Hello overlock settings for rpi3 will be add in recalbox 4.1 https://github.com/recalbox/recalbox-os/issues/896
News on pi3 overclock in recalbox ?
@digitalLumberjack , there is this post in french section. Author saids overclock is really a plus for Reicast (Dreamcast) at 1450mhz with a dissipator and he also put his configuration. I personally think a 1350mhz OC could be perfect for PSX with enhanced resolution mode enabled, without, it's a bit laggy with some games when there is too many animations (crash team racing, crash bandicoot 3, for example).
Nice to know, maybe we can create an issue and set inside the different configurations for people to test and report stability. Then we can add them to recalboxOS. Can i let you manage that @nosfay ?
I'll do it today
- 26 days later
<p style="text-align: left;">Any news on this? How can also you said about using old method. What doni need to do to the config file</p>
What do I need to do
Hello overlock settings for rpi3 will be add in recalbox 4.1 https://github.com/recalbox/recalbox-os/issues/896
When is 4.1 out if you don't mind me asking
an day, when 4.0.0 stable will be realease check milestones https://github.com/recalbox/recalbox-os/milestones
recalbox is a master team!!!4
- 9 months later
Recalbox 4.1 (build42)
N64 with F-Zero X
2nd Demotrack1200 MHz vs 1350 MHz