Welcome to the new recalbox forum !
This post is deleted! - 23 days later
When navegation through the forum on a mobile device and zooming into a post, the right menu pops up.
- 9 months later
We just b*mped the forum to nodebb 1.5.1.
Just for you to know... (And i test if messages still work
- 3 months later
I have a question about bbcodes. Are there some implanted and where to find a description ? I see always this black boxes for code and quotes, no idea how to use in editor. -
It s not bbcode as phpbb forum.
It s markdown syntax.
https://guides.github.com/features/mastering-markdown/ -
Thanks. - 18 days later
lol @dragu is gonna ket a fresh keylogger on his computer
I am already happy with a Flux Compensator upgrade kit for my car. - about a month later
Hi, that is the nice new forum you got there, still the recalbox project looks pretty cool, i am kinda bit new to this place, but hey i can enjoyed recalbox as always.
- about a month later
Would it possible to delete user "cybermat" in awaiting confirmation, due to wrong mail ?