cheat_type = "1" cheat7_code = "idspispopd" cheat7_desc = "No Clipping (Doom)" cheat7_enable = "false" cheat7_handler = "0" cheat7_memory_search_size = "3" cheat7_repeat_add_to_address = "1" cheat7_repeat_add_to_value = "0" cheat7_repeat_count = "1" cheat7_rumble_port = "0" cheat7_rumble_primary_duration = "0" cheat7_rumble_primary_strength = "0" cheat7_rumble_secondary_duration = "0" cheat7_rumble_secondary_strength = "0" cheat7_rumble_type = "0" cheat7_rumble_value = "0" cheat7_value = "0" cheat8_address = "0" cheat8_address_bit_position = "0" cheat8_big_endian = "false" cheat8_cheat_type = "1" cheat8_code = "idclip" cheat8_desc = "No Clipping (Doom II)" cheat8_enable = "false" cheat8_handler = "0" cheat8_memory_search_size = "3" cheat8_repeat_add_to_address = "1" cheat8_repeat_add_to_value = "0" cheat8_repeat_count = "1" cheat8_rumble_port = "0" cheat8_rumble_primary_duration = "0" cheat8_rumble_primary_strength = "0" cheat8_rumble_secondary_duration = "0" cheat8_rumble_secondary_strength = "0" cheat8_rumble_type = "0" cheat8_rumble_value = "0" cheat8_value = "0" cheat9_address = "0" cheat9_address_bit_position = "0" cheat9_big_endian = "false" cheat9_cheat_type = "1" cheat9_code = "iddqd" cheat9_desc = "God Mode" cheat9_enable = "false" cheat9_handler = "0" cheat9_memory_search_size = "3" cheat9_repeat_add_to_address = "1" cheat9_repeat_add_to_value = "0" cheat9_repeat_count = "1" cheat9_rumble_port = "0" cheat9_rumble_primary_duration = "0" cheat9_rumble_primary_strength = "0" cheat9_rumble_secondary_duration = "0" cheat9_rumble_secondary_strength = "0" cheat9_rumble_type = "0" cheat9_rumble_value = "0" cheat9_value = "0" cheats = "14"
Fichier /recalbox/share_init/cheats/PrBoom/Doom II - Hell on Earth (v1.9).cht
# Doom 2 # cheats = 13 cheat0_desc = "Gain Computer Area Map item" cheat0_code = "idbeholda" cheat0_enable = false cheat1_desc = "Gain Blur Artifact" cheat1_code = "idbeholdi" cheat1_enable = false cheat2_desc = "Gain light-amplification visor" cheat2_code = "idbeholdl" cheat2_enable = false cheat3_desc = "Gain radiation suit" cheat3_code = "idbeholdr" cheat3_enable = false cheat4_desc = "Gain Berserk Pack" cheat4_code = "idbeholds" cheat4_enable = false cheat5_desc = "Gain Invulnerability Artifact" cheat5_code = "idbeholdv" cheat5_enable = false cheat6_desc = "Gain Chainsaw" cheat6_code = "idchoppers" cheat6_enable = false cheat7_desc = "Walk Through Walls" cheat7_code = "idclip" cheat7_enable = false cheat8_desc = "Invincibility" cheat8_code = "iddqd" cheat8_enable = false cheat9_desc = "Automap mode... 1) Reveal map. 2) Add Objects. 3) Reset" cheat9_code = "iddt" cheat9_enable = false cheat10_desc = "Gain all weapons, full ammo, 200% armor" cheat10_code = "idfa" cheat10_enable = false cheat11_desc = "Gain 3 keys, all weapons, full ammo, 200% armor" cheat11_code = "idkfa" cheat11_enable = false cheat12_desc = "Display player position" cheat12_code = "idmypos" cheat12_enable = false
Et je te rajoute un fichier que j'avais créé pour aller directement à un autre level dans Doom, utile pour accéder directement à une custom map, si celle-ce ne remplaçait pas le level E1M1.
# Doom # cheats = 36 cheat0_desc = "E1M1: Hangar" cheat0_code = "idclev11" cheat0_enable = false cheat1_desc = "E1M2: Nuclear Plant" cheat1_code = "idclev12" cheat1_enable = false cheat2_desc = "E1M3: Toxin Refinery" cheat2_code = "idclev13" cheat2_enable = false cheat3_desc = "E1M4: Command Control" cheat3_code = "idclev14" cheat3_enable = false cheat4_desc = "E1M5: Phobos Lab" cheat4_code = "idclev15" cheat4_enable = false cheat5_desc = "E1M6: Central Processing" cheat5_code = "idclev16" cheat5_enable = false cheat6_desc = "E1M7: Computer Station" cheat6_code = "idclev17" cheat6_enable = false cheat7_desc = "E1M8: Phobos Anomaly" cheat7_code = "idclev18" cheat7_enable = false cheat8_desc = "E1M9: Military Base (secret level)" cheat8_code = "idclev19" cheat8_enable = false cheat9_desc = "E2M1: Deimos Anomaly" cheat9_code = "idclev21" cheat9_enable = false cheat10_desc = "E2M2: Containment Area" cheat10_code = "idclev22" cheat10_enable = false cheat11_desc = "E2M3: Refinery" cheat11_code = "idclev23" cheat11_enable = false cheat12_desc = "E2M4: Deimos Lab" cheat12_code = "idclev24" cheat12_enable = false cheat13_desc = "E2M5: Command Center" cheat13_code = "idclev25" cheat13_enable = false cheat14_desc = "E2M6: Halls of the D**ned" cheat14_code = "idclev26" cheat14_enable = false cheat15_desc = "E2M7: Spawning Vats" cheat15_code = "idclev27" cheat15_enable = false cheat16_desc = "E2M8: Tower of Babel" cheat16_code = "idclev28" cheat16_enable = false cheat17_desc = "E2M9: Fortress of Mystery (secret level)" cheat17_code = "idclev29" cheat17_enable = false cheat18_desc = "E3M1: Hell Keep" cheat18_code = "idclev31" cheat18_enable = false cheat19_desc = "E3M2: Slough of Despair" cheat19_code = "idclev32" cheat19_enable = false cheat20_desc = "E3M3: Pandemonium" cheat20_code = "idclev33" cheat20_enable = false cheat21_desc = "E3M4: House of Pain" cheat21_code = "idclev34" cheat21_enable = false cheat22_desc = "E3M5: Unholy Cathedral" cheat22_code = "idclev35" cheat22_enable = false cheat23_desc = "E3M6: Mt. Erebus" cheat23_code = "idclev36" cheat23_enable = false cheat24_desc = "E3M7: Limbo" cheat24_code = "idclev37" cheat24_enable = false cheat25_desc = "E3M8: Dis" cheat25_code = "idclev38" cheat25_enable = false cheat26_desc = "E3M9: Warrens (secret level)" cheat26_code = "idclev39" cheat26_enable = false cheat27_desc = "E4M1: Hell Beneath" cheat27_code = "idclev41" cheat27_enable = false cheat28_desc = "E4M2: Perfect Hatred" cheat28_code = "idclev42" cheat28_enable = false cheat29_desc = "E4M3: Sever the Wicked" cheat29_code = "idclev43" cheat29_enable = false cheat30_desc = "E4M4: Unruly Evil" cheat30_code = "idclev44" cheat30_enable = false cheat31_desc = "E4M5: They Will Repent" cheat31_code = "idclev45" cheat31_enable = false cheat32_desc = "E4M6: Against Three Wickedly" cheat32_code = "idclev46" cheat32_enable = false cheat33_desc = "E4M7: And Hell Followed" cheat33_code = "idclev47" cheat33_enable = false cheat34_desc = "E4M8: Unto the Cruel" cheat34_code = "idclev48" cheat34_enable = false cheat35_desc = "E4M9: Fear (secret level)" cheat35_code = "idclev49" cheat35_enable = false
et l'équivalent pour Doom II
# Doom # cheats = 32 cheat0_desc = "MAP1: Entryway" cheat0_code = "idclev01" cheat0_enable = false cheat1_desc = "MAP2: Underhalls" cheat1_code = "idclev02" cheat1_enable = false cheat2_desc = "MAP3: The Gauntlet" cheat2_code = "idclev03" cheat2_enable = false cheat3_desc = "MAP4: The Focus" cheat3_code = "idclev04" cheat3_enable = false cheat4_desc = "MAP5: The Waste Tunnels" cheat4_code = "idclev05" cheat4_enable = false cheat5_desc = "MAP6: The Crusher" cheat5_code = "idclev06" cheat5_enable = false cheat6_desc = "MAP7: Dead Simple" cheat6_code = "idclev07" cheat6_enable = false cheat7_desc = "MAP8: Tricks and Traps" cheat7_code = "idclev08" cheat7_enable = false cheat8_desc = "MAP9: The Pit" cheat8_code = "idclev09" cheat8_enable = false cheat9_desc = "MAP10: Refueling Base" cheat9_code = "idclev10" cheat9_enable = false cheat10_desc = "MAP11: 'O' of Destruction!" cheat10_code = "idclev11" cheat10_enable = false cheat11_desc = "MAP12: The Factory" cheat11_code = "idclev12" cheat11_enable = false cheat12_desc = "MAP13: Downtown" cheat12_code = "idclev13" cheat12_enable = false cheat13_desc = "MAP14: The Inmost Dens" cheat13_code = "idclev14" cheat13_enable = false cheat14_desc = "MAP15: Industrial Zone" cheat14_code = "idclev15" cheat14_enable = false cheat15_desc = "MAP16: Suburbs" cheat15_code = "idclev16" cheat15_enable = false cheat16_desc = "MAP17: Tenements" cheat16_code = "idclev17" cheat16_enable = false cheat17_desc = "MAP18: The Courtyard" cheat17_code = "idclev18" cheat17_enable = false cheat18_desc = "MAP19: The Citadel" cheat18_code = "idclev19" cheat18_enable = false cheat19_desc = "MAP20: Gotcha!" cheat19_code = "idclev20" cheat19_enable = false cheat20_desc = "MAP21: Nirvana" cheat20_code = "idclev21" cheat20_enable = false cheat21_desc = "MAP22: The Catacombs" cheat21_code = "idclev22" cheat21_enable = false cheat22_desc = "MAP23: Barrels o' Fun" cheat22_code = "idclev23" cheat22_enable = false cheat23_desc = "MAP24: The Chasm" cheat23_code = "idclev24" cheat23_enable = false cheat24_desc = "MAP25: Bloodfalls" cheat24_code = "idclev25" cheat24_enable = false cheat25_desc = "MAP26: The Abandoned Mines" cheat25_code = "idclev26" cheat25_enable = false cheat26_desc = "MAP27: Monster Condo" cheat26_code = "idclev27" cheat26_enable = false cheat27_desc = "MAP28: The Spirit World" cheat27_code = "idclev28" cheat27_enable = false cheat28_desc = "MAP29: The Living End" cheat28_code = "idclev29" cheat28_enable = false cheat29_desc = "MAP30: Icon of Sin" cheat29_code = "idclev30" cheat29_enable = false cheat30_desc = "MAP31: Wolfenstein (secret level)" cheat30_code = "idclev31" cheat30_enable = false cheat31_desc = "MAP32: Grosse (super secret level)" cheat31_code = "idclev32" cheat31_enable = false
WoW ! T'es trop fort !
En plus, juste avant le week-end Pascal (moi c'est Fabien).
Dès que je suis de retour je teste tout ça !
Merci encore.
Bon DooM à tous ! -
@tomxbx et sinon, le message effacé, c'est quand je croyais que j'avais trouvé tout seul, mais qu'en fait j'étais tombé sur le fichier pour la SNES ... j'adore la SNES mais pour DooM, j'aime autant le vrai DooM !
Tout d'abord, ce fut une belle aventure, pleine de rebondissement.
Espoir, tristesse, nouvel espoir, persévérance, puis finalement abandon en échec ...
Alors déjà, merci, on ne le dira jamais assez, pour cette réponse complète, qui je l'espère, servira à d'autres.
De mon côté, je confirme que je n'avais aucun fichier ".cht" pour DooM aux chemin indiqués, le premier chemin est vide chez moi, et le second ne contient que des cheats pour console.
J'ai donc bien du "créer" les fichiers ".cht" à partir des infos.
Ensuite, comme attendu, durant le jeu, j'ai ouvert les menus indiqués, chargé les fichiers créés, activé les cheats voulus (un message "cheat ON" s'affiche), j'ai "appliqué" et je suis retourné au jeu pour tirer à bout portant sur le premier baril trouvé et ... BOOM je suis mort !
J'ai testé mes autres "wad" avec chacun des "cht" ... mais définitivement ... BOOM je suis mort !
Mais c'était une belle aventure, maintenant, j'ai plus qu'à apprendre à jouer !
Bon week-end à tous ! -
Ah mince...
Les cheats ne fontionnent pas en mode Nightmare! . Ca pourrait être une piste.Ah si, ça fonctionne chez moi. Testé à l'instant.
Tu es aussi avec un raspberry ? recalbox v7.1.1 ?
Avec le "God Mod" (iddqd) activé, les yeux du perso deviennent blancs, plus rapide à constater que chercher un baril -
Bonjour à tous,
Allez, c'est pas grave, on va jouer "à la dure" !
Pour l'instant je m'en sors pas mal !
Enjoy your DooM !