Solved RB8-64 Controller - Nintendo 64 Bluetooth Controller
Finally, I buyed these controllers and it's working fine.
You pair one of your bluetooth controllers.
You can edit buttons in Emustation for navigation through Emustation.
To get proper buttons when you play, you need to modify InputAutoCfg.ini.\\RECALBOX\share\system\configs\mupen64
Here's my config for my RB8-64 controllers.
;Nes30 Pro Controller [Bluetooth Wireless Controller ] plugged = True plugin = 2 mouse = False AnalogDeadzone = 4096,4096 AnalogPeak = 32768,32768 DPad R = hat(0 Right) DPad L = hat(0 Left) DPad D = hat(0 Down) DPad U = hat(0 Up) Start = button(11) Z Trig = button(10) B Button = button(1) A Button = button(0) C Button R = button(8) C Button L = button(4) C Button D = button(3) C Button U = button(9) R Trig = button(7) L Trig = button(6) Mempak switch = Rumblepak switch = X Axis = axis(0-,0+) Y Axis = axis(1-,1+) Couch gaming is so confortable now.
@Maxime-Allard-Valade Hey thanks for the feedback
How did you manage the hotkey ?
@Substring I'll check it tonight, I know you need to change it in recalbox.conf, something like that. I'll give you an answer soon.
Little fix**
;RB8-64 Controller [Bluetooth Wireless Controller ] plugged = True plugin = 2 mouse = False AnalogDeadzone = 4096,4096 AnalogPeak = 32768,32768 DPad R = hat(0 Right) DPad L = hat(0 Left) DPad D = hat(0 Down) DPad U = hat(0 Up) Start = button(11) Z Trig = button(10) B Button = button(1) A Button = button(0) C Button R = button(9) C Button L = button(4) C Button D = button(3) C Button U = button(8) R Trig = button(7) L Trig = button(6) Mempak switch = Rumblepak switch = X Axis = axis(0-,0+) Y Axis = axis(1-,1+) For the hotkey, you need to modify mupen64plus.cfg.
Section [CoreEvents]
# Joystick event string for stopping the emulator Joy Mapping Stop = "J0B6/B7"
Joy 1 Button 6 + Button 7
Player 1 presses Left trigger + Right trigger to leave the emulator.It's the only one I need, and it's the only combinaison I found that's working.
I'd like to point out that, apparently, the NES30 Pro and this controller have the exact same device name (bluetooth wireless controller with three spaces at the end).
But the NES30 Pro starting at version 1.72 beta 0 (newest at the moment) finally changed its name to, I believe, Nes30 Pro Controller (or similar). So if anyone happens to have both, it is just a matter of upgrading the firmware.