Cannot connect via Ethernet
Hi all. Using a raspberry pi 3 with recalbox 4.0.
Got wifi working just fine. Plugged in Ethernet and no dice. Same Ethernet cord and input in my router work fine for Xbox 360. Would really like to watch some stuff on Kodi, but it's virtually impossible to watch anything HD without being connected through Ethernet. Thanks for the help!
On 4.0, you have to olug your cable before the pi boots. Have you tried this setup ?
Yes. I turned off wifi, turned off box. Then plugged in. Turned back on. Nothing. There's no setting to look for wired connection?
@Tone_Loce if that can help I noticed on my bartop that the pi and/or recalbox seems to work only with either straight or crossover (twisted pair ? don't 'ow the translation) ethernet cable, not both of them
dunno about straight/crossover cables, but it does require DHCP