How to get the Old Select Button functions from 6.X?
I didn't notice when it changed, but the select button used to have a different function (when in gamelists) before being a "Show Favorites Only" button. It used to be kinda like the Start button currently is.
My point is - I used to delete roms from that menu, among other small functions. This option seems to be missing from the "new Start button menu".
Is there a way to delete roms while in gamelists? The only option I have currently is Hide.
The delete feature is being rework currently
@pitch64 Thank you for the super quick response! I'll wait for the new function.
It’s still mostly there: when you press Start, pick “Edit Game” (should be the first/top entry).
It might use the full game name and not “Game” actually…don’t have my Recalbox handy to check.
admin 22 Jun 2022, 00:00