@voljega said in AMIGA CD32 EMULATION - HOW TO -:
Amiga games just use too much keys even to just start a game. This can be anything between Enter, Returns, Space, 1, 2, 3, 4, F1, F2, F3, etc..., and sometimes S or other letter keys
Thats why i choose the CD32 for this experiment.
It is not a computer .. but it can be ... -
@voljega easy pal
The basic configuration must allow a pad to be usable in games + quit the emulator. My tries with uae4arm-rpi months ago required me to have a keyboard to press F12 to reach the GUI and then quit. That's not really what I'd like for recalbox, and that's also why i leave the community find what's the best emulator. From that point, i can have a look and help much.Sadly there is no virtual keyboard, so of course i know you'd need a keyboard
What is also a great point is having mouse buttons on shoulders to skip intro/trainers, and eventually moving the mouse with the right stick.
But of course, emulating a computer would require a keyboard most of times. My question rather meant "is a keyboard mandatory ?"
@Ratte said in AMIGA CD32 EMULATION - HOW TO -:
If i understand this correctly, this is the way to unify all input devices to one universal configuration ?!
that's the point of configgen, yes. In the es-systems.cfg, you can see a %CONTROLLERS% in the command line of configgen. ES substitutes this with a load of parameters (you can see the result in the es log). Then configgen calls generators we write for each emulator to write configuration files depending on which pads are plugged.
The other way should be uae.config files for every different Input-device with a big start-bash to figure out what kind of controller ist conneted top the pi.
errrr ... no
Such case would be acceptable for people who do know what they do and shouldn't be forbidden (i.e. : allow custom files). But this should not be the main way to configure the emulator
@voljega @ratte whichever disagreement you have regarding adf, whd or CD32, i would rather implement the 3 of them, depending on the configuration efforts it requires. We want something easy for users, and knowing their "web resource" for roms, and the recalbox "drag rom in the right folder" philosophy, i'd implement what is easy for a user.
ADF in the recalbox way will be a slight pain ... but that's my role as a dev
@Substring said in AMIGA CD32 EMULATION - HOW TO -:
The basic configuration must allow a pad to be usable in games + quit the emulator. My tries with uae4arm-rpi months ago required me to have a keyboard to press F12 to reach the GUI and then quit. That's not really what I'd like for recalbox, and that's also why i leave the community find what's the best emulator. From that point, i can have a look and help much.
OK well that is working with amiberry right now without too much trouble you can use the pad to enter gui and leave the emulator.
Deeper configuration requires the SDL2 version which is there but not finished and I haven't tested it at all.I can easily add the CD32 in what I've done I already have everything I need regarding bios and conf and tested it successfully in standalone mode but I lack the courage and/or motivation for it.
It's like one hour of dev and one of testing. -
@voljega said in AMIGA CD32 EMULATION - HOW TO -:
I lack the courage and/or motivation for it
yeah, like when i try to kick my butt to write the C64 configgen hahaha
Amiga games just use too much keys even to just start a game. This can be anything between Enter, Returns, Space, 1, 2, 3, 4, F1, F2, F3, etc..., and sometimes S or other letter keys
Commodore released a tool for the CD32 called JoyMouse (can even run on a A500 config).
JoyMouse can be used to emulated a mouse with the gamepad.
AND it can be used to remap keys to controller-buttons !!!!I will post the documentation this evening.
(remember, also usefull for A500 !!!)br
André -
joymouse v40.2
(c) Copyright 1993 Commodore-Amiga, Inc. All Rights Reserved
Usage: joymouse [XMOVE=n YMOVE=n DELAY=nframes ACCEL CREATEKEYS] OR [OFF]
Re CREATEKEYS see lowlevel.doc SystemControl() and libraries/lowlevel.h
For CD32 game controller mouse emulation. Requires lowlevel.libraryJoymouse uses lowlevel.library to read the CD32 port1 game controller
and convert directions and the lower right/left (red/blue) buttons into
mouse input events for CD32 titles which absolutely require the game
controller to emulate the Amiga mouse for Intuition.The additional CREATEKEYS keyword tells joymouse to turn on the
SCON_AddCreateKeys feature of lowlevel.library SystemControl().
When CREATEKEYS is used, you will also receive RAWKEY events
for all gamecontroller buttons. Note that you will even receive
RAWKEY events for the directions and buttons which have been
converted to mouse events. This means that if you ask for MOUSEBUTTON
or MOUSEMOVE events you will see both those AND the created RAWKEY
events for those actions. You could ignore either (just remember
to ReplyMsg them). See libraries/lowlevel.h for the port1 RAWKEY
values you will receive.The ACCEL option adds mouse acceleration. This should not be
used in drawing programs, and probably shouldn't be used in programs
for young children, since it makes the pointer harder to control.
But it can be good for titles with widely spaced things to click
on. For a HIRES LACE screen, try XMOVE=6 YMOVE=6 ACCEL [CREATEKEYS].If joymouse is required, it should be used only if running under V40+,
and only in startup-sequence (since if user started you from an icon,
they would have a real mouse). Although if the user has a real game
controller you may want to use joymouse even if started from an icon.
If your application exits, be sure to do JOYMOUSE OFF.Will return RETURN_FAIL if lowlevel.library is not available.
Will return RETURN_WARN if joymouse is already running.standard usage:
failat 21
run >NIL: joymouse -
I did exactly according to the instructions, but the game does not start, the black box is for a while and then goes back to the home screen, what's wrong with it?
Raspberry Pi model: Pi 3 B
•Recalbox version (build) : "unstable" 4.1 build 42 -
je suis français j'ai suivi le tuto j'ai réussi à installer amiga cd32 sur recalbox en suivant le tuto, j'ai lancé superfrog mais je reste bloqué au menu. Je ne peux pas lancer le jeu, j'ai branché une manette XBOX 360 filiaire mais ça ne marche pas je ne comprends pas d'où vient le problème. La manette fonctionne pour les jeux nes, supernes, mame. Donc le problème ne vient pas de la manette. Comme le tuto est en anglais j'ai peut-être loupé un truc. merci
I am french i followed the tuto i managed to install amiga cd32 on recalbox by following the tuto, I launched superfrog but I remain blocked on the menu. I can not launch the game, I plugged in a XBOX 360 wired controller but it does not work I do not understand where the problem comes from. The controller works for nes, supernes, mame. So the problem does not come from the controller. As the tutorial is in English I may have missed something. thank you -
Thank you for sharing and your tutotorial. It works (Recalbox 4.0.2).
I only tried superfrog yet. Other games will follow after I made the remaining steps.
How can I finish superfrog and get back to emulationstation? I use iBuffalo SNES Pad. Could not find a combination. -
I have connected my keyboard. With ESC and F12 I get out of the game. But do not go back to the emulationstation. Please help.
You must enter into the gui (ctrl I think) and then click quit
@voljega I will try, thank you.
I just connected a ps3 controller. with L1 I can leave the games direct to ES.
But I miss some buttons, like Fire 2. -
Sorry for my late responce.
We are working on our house.
Regarding the CD32 "quit" problem.
I had to update the archiv, because "quit" must be mapped to button "8".
And in the meantime I have successfully added two player support.
AndréAre there any news regarding c64-support ... i like to add DTV64 in the future
@ratte said in AMIGA CD32 EMULATION - HOW TO -:
Are there any news regarding c64-support ... i like to add DTV64 in the future
I am very thankful for all the work that is put into Recalbox, developers, community... thank you all!!! I'm running 4.1 unstable on a RPi3, been customizing my setup for several months now, I'm even using the composite out on a CRT TV with the latest firmware and the CD32 looks and sounds awesome in mode 2 (PAL 50hz interlaced).
Thank you Ratte and Voljega for this implementation. I hope many people enjoy thisI followed Ratte's instructions, its easy and all works out of the box. Compilations are crazy! I intend to try Voljega's solution next for a deeper Amiga experience.
I know that the buttons of the CD32 pad can't be set as you wish yet, but I'd like to warn you of a behavior with dualshock3 (PS3) controller (Gasia clone), its the weirdest thing: when I have it wired through usb cable to the rpi, the button layout is nothing to do with the picture shown at first in Ratte's post, for instance the red CD32 button is mapped to my "select" DS3 button... etc. Almost everything is messed up. Up and down directions work with the left analog stick (hat d-pad is dead) but the unforgiving thing is that you can't go left or right, when you push that way, say, in a platformer, your character seems to stutter in that direction but it's impossible to advance.
Ok, I know that the picture is from a XBox controller and mapping may differ from a PS3 controller, but now comes the weird thing: when I have the controller paired using bluetooth (without usb cable nor bt dongle) almost all controls are right (not everything is perfect though). The hat d-pad wich didn't work wired, now does (but in some games, some directions trigger other buttons). The colour buttons seem to be more properly mapped. All in all, almost everything is playable this way through the joystick. And it still exits to ES through "L1".
I'm not asking for a solution, just informingI hope you keep your good work. By the way this was my first post ever so if anything's out of place please be gentle I'll be happy to make it right.
@pol yep you're right, I finally integrated CD32 into my solution and using PS3 controller too, the control scheme is definitely messed up, not all buttons are mapped and on Flashback dpad up seems to be mapped to right trigger ?
Anyway this is a know problem on Amiberry's side, it will likely be corrected on the SDL2 version which is currently being developed, so it's not exactly for tomorrow we have to wait.
Anyway if you're willing to test later I have now a version fully integrated into Recalbox 4.0.2 so contact me through pruivate message if you want to try that because it is a lot more easy to configure than the previous version.
I have the same problems like @lulu13 , the games do not start, there is only a black screen. After a few seconds, I am back in ES.
I did everything like in the instructions. Who can help?
I use a RasPi3 with Recalbox 4.0.2 -