I have similar problems:
sometimes, music in Emulation Station stops working. When this happens, the next game that I try to start freezes with a black screen showing only the navigation buttons from emulation station at the bottom.
Rebooting from recalbox manager usually fixes the problem.
Problems with recalbox 8.0.2 on Raspberry pi 3
I upgradw to recalbox 8.0.2 a ges days ago and I am having problems of black screen.
The first time was trying to lunch Kodi and the tijeras times were launching some n64 roms that besote upgrade work.
Other times black screen apeared trying to save the setup for hd textures on retroarch menú
Yup this release is messed up, I'm having all sorts of freezing issues. Is there a way to go back to 8.0? Tempted to just use RetroPie from now on. It's not as clean IMO but these issues with Recalbox aren't worth it.
Same here, mismo problema... After updating to 8.0.2 no music in menu and when you start any game it's freezes. Raspberry pi 3.
I have similar problems:
sometimes, music in Emulation Station stops working. When this happens, the next game that I try to start freezes with a black screen showing only the navigation buttons from emulation station at the bottom.
Rebooting from recalbox manager usually fixes the problem. -
Bonsoir j'ai exactement le même problème avec mon Pi3 j'espère qu'une MAJ sera bientôt disponible.
Je me tâte à m'acheter un PI 4 mais la plupart du temps je ne joue qu'aux jeux NES ça m'embête d'investir juste pour ca du coup.. -
Bonjour, pareil pour moi, l'écran se fige n'importe quand dans les menus.
Merci pour votre travail exceptionnel !
@thou Voyez si ces liens vous aident :