Solved Theme for smaller screens
Dear all
I am just curious if there is a theme which is made for smaller screens up to 7"? I am using the recalbox-multi theme on a 7" display and even there, some parts are not displayed correctly (overlapping, etc) or the font is too small.
To be honest, its not bad. But if there is a theme particularly made for small screens I would love to try it out.
thanks in advance
If you are using the recalbox-multi, please provide some screenshots and I can try to make a special layout for small screens (based on nodesc layout?)
is your friend -
@supernature2k yes, i will upload some screenshots
thanks mate
@Substring thanks
And for a 3.5 "composite display it would be top too!
Because the texts are not very readable!
@supernature2k here are 3 screenshots. The first one is the worst. The title is too big and the buttons below are overlapping the window. The second and the third image are not that bad, just the font is a little bit small. Especially the fact of a game or about the console, but I could live with this
@Substring Just one thing that I recognized: If I use
and there is already a image called snapshot it just overrides it. It would be better if it would make snapshot01 etc. -
For the first, this is an ES issue, I think there's nothing we can do.
the raspi2png is normal behavior but you can type something like this:
raspi2png -f myfile.png
oh, sad to hear that
Thanks anyway, I will survive