Windows95 under Recalbox
We leave dosbox Ctrl+F9 or "exit".
New edit and download to .pc of dosbox.cfg[autoexec] # Lines in this section will be run at startup. # You can put your MOUNT lines here. mount d "/recalbox/share/roms/dos/nukemMP.pc" D: imgmount 0 622c.img -t floppy -fs none imgmount 2 w95f.img -size 512,63,16,520 -t hdd -fs none # imgmount c w95f.img # imgmount 3 data.img -size 512,63,64,520 -t hdd -fs none
It is not possible to access for the moment the data on .PC with this configuration.
Now we boot from dosbox to dos with the command
boot -l a (a for floppy)
He tell us something about tomatoes and an not important error, everything normal.
We go to the w95f.img disk.
CD WIN95F and here we run setup
setup /nm /isOur installation should start and bring the need to restart a few times and sure with some errors...
For restart as windows is basic installed, every time you start dosbox,
boot -l cWhen the conditions exist to access the drivers in the system from control panel, desactivate printer and serial ports. Also in safemode.
When the installation is stable, you can replace the S3 standart with the S3 display driver from the directory S3D.
Ther may exist other that work, a lot of job ahead. Directx and so on.
If a usable w95f.img exist, possible just to copy it in every game directory where it is needed.
That was it, good luck. -
@dragu didn't understand much but I guess I'll have to try
copying the win95 in every game folder is fine, but ExO renounced it for his future win9x collection especially because it would take so much place even for just ten games
Not so difficult and sure need your help. Alternate S3 display driver that include all resolutions and not one at the time and so on. For the place, 256MB is not so hudge, because also for Dosbox alone, if you have a game that want to look for control on the CD, like the LBA's, this images are mostly bigger. But also necessary to check if it is gadget or can be used for games.
I started this for DN Manhattan Project. I will see if it works. -
@dragu yeah but the exodos collection is 3600 games and has a total size of 380Go, imagine if you add 256mb to each game
And it's likely that a collection of every win95 and win98 game released would count twice as much games
If the alternate is play or stay, I am ready to sweep my 256GB SSD for a 1Tetra SSD. Prices will fall.
I managed to install working Trio display driver, so better to copy also this folder from the beginning on the w95f.img. They are here :
And they are compatible with directx. I just installed Directx8, and all tests with dxdiag (after install in /windows/system) are working, 3D and sound checks also. The cube -
Now also the rare bluescreen error at shutdown disappear. It is necessary to fix 2 more entries. First, after disabling all ports inclusive game port, it needs an automatic hardware scan to take the joystick out of the hardware profil.
We need here no joystick, as dosbox can map the full keyboard to the recalbox joysticks.
Second thing, this floppy version of W95 defines no harddisk in the devices. But it has the ISA drivers in the system devices. So just make new hardware scan and indicate by yourself that you want to add ISA harddisk. It works. -
Hoo... Windows95 on recalbox, you break my heart ^^.
@Dragu congrat for your amazing works -
Amazing job ! Congrat
Thanks, but nothing so great, I build an early Webbox for TV, also based on W95 and Opera, long time ago. So some staying experience also.
For 3D, this will not be a runner on PI3. Normal because just software emulation, there is no sight from a 3D graphic card.
But some pure window games should run. Here as example Lemmings for windows. -
I dont wanted to make you vomit more,
but there is an existing scraper file for Billy's Club.Anyway, I am finished. I defined an empty 2GB Disk Data1, that opens as
and possible to define Data2, Data3 and so on for games.
This is a fresh new clean installation. -
Haha you killed me dude...
Next Windows Millenium ?! -
Haha I work at IBM, I need that ^^
Hello ! Fantastic job ! I followed step by step your tutorial and I was able to install Win95. but, for unknown reason, I have a black screen few sec after the windows loading screen (with the animated bar on the bottom). any idea to fix that issue ?
This can be a lot of things. Probably drivers that should not be loaded, printer, serials.
You can verify if you arrive to this state and try to start windows in safemode. This means F5 during the first screen or F8 what brings you a selection menu with also safemode. But in safemode you can disable drivers in Control Panel. -
use recalbox to emulate windows 95 to emulate recalbox
lol -
@dragu I can use F8 and run it in safemode. from here, I should install the new S3 driver ? I'm a bit "old" with Win95. How can I do that ? I tried to update the driver but after indicated the new s3 folder, the system said that no updated driver was found.
You must tell him that he should not search for driver, but that you have one by yourself. After this, you can install it from the directory that you uploaded on the img. What I forget, also remove the gameport and if he show you joysticks.This is done by the mapper from dosbox.
I think that from the safemode, I don't have access to those settings (the way to chose by myself). Could you please copy me the full dosbox.cfg ? And please, could you make a screen where he ask you to find the driver by yourself ? Thanks!
The fact is that in normal mode, I have a black screen after the windows logon.