scraper "can't find any systems"
I used the scraper, scraping from screenscraper, I selected all systems,
when it starts scraping it takes almost an hour to go through all my games.
After that I'm getting the message that no systems could be found??I have my roms all correctly stored in the folders, almost all of them are packed as zip files to save space, does this matter?
Ok it works using gamesdb, but its very slow, I let it run all night and its still not finished.
You can try the standalone software "Universal XML Scraper": instead.
I tried using that, but for some systems Recalbox resets the gamelist.xml and removes all the games or majority of them...
Why? -
@Thomas-Kings You must to close emulationstation before scrap with external tool, or kill -9 emulationstation process once scrap done, or perhaps works too, fast restart without save metada once scrap done. Otherwise emulationstation overwrite gamelist.xml when you shutdown or restart normally.