Remove .bin extention for psx
After some reading I believe that removing .bin extentions from ES is a good idea. What do you think?
It is very common for PSX games to be in 2 parts, a .bin and .cue, this means that Emulation Station will show duplicates for each game which no-one really wants. This is because it used to show extensions .bin and .cue
A PSX game will only ever need one .cue file, so by hiding a .bin it prevents duplicates showing (as it could have multiple .bin files)
By hiding .bin files it will make the user think a little bit more about how the emulator loads files rather than blindly throwing files at it until it works.
Any PSX game that has multi tracks will work better (usually audio tracks) if it has a .cue to point to the audio. -
Sometimes, games are no cue with bin because it's work without cue file.To hidden bin files, you can to select game, edit medatadata game, choose hidden in recalbox.
I know you can hide files, that's not the point. If you have games wth 50 bins, it scalates quickly.
The thing is that you can always easily create a cue file if the bin hasn't one (which I haven't seen yet). You won't have to hide bins. Also, to scrape a cue file is lighting fast, but a 500 mb bin takes some time... the gamelists would be cleaner. -
@paradadf I agree ! Could also be a good idea for Sega CD and PC Engine CD
@voljega I'm not sure but I think segacd has only cue enabled
Update: yep, only psx has bin enabled.
@paradadf oh yeah you're right silly me, end of a harsh week sorry
- about a month later
Hello, I want to make sure I get this right.
If I copy the es_systems.cfg file you have here then none of my games work. I'm assuming that has to do with the directories. I don't want to just go in changing the directories though and that break it further. Wanted to check here first.
That file is for 4.1. If you don't know what you are doing, just wait for the unstable.
@paradadf For now I'm just marking the cue files as favorites and only displaying favorites. Gets the job done for now.
- 2 months later
real pain to have to do through psx games that have .bins. tomb raider good example. But great work guys.