Playing DOS Games in original 320x200 VGA Resolution (square pixels)
Hi everyone, new here
Been using Recalbox on a Pi4 with a Pi2SCART for a while and also just got a RGB Dual.
I'm in love with old school games since 1990 and so I have to play them on old school monitors and television sets obviously
Most things work great. But I' struggling with setting up SCUMMVM or for example DOOM to run in the original resolution of 320x200 pixels. They seem to always run in 320x240 resolution resulting in black bars on top or bottom, even on my CRT VGA connected monitors.
Is there a way to change this? I have tried to add custom resolutions and applying that (as explained in the manual) to ScummVM but could not get it to work. I wonder if it even works for ScummVM?
Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks and greets
I don't know for DOS, maybe you have to do it manually with the core (Hotkey + A) or use an other emulator/core (in the basic menu of emu station)
For ScummVM it's definitely possible, I did it, and did a video but I don't know why the capture didn't work for SCUMMVM ??
Anyway I try to reproduce what I saw on screen (you have to access the options menu basically, then "Return to launcher"). I don't remember witch key it is... (ESC ? F2 ? F12 ?)