FBA new core option
New version for FBA with many fixes and new features
recalbox use fba libretro : https://github.com/libretro/fbalpha -
Yes I know, but the libreto will follow soon. -
Port of Final Burn Alpha to Libretro (v0.2.97.40).
@PaBLoNeKeN FBA Libretro works fine under Recalbox 4.0.2.
Psikyo / Jaleco games are still running fullspeed thanks to @barbudreadmon SH2 fix and i haven't noticed any particular problems with the other games i'm using. Colour bugs and slowdowns that plagued Irem Games (R-type, R-type 2, R-Type Leo) in previous releases are gone and those titles are really playable now using FBA as they have always been with Mame 2003. All Sega system 16/18 games (Outrun, Shinobi, Altered Beast, Moonwalker...) got proper drivers rebuilt and work better than with Mame.
Metro Games (dharma dojo, gunmaster, pururun...) are now supported but to run them full speed an overclocked Pi3 with a minimum of 1350 Mhz is required (1400 Mhz prefered). Any clock frequency Under 1350 Mhz will bring up sound glitches and slowdowns.
That's a very nice addition to FBA as far as, until now, only Mame 2010 had been able to run those games with a poor performance though even when using a high overclock frequency (75% game speed only @ 1500).
According to some posts i have read on various forums, it seems people are reporting colour problems with some of the Konami Games. But so far, all the ones i've tried with FBA worked fine (Turtles, Turtles in time) so i don't really know if the issue is real or not.All in all i cannot complain about this new release of FBA performance-Wise at least on Pi3. I'll try to run further tests using my old Pi2 in the coming weeks and see if there are significant improvements too with this core on older platforms.
@gkralicek2 recalbox 4.0.2 runs fba
@paradadf I think gkralice2 tested the 40 version on his own just as he did with a lot of previous version.
Very good news, I think we can safely say that FBA took the lead over mame regarding arcade emulation, even if it doesn't cover as much hardware yet
@voljega now I get it, sorry.
@voljega Tout juste :=). Désolé j'ai oublié de le préciser dans mon post...
J'ai compilé le dernier source FBA .40 et ai remplacé le binary en .37 de recalbox 4.0.2 par celui en .40 -
Great news!
@gkralicek2 said in FBA new core option:
According to some posts i have read on various forums, it seems people are reporting colour problems with some of the Konami Games. But so far, all the ones i've tried with FBA worked fine (Turtles, Turtles in time) so i don't really know if the issue is real or not.
There was a bug in early .40 release. It was fixed with https://github.com/libretro/fbalpha/commit/ca67c2d528d82fa18e4d65452b67b241a4ab4147 .
.42 version released!!
@PaBLoNeKeN thank for information but
No update yet by libretro team : https://github.com/libretro/fbalpha -
Port of Final Burn Alpha to Libretro (v0.2.97.42).
@pabloneken will be b*mp in a next release
@rockaddicted Great!, thanks
just for information
diff file fba libretro -> romset complete non-merged
You are missing 538 of 4897 known sets (+ BIOS sets) 1945kiiin 3kokushi 3wondersha agentx1 agentx2 agentx3 agentx4 akkanvdr arabianm arabianmj arabianmu arkretrn arkretrnj arkretrnu assault assaultj assaultp bakutotu balcube bangball baryon baryona batlbubl battlex berabohm berabohmb bestleag bestleaw bigfghtr bigstrkb bigstrkba bioniccbl2 blastoff blazer blzntrnd bogeyman boxyboy btlfield btlfieldb bubblem bubblemj bubbletr bubbletrj bublbob2 bublbob2o bublbob2p bubsymphe bubsymphj bubsymphu buckyjaa burnforc burnforco burningfpa bwings bwingsa bwingso cachat cairblad cannball cannballv canyon canyonp champwr champwrj champwru cleopatr cloak cloakfr cloakgr cloaksp cobracoma commandw cosmogng csilverja cubybop cupfinal cutefght dacholer daitorid daitorida dangarj dangseed dankuga dariusg dariusgj dariusgu dariusgx dblewing ddsomjr2 deroona dharma dharmaj dharmak digdug2 digdug2o dinoa dirtfoxj dngrtrck dodgeman dogfgt dogfgtj dogfgtu dotriman downtown2 downtownp dreamwld drifto94 dsaber dsabera dsaberj dspirit dspirit1 dspirit2 dungeonm dungeonmu dynagear dyndukeja eaglshot eeekk elvact2u elvactr elvactrj evilston faceoff fantland fantlanda ffantasyb fhawk fhawkj finehour firetrap firetrapa firetrapbl firetrapj flashgalk flickya flipull fnshark forgottnuc forgottnue fshark fsharkbt gaialast galaga3 galaga3a galaga3b galaga3c galaga3m galaga88 galaga88a galaga88j galaxygn galpanidx galpans2j gangwars gangwarsb gangwarsj gangwarsu gaplus gaplusa gaplusd gaplust gblchmp gdfs gekiridn gekiridnj ghostb2a gogomile gogomileo goldmedl goldmedla goldmedlb gollygho grobda grobda2 grobda3 gseeker gseekerj gseekeru gteikokub gteikokub2 gulfwar2 gulfwar2a gunlock gunmast hangonjr hangzo hedpanica hishouza horshoes hpolym84 hthero93 hthero93u hthero94 hthero95 hthero95u hyperspt hypersptb hypreac2 hypreact insectxj intcup94 itaten jackalbl janjans1 janjans2 junofrst junofrstg kaiserkn kaiserknj karatedo karatevs karatour karatourj kchamp kchampvs kchampvs2 keithlcy kickboy kirameki kof95sp kof99ka koikois2 kotm2a kov111 kov114 krzybowl ksayakyu ktiger ktiger2 kurikint kurikinta kurikintj kurikintu kyukaidk kyukaidko ladybugb2 ladykill lagirl landmakr landmakrp lastbladsp lastbld2eh lastfort lastforte lastfortea lastfortg lastfortk liblrabl lightbr lightbrj lockonph luckywld luckywldj mach9 macross2k macrossp magix magixb mainevt mainevt2p mainevto mappy mappyj martmastc103 marvland marvlandj meosism metlhawk metlhawkj mirninja missw02 mltiwars mmaze mmaze2 mnightj moegonta momokob momokoe motorace motos mototour msgogo mslider mustachei mwalkd mwalkj mwalkjd mwalku mwalkud nebulbee ninjaw1 offensiv omegab opwolfjsc ordyne ordynej othunderjsc pacmania pacmaniaj pacmaniao pacnchmp pacnpal pacnpal2 paddlema palamed palamedj pangpoms pangpomsm pbancho pbobble2 pbobble2j pbobble2o pbobble2u pbobble2x pbobble3 pbobble3j pbobble3u pbobble4 pbobble4j pbobble4u pengo5 phelios pheliosj phoenixi phozon phozons pistoldm plgirls plgirls2 plgirls2b plotting plottinga plottingb plottingu poitto popnpop popnpopj popnpopu prehisleb prmtmfgt prmtmfgto puchicar puchicarj pururun puzlclub puzzli puzznic puzznicb puzznicba puzznici puzznicj puzznicu pwrgoal pyros qtheater quester questers quizhuhu radradj raiden2eg raidenkb raimais raimaisj raimaisjo rastanb rastsagab rayforce rayforcej rbff1k recalh redhawkg revenger revngr84 ridingf ridingfj ridingfu ringohja ringrage ringragej ringrageu roadf roadf2 roadf3 rocktris rolcrush rolcrusha rompers romperso rthun2 rthun2j rugrats ryorioh samesamenh samsho2ka samsho2sp samsho4sp sauro saurob saurop saurorr sbasebal sbasebalj sbmj scfinals scfinalso sdibl2 sdibl3 sdibl4 sdibl5 sdibl6 sf2ceupl sf2em sf2j17 sf2jla sgunner sgunner2 sgunner2j sgunnerj shadowld shootout shootoutb shootoutj shtrider shtridera shtriderb silkwormp skyadvnt skyadvntj skyadvntu skyalert skyrobo skyshark skysharka skysoldr skysoldrbl soldividk soukobdx spcinv95 spcinv95u spcinvdj splatter splatter2 splatterj srmp4 srmp4o srmp7 ssf2tba stmblade stmbladej sub superpac superpacm superten survarts survartsj survartsu sws sws92 sws92g sws93 sxyreac2 sxyreact tankfrce tankfrce4 tankfrcej tcobra2 tcobra2u tetrisse timesold timesold1 tndrcade tndrcadej tnextspc tnextspc2 tnextspcj tnzsoa todruaga todruagao todruagas toride2g toride2gg toride2gk toride2j toypop tr606drumkit transfrm travrusa travrusab trckydoc trckydoca trstar trstarj trstaro trstaroj tubeit turbofrcu twinbrat twinbrata twincobr twincobru twineag2 twinqix ultrax ultraxg uniwarsa usclssic usg182 usg185 usg187c usg32 usg82 usg83x usgames valkyrie vasara vasara2 vasara2a vblokbrka vendetta2pun wardner wardnerj wheelrun wiping wldcourt wofsjc wrally wrallya wrallyat wrallyb ws ws89 ws90 wwfwfestu youkaidk1 youkaidk2 zaviga zavigaj
the only missing
missing rom: 465 Rampage WT.u64 [CRC32: 5c14d850]