Recalbox 4.0.0 Final is out !
Step 1: recalbox v4.0.0 final.
- Support for USB keys
- New ES languages
- Retroachievements
- New Recalbox theme
- Powerswitch (through dedicated boards or GPIO)
- New shaders + Integer Scale display
- New automatic configuration for ScummVM, N64 and Moonlight
Celebrate this release with us ! Watch the 4.0 trailer
\o/ oh yeah \o/
You guys rock!
Thanks and congratulations for this final version guys
bravo à l'equipe
yeah !
Super la team !! GG
Woohoo !
Congratulations for all your hard work guys ! -
Is there any difference between the uhm early leaked final 4.0 and the official 4.0 final from today?
Had these strange 4.0 final update a few days earlier, which had just some yolo in his change log. -
@seic that's the last beta that had a yolo changelog, yeah. This was elected as final 4.0, with a slightly better changelog
Is it safe to do the update via the Recalbox internal updater? (ie will I lose anything?)
@eb2016 sure you can ! That's what it is made for
Anyone one else Having problems with corrupted gamelist.xml?
Im scraping everything but with UXS When I copy the files over Reviews some of 'em are corrupted after-recalbox I start. -
@Teko is not a problem with recalbox final but with, I think, USX
Petite Question. On a plus la NEO GEO CD ?
@AS elle n'a jamais existé
@acris Sur la beta 4 je l'avais ??
Sûre et certain j'avais même un thème dédié.
impossible aucun emulateur peut emuler la neogeoCD.
les seuls sont segacd pcenginecd -
@acris Au temps pour moi alors...
Upgrading the système
Please wait
Merci d'avance pour le boulot, même si j'ai rien vu encorehâte, c'était déjà génial alors j'en salive à l'avance!
Nice work!!! Hope to have some time soon to check it out. And.. bring on the 4.1 beta with Amiga support!!!